Is dbd running out of original thoughts and ideas ?

Lets see, a lot of the last killers from dlc have been a mix of previous ones.
Thematically the last 2 was generic samurai/weeb demon and now we get a cowboy.
Both last survivors seem written by a somewhat justice warrior attitude, yui falls victim to this particullary.
weeb demon oni is just a hillbilly with a longer cooldown.
cowboy a 1 shot reload huntress.
Are dbd just running out of ideas at this point ?
Yeah seems like it, but I can think of a bunch, they should open a contest where they take different idea a merge some to create a new killer
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I would say that the devs have unique ideas but they want to cover up the most commun game mechanics at first. A "grabbing" Killer like roadhog from overwatch is a fun mechanic and fits very well to the game. I agree that a cowboy is pretty lame as a Killer, but its just my own opinion.
They added really unique stuff already to the game just like Spirit, Nurse and Doctor. I never saw some characters like these in other games, they are pretty unique.
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Um uh a pirate killer who throws a pineapple grenade.
A straight jacket killer who's actually a shiba inu.
A Priest who throws acid holy water at you.
Licensed killer: nerd antagonist from Grandma's Boy.
There, I saved DBD for at least another year.
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Huntress was the last groundbreaking original Killer they made. A projectile user singing a lullaby was something different from everything else before, and to this she is still one of the most fun Killers to play as and against. Being paired with David, who had an innovative exaustion perk, a pro-grinding perk (which used to grant 200% bloodpoints, never forget) and the ridiculous but iconic No Mither, that chapter was peak BHVR creativity.
After that, every original Killer was unispired. Clown and Plague are basically different flavors of Huntress, Spirit was a mix between Nurse and Wraith while Legion was another dash flavor of Spirit, Demo being basically a worse New Freddy and Oni being a worse Billy. Currently on PTB we have Deathslinger, which goes full cicle, being a worse Huntress.
Post Huntress, BHVR's innovations has been mostly carried by licenses, like Pig's RBTs and Ghostface-style stealth, and even in those cases that didn't stop Pig's dash from being a different flavor of Wraith and GF's stalk being an individualized flavor of Myers.
Compare that to Identity V Hunters, which are oozing with innovation and creativity, and I can't help but remember Matthew's words back in the day when he said they couldn't just keep adding Killers forever (something like that). Now that they have the whole cosmetic store and battle passes giving them money, i wish their design/program teams concentrated on creating complementary powers to their weaker Killers (like they gave a lot of stuff to Freddy) instead or creating new Killers.
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Most likely yes
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Strictly speaking, there's not a lot you can do in games, or entertainment as a whole that hasn't already been done.
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Not really no
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The last chapter doesn't give me this feeling at all
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I actually love the new killer's power.
Then again, Roadhog is my favorite hero from Overwatch so me liking the new should be no surprise.
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Its really easy to see similarities if you get really vague, however personally...I think theyve done a pretty good job (no meme intended) at making a killer with a neat mechanic. We dont have to compare EVERY killer with a ranged ability with Huntress, especially considering the vast differences. The cowboy approach is completely new, as is this reel-in mechanic.
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Acid throwing priest as opposed to acid puking priestess? Thats pretty similar...
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Pretty true. Ghost Face is literally Myers, but has to actually make stealth plays to make the best use of his power. Oni's blood orbs feature is probably the most unique thing out of a killer in a while. Same with Deathslinger's harpoon gun and Demogorgon's Shred lunge.
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I agree. I don't think there needs to always be a new game mechanic introduced. Sure there is the similarity with range but it's still different with the reel in. Plus the design is pretty slick.
I feel like new dlc doesn't have to bring in an entirely new idea every time. There can be spins like Oni having to get blood for his power or ghostface being able to be broken out of his instadown ability. As long as it's not a carbon copy exactly, that's what is is important
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Seems like it, they just keep adding killers who are "Just a guy". This one is just flat out roadhog/pudge/thresh/every other generic grapple character in every game.
HOWEVER that being said, the QUALITY of their work has gone up. The new map and killer look amazing and are a ton of fun to play as, regardless of cliche or not.
The thing is I think we need more monster killers or something, they have to get away from this human's only streak they have going. The only monster we have is Demogorgon.
A werewolf beast, the pale man from Pan's Labyrinth, a xenomorph or even better a predator but BHVR is kinda like "Wahhh sci fi horror isn't horror" despite adding Demogorgon for that $$$, etc...
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Exactly what @LordGlint said. People are constantly comparing killers like this, because if you get really vague about it it's easy to say that something is basically the same as something else even when they're really not.
Hillbilly and Cannibal are basically the same because they both have instadown chainsaws. Clown and Freddy are basically the same because they both slow survivors. Oni and Hillbilly are basically the same because they both go fast and have an instadown. Huntress and Plague are basically the same because they're both ranged. Hag is basically the same as Trapper because they both place traps. Deathslinger is basically the same as Huntress because he can hit survivors with his power from a distance. Except none of those killers are actually anywhere near being the same thing.
I don't think they're running out of ideas, I'm sure they have lots, but I consider it a good thing from a game design perspective to have multiple killers that can make use of the same mechanic in very different ways (like Myers and Ghostface with the Exposed status effect, for example). I think constraining themselves to having to introduce a brand new mechanic with each killer would be a missed opportunity, creatively.
That's not to say that I don't look forward to seeing more new mechanics introduced to spice things up. My point is just that the fact that they're reusing some very vague concepts like "ranged weaponry" isn't in itself an indicator that they're running out of creative ideas, nor does it make every new killer essentially the same as another that came before it.
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I'm just saying, the next licensed killer should be The Snuggle (fabric softener) Bear... Think about.
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I think it's about time Billy gets a cooldown or make his chainsaw work like Oni where he has to collect blood to run it, lol. Just kidding about the blood but it definitely needs a cooldown or at least a longer delay than the missed swing itself. Even when you run into an object it's just a slight hesitation and he's back in action. Yet Cannibal hits something and has to swing his chainsaw 37 times like an idiot before you can do anything, lol.
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Killers definitely not. Survivors and perks I would say that yeah they are starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
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Oni isn't Human. The oni is an oni.
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Also gotta love how they keep looking at underused perks and paying attention to them. This is the 2nd Pig perk thats gotten a nice change, and hangman's trick is lookin pretty sexy now, lol.
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but yeah I want a werewolf Killer.
I also want to see a 120% MS Killer for once.
Plz do both at once BHVR. Killer who's power isn't good for the chase (like a tracking ability or something) but moves at 4.8 M/S
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i agree
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They will do it, if they run out of the ideas.
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Yeah, I like that as well. I'm a fan of creative builds, so the fact that they're trying to make the meta less prominent by boosting underused perks to viable levels can only be a good thing in my view.
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Chains of Hate doesnt show that at all. A Killer that pulls Survivor towards them has been something the community has been requesting and suggesting themselves for a while. How interesting that now that we are getting it people are saying "unoriginal Killer, hur hur, Huntress clone, dur dur".
Same deal with the cowboy theme. If you dont like it, whatever. You cant really say "They are running out of ideas" if they bring in a theme they havent used yet.
The only point I agree with is the Survivor's background. Not only SJWs arent appealing, but they are annoying, and having Jane is enough. She is literally just a Lebanese Jane. I didnt see her cosmetics, but Im betting they wont be ground shaking either. The perks are fine though.
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If you look through my killers, youll notice each of em has a different build. Wasnt too long ago...that wasnt the case for most ppl. Also, its kinda weird how after the ruin change...playing Legion is pretty fun to me. It use to just be a giant frustration with old ruin.
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I think they will need surv ideas because you can only make a certain amount of surv perks without being repetitive
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I don't think so. They probably have a hundred ideas for killer ability. We've seen crazy ideas floated about on here.
The problem comes with balancing. You can make a unique ability and have no idea how to balance them.
Or you can make slight alterations to abilities that some killers already sort of have.
Until the game's balance has improved I wouldn't expected any unique killers.
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I thought they want Scorpion from Mortal Kombat so they came up with the Deathslinger
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Disagree on the Survivor background. Jane is a talk show host. Jane is the Devs interpretation of Oprah Winfrey. The survivor is an Investigating Journalist.
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honestly kind of gross to label something japanese as weeby since ya know Japanese culture is more than anime but that's just my opinion.
also the trapper is literally just generic slasher, they haven't run out of ideas since most of them have been gradually getting more and more far from the typical slasher horror genre
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Oprah who was told not to be so sjw or the man will cancel her show. A biker chick who using her feminist powers to fight off rapists gained world famous notoriety. A famous journalist who got her story twisted by misogynists!
Not saying those aren't realistic scenarios but all the previous survivors were nobodies who wandered into the fog. Made them feel more relatable? I dunno. Just waiting for Dweet to turn out to be a small business owner who was run out of business by big pharma and his homosexual wedding was ruined by neo nazis. He used to just be the pizza guy and occasional hipster.
Oh, then there's the player tasked with killing these characters....
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So its like Nancy, but Jane is in the same ballpark too. Not much creativity i would say with these job descriptions.
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This is an example of a killer I would love to see in the future.A bat like killer with an ability to fly to catch survivors.
edit: I dont know if u can see the jpeg I'm on android right now but it s marcus from underworld I'm talking about.
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I find all the killers to be unique and new with new powers even though there are some that I personally don't like
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This killer kinda reminds me of Jeepers Creepers tho, what if this was that license?
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No but I want a survivor with no parent issues or struggles in life. I don't just want a survivor with simply parent issues or "Got lost in the woods and was never seen again". I want a killer that's similar to Clown's story. One that actually describes how he killed and why he turned into a killer. Clown really has the best story, you cannot change my mind.
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I personally like doc and hag storyline then clown. Clown should have some high school clothes considering he was a star athlete.
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There's no such thing as an "Original Idea" scientists proved in a study that new ideas are just your brain taking things it already knows and mashing them together.
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Doc also had an interesting backstory. An outfit that I really want for clown is a Pogo the clown outfit or an Easter bunny one.
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Jane is a host of a show and talk about the subject and get people help. Deals with Trends and pop culture
Nancy works for newspaper company. She is an apprentice to be a journalist. Deals with local stories
The survivor makes documentaries. She investigates scandals and crimes
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While normally I despise justice warrior characters in video games, in a game where I'm a killer I don't mind too much 😂
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probably, theres a whole lot of characters already in game, it was bound to happen that theyd run out of unique ideas.
that being said, i still think every chapter has something that’s extremely unique to it.
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Imagine thinking "justice warrior stuff" has no place in horror. Imagine it. Like, c'mon, the best horror movies have always been about that "justice warrior stuff."
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Seems like random generic female media person nr 1 2 3.
Where the women at that works in the coal mines, daycare, military, law enforcment etc. Those 3 are basicly the same.
Post edited by yikers on0 -
I agree with your point about the Oni being a rehash however not with the gunslinger. The only similar thing about the killers is that they both have range, adding a range killer does not mean they have ripped off the huntress, especially since he plays really uniquely
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I wish the DBD people would look into peoples suggestions for Killers and cosmetics more, i see so many people here with great talent and come up with so many ideas and for survs as well. The people here are screaming out what they want, and so if we can't get some obvious licensed killers too maybe we need to look at less licensed ones but i wish the Devs took note on peoples ideas here.
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Still have The Entity , Vigo , Benedict Baker , The Alchemist though LOL