The shape's scratched mirror add on is ridiculously unfair.

I mean seriously? No terror radius and impossible to hide from. And a ridiculous distance of 32 meters.
Might as well just let him kill everyone on first hook as well, match is over before it started.
yeah, thats why its a rare one....
19 -
Well, should be ultra rare, is way too OP
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It sure is fun af to play against and play with!
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Spine Chill and loop. He is 105% movement speed and can't get bloodlust. You can run from him forever.
SM Myers is easy to beat.
29 -
Ever heard of looping, Spine chill, general awerness, listening to loud breathing, healing yourself so you don't go down in 1 hit or the most important the outdoor maps ? Probably not if you think that SM is OP.
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He is 105% movement speed. That means he is incredibly easy to run from.
Try running Spine Chill.
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Get good at this game and believe me, you will have no problems against him.
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What lol? It's a meme add-on and not strong at all if people know what they're doing. His movement speed is absolutely trash at 105% making him able to be looped forever and his lunge is so bad he has to be on top of you for the hit. It also requires and indoor map to be effective as any other map in the game makes it worthless.
You only ever see it in lower ranks, it's a miracle if a red rank players uses it.
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I would say most of your complaints also apply to a Ghostface with Whispers, except he's 115% instead of 105% and has 1-shot potential. Scratched Mirror Meyers is a pretty underpowered gimmick build.
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Scratched mirror Myers is not op because you basically look like a t-Rex and itโs tiny arms when you lunge and you move 105%, if someone had hope you could not catch them after gens are done
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Run Spine Chill. Even without Scratched Mirror that one Perk turns every Myers match into one uninterrupted KEKW.
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In my early days of DbD I was playing more on Survivor and was completely smashed when first encountered the Scratch Mirror on Lery's and jump into the conclusion that it was the most broken thing a Killer could do.
Nowadays I don't even care it's a SM and just loop him as always, his mov speed being so low and basically not having a lunge makes him so weak on a loop that the only hits he can get are from jumpscares that are avoidable with more awareness.
I can only assume you're new to the game and advise you to work on general awareness, it really helps against any Killer.
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Spooky Michael is one of the most fun killers to face. The jump scares are the best.
He moves slower, he can be looped, and there are perks that can detect him like spine chill.
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You don't hide from him. You rush gens and when you spot him hold W until you get to a loop. When he gives up heal up and go back on a gen
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Spine Chill, Sole Survivor if it wasn't broken right now, loops, great map awareness, and exhaustion perks counter him very easily. Saying he's too op is only you not knowing what to do against this add-on. Take these suggestions, and I know you'll improve! ๐
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You should be complaining about tombstone myers considering he can kill you without hooking.
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Scratched Mirror is a gimmick, if people have spine chill then itโs useless, if survivors are paying attention then it is semi-useless. Just pay attention to your surroundings and run to the nearest loop when he is approaching.
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Others have pretty much explained my sentiments, but I completely disagree that this add on is OP.
All you have to do is keep running if you're that concerned he is near you.
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So a killer who can nearly be outplayed by running in a straight line and throwing a pallet every few minutes is "unfair"?
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You can also hear his breathing and footsteps upon his approach. Just gotta pay attention.
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For some reason the background music for being injured overpowers that for me
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That's all I can say.
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Laughs in red rank Myers main
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He basically becomes a really terrible version of ghostface who is easy to outrun, so I think it's fair.
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Whats up with all the bait lately lol?
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You can infinitely loop a scratch mirror Myers because he doesn't get bloodlust and has a much slower movement speed. So on any map other than an in-door one, he's useless. Although the addon is generally amazing on in-door maps.
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Survivors don't want to run perks to counter killer add ons. Just call for a hard nerf to those add ons.
Unrelated matter: why are my survivor que times so ridiculously long?
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Tombstone piece is definitely stronger I mean hi myers, hello lobby.
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Ahhhh, i see you.
Wonder why my Killer Queue times are instant hmmm
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This is a joke right?
I hope it's a joke.
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If you unironically think this addon is OP, you're bad at the game. Full stop.
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Try playing a few games using the add on before deciding that it is unfair. Wall hacks are pointless if you can't run worth a damn in a chase in a map with few walls. Try that add on at a map with corn for instance and tell me how strong it is. It's only really good on maps with lots of line of sight blockers like indoor maps such as Lerys or Game. Anywhere else, if the survivors have half a brain they can figure out what is going on and easily play around it. If you are a survivor going against Shape with scratched mirror just don't bother hiding. Run around or heal in the most open areas.
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you're complaining about a m1 killer that purposely has to let you escape in order to be deadly...i...what?
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Scratched Mirror? Anxiety! Fear! Panic! Tension! I love it!
Aside this, it's a good add-on only in a few, specific, closed maps.
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It's only even REMOTELY strong on indoor maps, which amounts to a whopping three out of what, twenty-something maps? All other maps have more than enough open space to see Myers coming from a mile away. With how many stealth killers are being released, it's really in your best interest to use your eyes as much as your ears, if not more. Spine Chill is very helpful for this, along with giving a 6% action bonus while the Killer is looking at you
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Literally the only way you canโt loop him is if he has multiple PWYF stacks
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UNFAIRFUN. ftfy1 -
Scratched mirror is often considered a meme build due to how pathetic his movement speed and lunge speed is. Just hold W and expect results.
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The poster should have created a thread titled "T1 Myers is Unfair if you don't know how to loop a killer, even on the most basic of levels"
Seriously, T1 myers is a joke. There are 2 maps he has a slight chance on. Any other map and you will get ran for 5 gens by even a novice / new survivor.
PWYF is a must but even that in most cases by the time you get your 3 stacks and are at 120 speed, 3 or more gens are done and you'll waste the other 2 gens getting your first down.
#HeHasNoBloodlust for pete's sake.
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What? You're kidding right? He needs so many things in order to work:
- Indoor map
- No Spine Chill
- Survivors that can't loop
- Extended Tier 1 range add-on, or he'll have T-Rex arms for the entire match
- Survivors that aren't aware of their surroundings
Scratched Mirror Myers is definitely not OP.
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Just loop him, he's slow af with that addon
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1) It's an ultra rare.
2) it only works in indoor maps, like Lery's, The Game or Hawkins.
3) It's not that OP, I've escaped Lery's scratched mirror many times, and people have escaped my scratched mirror many times. Just gen rush and leave.
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"just run this one perk forever even if it's not against SM Myers" is lol advice
SM Myers is a meme build, it's fun to play against because it's so different. he can come up at you out of nowhere but has no chase which is the tradeoff for his jumpscare ability. "just run this perk bro" is stupid advice because you don't know what killer you're playing against so it more comes down to how you play. you just need to be super aware at all times, have 2 escape routes in mind because you never know where he's coming from.
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I mean, Spine Chill is really good no matter what Killer you're going against. Combine it with Resilience and people who are good at chases can give it borderline OP status. It just so happens that Spine Chill also has the benefit of cucking Myers.
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Spine Chill is S tier fight me
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He has 103% ms... and it's a rare addon that doesn't appear often. Plus the build only works on 3 maps, so if you go down too jumpscare myers on a map like haddonfield or farm you are the one at fault. Can you stop trying too nerf everything a killer has please? thank you.
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i don't disagree about Spine Chill being good but telling someone to run a perk to counter a killer using a specific item when you have no knowledge of what killer you're facing is lol
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he legit only has 2 good maps for that build, if he gets legit any other map thats not Lerys or Hawkins he cannot sneak up on you
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Sole Survivor is a good counter
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