Salty endgame chat "Fun for you"

Today's salty endgame chat comes after a...special Myers game. I have like 4 different builds for Myers depending on what addons Im running, with this build being pretty typical in leaving ppl feeling cheated. The guy in pink said that I made a build KNOWING it would be unfun to go against. What are your thoughts? On one end, I know this can feel like you got completely blindsided if your the first one grabbed... On the other end...its fun to use these things every now and then, lol.

Btw, the guy who DCed only did so mid-tomestone. This wasnt a 3v1 game or anything.


  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    So sick of snowflakes who cry about their experience. It is a game not even lasting 30minutes, ffs they should grow up.

    I am sure he had your fun in mind with his build.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    (I'm not name shaming and these are old so I don't feel like editing them to hide names they probably don't even use anymore)

    I still don't play a ton, but everyone always seems to love me. I hate seeing sad survivors ;-;

    Maybe yer just mean ;P

  • shadowman0105
    shadowman0105 Member Posts: 261

    ’you gave us a horrible experience’

    where does that say in the game the killer has to care about your experience smh.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    It can feel cheap getting killed without ever being hooked, but... With any normal build instead of just stalking about and sending him off injured so he can waste time healing (like I did with this game), I wouldve just T3ed several times to hook ppl instead. Playing this way wasnt neccisarily more practical than normal, just different. I gaveup alot of early game time to stalk instead of trying to down anyone (just injured abit). Ultimately, they got to about where they probably wouldve gotten if I had been running a normal build, being 4 gens done. This isnt like running an ebony where its JUST a shortcut with no downside.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    Im so use to getting hatemail for existing on the same map as survivors that Ive taken to saving the best ones in a folder so I can share em later.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    You and a lot of other people sadly from what I can tell.

    I'm a bit of a memelord most of the time so I really don't aim for efficiency. Sometimes when a survivor tries to loop I'll just stare him down until he walks to me and accepts his death etc.

    I stopped saving fun screenshots unfortunately but I hold on to some of those and more when I'm having a bad day as killer. It'll get better. Group hug.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Oh I found it. This one was really great.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831
    edited February 2020

    I've seen killers catch flack for ANYTHING, with ppls definition of camping and tunneling being nuts. I remember watching a streamer flipout over a killer "tunneling" because as soon as he got off the hook, he started breaking the killers totem and the killer managed to save it in time. I got booted off the chat for mentioning that thats hardly tunneling...

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Oh god. I swear the egos of high ranks. My secret is I'm a rank 1 survivor and a low rank killer. I'm always having fun. Every time I feel like playing hard killer side this song comes to mind.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831
    edited February 2020

    I try to play a wide variety of killers, and I'll pick and choose whatever addons I feel like. Sometimes like with Mikey, I'll swap between several loadouts on a killer depending on my mood. I tend to stay away from the stuff thats REALLY OP though, which is why I have an ever growing stock of moris and iri hatchets. The day that I decide to actually start using addons on Plague...

    I digress though, typically if I do well at keeping the pressure up... I seem to get people who felt like I tunneled in the entire the same time. Earlier I was accused of camping and tunneling as Legion because I dared to chase and down 2 teammates who were in the same general area of the hooked survivor. 4k with only 1 gen done that game.

    Heres an example of someone who didnt like my gen pressure on a pretty normal looking Myers build...

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Hmmmmm.... Doctor Heartbound shall try and diagnose this malady!

    Most of the time nowadays I use Discordance or Monitor and Abuse to find the first person and knock the socks off of them in the first forty seconds. (Your mileage may vary depending on the strength of the survivor, but I can make this strategy work up to low red/high purple.)

    When they're hooked I usually use a tracking perk like BBQ to find the next person. If they don't notice me I'll gen grab, if they do notice me I'll lock them against the side of the map and follow them from the middle without engaging loops (Unless they REALLY stick to a loop, which is rare. They'll panic) You may be able to bap someone else walking by doing this.

    If Discordance doesn't light up now you just have to deal with that corner loop they ran to instead of all the loops in the middle. First guy usually gets rescued. Tap W in quick succession so your movement is weird. Maybe peek from behind a rock. You should get some friendly teabags.

    Beat them senseless then hook. Also it might be beneficial to eliminate the 4 middle tiles on the edge to create guaranteed dead zones to cut chases down later in the map.

    If I'm trapper I'll place traps in the stronger areas still up so it's Deadzone trap deadzone trap etc.

    You should be down to about 2 gens now and all their defenses are gone. Just mop up and keep them off generators and I've rarely had a complaint. I like using things like cruel limits though. Nobody likes Trapper shoving them into a window they thought they were going to use and shoving his crotch into their face.

    Don't hit immediately. Let them absorb just how bad they failed. Same if they're in a trap. Stare and nod. Good boy/girl. You like to struggle don't you?

    Then just hang everyone up to dry. Depending on gen speed you may have less time for memes, but it's much easier to goof around after the first person bites it.

    Also I usually let the first person I catch live on purpose because if they play poorly I use them as bait to draw out the stronger survivors and kill them first. Doesn't matter how good they are if the pallets all got chewed up by my weak link buddy.

    I dunno. I play weird. I see people always going from loop to loop, from pallet to pallet.

    Trap up god loops, or use your power to benefit from them. Bring the chonky add ons if you're having a bad night.

    Maybe this helped? They don't complain much, and the ones that might probably left right after they got sacrificed.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    survivors are either sore winners or sore losers. They either gloat at end game or complain at end game. it doesn't matter.

    Also there is a issue with tombstone myers to begin with. If you stalk everyone then start killing them there really aren't any chase, unhooks, altruism etc. You literally are robbing the survivor team of 3/4 of their possible points. But hey, behaviour does make ######### decisions if you are describing something they are doing using the word decision.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Some people seem to think that killers are BHVR employees who get paid for making the gaming experience as pleasant as possible.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Survivors cry about unfair tactics, perks, and addons all the time. Usually they're running the meta perks and selecting maps like Ormond and Yamokas, but then have the nerve to cry about perceived tunneling and NOED.

  • ZackaryFreeman
    ZackaryFreeman Member Posts: 42

    Dude honestly if I was you I'd just permanently close the end game chat.

    You seem like a really nice chill casual guy, you always say "gg" but these miserable pathetic bums are just really salty because things didn't go their way.

    When things go bad for killers, sure some may go and rant on reddit and forums, but I've barely ever seen any killers be toxic and use severe slurs at end game chat, it's always the survivors. That guy is an example of a classic hypocritical survivor, he says you're sweaty as balls but the truth is that he's the sweaty tryhard since we can obviously see that he actually takes this game so seriously that losing makes him go batshit crazy and triggers him to that extent.

    Then there's the ignorant survivors who have never played 1 second of killer in high ranks and think that they are the gods of the game (referring to the "huntress is ez" guy). Sure camping, tunneling and moris are annoying, but what about flashlights? teabags? current toolboxes? Using their logic we might as well say that looping is toxic and all pallets should be banned and removed from the game. What about we make a killers handbook for survivors as well? Let's make it so that if survivors are EVEN JUST TOUCHING gens slightly, it's illegal just like how they pressure killers into feeling guilty about killing which is literally their goal.

    Freaking hell I am sick of these toxic awful people constantly being catered by the devs, and when they lose even though they have the advantage, they will have the audacity to treat the other side badly as if they weren't human beings also playing the game and trying to have fun. Classic entitled selfish survivors. Luckily not every survivor is like this but when you meet them, you honestly just wanna give up on this game or switch back to survivor.

  • kld3169
    kld3169 Member Posts: 101

    As a fairly-new player, when I get knocked down on one swing, or hooked 3 quick times in succession - I do not blame the killer. I TELL MYSELF I NEED TO GET BETTER! Nothing 'illegal' about when it happens. Hacking or teaming with a killer is another story.

    If it's in the game then use it.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    I have no problem winning games, I just dont typically meme around about it.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    Im pretty use to salty messages in endgame chat. They dont typically bother me anymore, I just like to share some of them to spark discussion.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    you guys really like to complain about survivors don’t you?

    doesnt matter if it is the ones that are better than you (those are OP! Plz nerf ALL survs!) or they are not so good (Potatoes! Git gud!)

    Do you ever realize that for the casual player it’s definitely not as easy to learn to loop well and it’s really not fun to get destroyed then, it is a worse experience than getting genrushed as Killer by a well coordinated 4SWF. I know this from both sides. And there are definitely killers out there that give worse end game chat than these examples.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    Never said theres not ######### ppl playing killer too. I once got facecamped by a Plague who spent 2 minutes puking on me on hook, then started REALLY phishing for a reaction in the endgame chat. I mostly just use these to spark a conversation (had one awhile back over "whens it appropriate to start slugging") although theres some that I share just so we all can get a quick laugh.I find it funny when someone gets salty because I didnt eat their DS or something.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    sadly those discussions typically end in crying about either OP-survivors or making fun about potato-survivors. Especially if the title seems to be one-sided. It just adds fuel to the fire..

  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33

    I feel like this isn't about whether survivors are good or bad. It's only about toxic endgame chat. There will always be games where you get totally destroyed and didn't have that much fun. That happens to survivors and killers, but there's just no reason to be toxic in endgame chat. I feel like the first example of chat messages was not that bad, but when someone starts out with insults that's just unnecessary (on either side). Overall, no one is obliged to give the other side a great time with lots of fun, but just keep it civil. And sure, if both sides have fun then that's great but it won't be the case in every game.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    Thats pretty much my stance on "Toxicity". I can shrug off getting teabagged at a pallet or something, but once the game is over... its time to say GG. I have much respect when people are able to do this instead of holding onto whatever happened midgame so they can spew insults after the match is over.

    Heres an example... I mightve had some "Toxic" games last month where I kept facecamping ppl with a revved chainsaw, just to see how many kills I could get like this as opposed to actually applying pressure. The person in this screenshot was the first person hooked and facecamped. They ended up being a really good sport about it.

    I gave em a thumbs up incase your wondering about the report icon

  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2020
  • Kiawi
    Kiawi Member Posts: 33

    Uh, my post just disappeared so I try to post again:

    Yeah, I mean I feel like discussions in endgame chat are sometimes ok. I also asked some killers that camped one person for the full game, why they have barbecue & chilli in their loadout (I mean not even the bloodpoint bonus really is that great when you just camp one survivor), just because I really wanted to know. Sometimes I talk with killers or survivors about the game afterwards. I even think it's fine to say: That game wasn't really fun or ask someone why they played a certain way. But there's a civil way to say it and there are people raging and insulting. I also often say "gg" except if I got killed really early and don't wait around or if I immediately get insulted. And when I'm playing survivor and someone goes off I try to tell them to stop it, which often leads to being insulted myself. Still, I think we should just try to be a bit nicer at the end of the game.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    Meh, I couldve done fine with a "normal" build, I just like to mix it up and play the different playstyles Myer's addons offer.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    ive got a fun one myself ^^

    also from not too long ago, just a week or two.

    to quickly sum up the game:

    whenever i hooked someone, everyone immediately ran to their rescue, so i basically turned around and had my next chase (=> "camper"). then one would farm the hooked one off with BT and then the hooked guy would bodyblock for his mate. you get it, the typical way way too overaltruistic survivors. in the end one DCed after getting downed and another one killed himself on hook to give the last guy hatch, so a 3k. oh, we were also on the Disturbed Ward, so they had an amazing map to play with.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I'm a survivor main on console, and I was playing (rank 17) killer just to do challenges. The challenge was just kick four gens in a game, so I was just going to see if I could get the survivors to meme around with me and have fun. Welp, it was a four man SWF with flashlights in my face constantly, which was a bit annoying. So okay, I decided to stop only kicking gens and actually play.

    Oh man, they did not like that. I got sent a message (during the game) from one of them after they died saying, "Delete the game because you tunnel people you noob and camp people" Which, okay. I didn't tunnel because they were a SWF unhooking so quickly I knew they had Borrowed. I was also playing Trapper, so I did take some time to set some traps around the hook. They had been telling each other where the traps were the whole game so I had stopped setting them, but I could at least slow things down for them and close routes and therefore know where they saves would be coming from and where they would go after. I wasn't going to give them the time to do the gens by facecamping. I did take some time to stare at one of them on the hook though, I admit that, and feel no guilt about it whatsoever. A four man SWF with flashlights and Borrowed Time against a Trapper? Make the save then! It's not like I was a face camping Bubba who could mow down the entire team in one go.

    The guy continued to send me messages while I was still playing his friends, telling me to delete a second time and just sending me "noob" over and over and over again until I finally stopped mid game to block the guy, which helped his teammates. And when the game was all over and I could see their ranks, it was a 9, 10, 10, and 15 versus my level 17.

    So imagine the salt and pettiness of this guy on console spamming me messages during the game. Not only was it toxic and pathetic (and borderline harassment), but it helped his teammates, which was probably part of why he did it. Oh and I got a 3k. I could have had all four, but I just wanted the freaking game to be over. I had Whispers, closed the hatch, and had one gate trapped. I let her go. I don't know what it is about this game, but I've never seen such an angry and nasty player base in any game I have ever played in my entire life.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    So what I'm getting out of this is... you paid off the entity to not take away your chaser emblem points after camping a hook WHILE tunneling the other 3 from said hook. I hope you feel proud of yourself you MONSTER.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah you figured it out!

    the entity and i are buddies so it does that for me from time to time ^^

    and honestly, i'd be proud af if i was able to camp a hook and simultaneously tunnel the remaining 3 survivors... now THATS map pressure! xD

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    That sounds horrible. I play on pc and my endgame is usually nice, however, on pc the people have no chance to write you midgame, if they are not in a friendlist with you, like the steam messanger.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,831

    That right there is one plus side... I also always find it funny when someone dies first, but still waits around for 5 minutes or whatever to let you know how much you suck, lol.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    Its your job to win, not to make sure they have fun.

    If you had fun and won, whats the problem.

    they are just salty