Meanwhile, those of us on console.....

yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

“Awesome killer, so fun!”

”He’s too strong, nerf him!”

“His ranged hit boxes are so unforgiving! Buff him!”

“These perks are fun, but I love the new hangman’s trick!”

”Breakable walls in shack?! I quit!”

”Bodyblocking sabo squads! Ahhhh!

“I don’t want to keep the toolbox, I want to keep the stuff in it!”

On and on. Everyone has an opinion 2 days into the ptb, but there are a lot of us console players who can only sit on our hands and wait. Maybe it’s better to see how things change after the PTB and how things perform in the full community before demanding changes, eh?

Upon a bit of self-reflection, I don’t actually mind the opinions. I also understand PC is easier to test on. Really I’m just griping because I feel a bit salty about being left out and unable to join the test! 😅


  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    I wish they can do a PTB as a separate DbD release for consoles like how PUBG did with the PTS application.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    New killer is trash.

    0 fear. Zombie cowboi doesnt scare anyone ADS kills the atmosphere like CoD

    Way too punishing. No map pressure. Perks dont synergize well.

    Literally no survivor feel ranged killers are fair. Not a single survivor wants to be shot or admit they got shot they always feel like they are hit though walls.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Would be nice if kb/m support would hit console. Feel like that would really do wonders for killer players there. I tried playing DBD on xbox last week and my god...I couldnt stand playing killer on a controller, lol. Im use to playing red ranks on PC, but playing as a fresh rank 20 Billy on console...-chills-

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Every time that's been suggested, people started rioting that it would give people an "unfair advantage" which I don't really understand how, but whatever. People find anything to complain about

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Can they make the game playable before we start complaining about console PTB's or m&kb support? Just got the new Dedicated Servers on Xbox and I literally cannot play at all due to the jumps in location, extremely questionable hitboxes and delayed vaults.

    You also now understand why I say what I do about Hillbilly and his saw, huh? I use his hammer more for several reasons. This is one of them.

    Also a lot of people say that a controller is way better for survivor. I believe them.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    I'm just slightly worried about Deathslinger on console. He's going to be one of the killers who require precision with aiming like Demo, Oni, and Huntress. Guess which killers perform worse on console compared to PC due to lack of precision or ability to change sensitivity?

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    I really hope they don't lol. I like everyone being on more even footing on console. Keyboard and mouse means tryhards will be able to try much harder.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I cant wait for him to be unplayable with a joystick because of the whole "parity" thing

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Would just mean more options for your input of choice. Its no different than when people buy fancy controllers 3rd party controllers, only this could simply go to a thrift shop and buy a cheap kb/m if you want just like PC players have the choice of using either.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    If you can hit the saw reliably... Im gonna prefer a saw hit over a hammer hit. But yeah, trying to control the saw using a controller was tricky. Also seemed like the map I was playing on (Oni's map) was way darker than what Im use to on PC, so I kept having a hard time keeping survivors in my sight. Still got the 4k, cuz...was on a rank 20 account but it was just a miserable experience. Im sure if I played more Id adapt to the controller in much the same way I did with other games (Originally played Overwatch on Xbox before swapping to PC), but I dont really have the motivation to screw around on xbox anymore.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    I dont see how its really any different than stuff like this...

    Sure it might not come in the box your console came in, but you still have people who flock to whatever they think might give them an advantage. The difference here being its not hard to go to Goodwill or another thrift store and find a kb/m for cheap. You COULD go for expensive ones, but you dont really need to. This isnt something thats gonna be limited to rich folks.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Don't with Dedicated Servers at the moment. They have destroyed the game for me.

    That being said, though, if you want to catch up on Xbox, my names are Reaper Andross, Silent Sausag (it's a Siege joke) and MidKnight. Just find one of them

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Mostly just hop on Xbox for when I feel like playing Warframe. Thats one game I always prefered a controller for, and although I downloaded it on my PC and tried that out...all my stuff is on Xbox, so I just stick to that. Also bought gamepass last week, so new stuff to try on that, lol.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I haven't played much of it. Still only have Excalibur. Don't have Gamepass as my Warhammer 40k addiction and paying more than the majority for 3 people using two Xbox's kinda doesn't make me want to pay for another subscription.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    i wish they’d just enable keyboard on console it would make playing killers like huntress,nurse,oni and the new killer way better even plague and killers in general

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    My Xbox gold had run out, and with Gamepass your first month includes gold and is a dollar so... Figured might aswell. I use to play Warframe on xbox ALOT. My actual ingame playtime and not being afk on warframe is over 3000 hours. Im kinda really behind on collecting everything because DBD entered my life, but... I still like to hop on every now and then to screw around.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm off DbD until Dedicated Servers are fixed, but if you've got a low-ranked on Xbox, MidKnight and Sausag are good ones to add. They're my low ranked ones.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Thats why I just kinda chuckled when in the same thread PC players were begging they reverted the dedicated servers, console players were like "I sure cant wait til WE get them too". Now say that line again, but as Ned Flanders... No real reason, just the way it came across to me.

  • Madd_Brando
    Madd_Brando Member Posts: 5

    I've tried the new killer on PC. I'm one of those weirdos that play with controller on PC. The sensitivity and feel while shooting is awful. Missing the easiest of shots. If you face any decent survivor the killer is going to have a hard time connecting shots. Plus give survivors more time to learn his attack and you'll be hitting no one. I've been watching streamers using M/K and the accuracy in their shots make you think this killer is so OP, not the case when you bring controllers, its the exact opposite. With the past few killers I'm upset that its coming down to such precision to use their power. I wish they would consider controllers while building new characters. Just another killer to sit in my library and to never be used.

  • anothernursemain
    anothernursemain Member Posts: 16

    Well if it’s about console controls you could buy a cheaper alternative for ps4 with there two back button adapter I bought it and it’s pretty nice once you get used to it

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    I play on PS4 and wish they would add the Public Test Build to it.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
    edited February 2020

    Unlike some other ps4 players i have a pc but my problem is lack of cross progression i have so much on ps4 because of being on it for hours before i got my gaming pc now im slowly working my way back up again. Wish we could just make a dnd account with all our data and spread it out amongst steam consoles and definitely switch.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    I can understand that. Thats how it is with my Warframe stuff on xbox.

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Oh man, I hate that. My buddy got a mod kit for his controller, and I'm lucky I'm on his team because it is straight up cheating in FPS games. I tell him all the time he's cheating and he'd be pissed if someone else was doing it to him. It's got recoil adjustment and full auto for any weapon, as well as quickscoping bs. I hear people can get kits that let them use a kb and m on any console game, but some games like Apex ban folk for that. I came to console to get away from tryhards, but I guess if a tryhard tries hard enough, they can cheat the system to get those ub3r l33t pwns on console too.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Never had any problem playing Huntress on console. Shes my main. I'm not going to say it's not better on PC,but I wouldn't say it's unplayable or anything,like some make it out to be. I played on PC for like a year. Then on console for about a year,took a break and now back to console until I can get my PC back up. I kinda feel like Xbox might have more issues though,by reading some posts. I don't really get a lot of the issues people complain about. If you can aim,you can aim. I mean,that doesn't account for lag or other issues,but sometimes lag and hitboxes can work in your favor lol. I always give the devs some leeway. At least the game isn't dead,on any platform,which is a lot more than you can say for many online games of that age, especially asymmetrical ones.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Awesome post! People on these forums need to take a page from your book here. In particular, the lesson of the day is to give credit where credit is due!

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Controller would be fine if sensitivity of joysticks was increased. I can't stand playing on console because I can tell that survivors are able to spin around faster than killer can.

    The times I tried, I hesitated to make sure I swung after the survivor 360s. But that backfires, because killers are so blind. Survivors know that they can confuse the killer by running up close where the camera cant see them after they 360. The killer loses sight, and tries looking for them, but by the time they spot the survivor they've usually ran 5-10 meters away.

    You might say, well, it's not worth it to stagger your swings for 360s. But... if you don't they can usually just 360 you, making you miss, mainly because they turn faster. It's an endless cycle I tell you!