Do you agree with the descision to re-enable DC penalties?

Seeing quite a few threads about this.
Do you agree with the descision to re-enable DC penalties? 131 votes
whatever you picked, it'd be helpful if you included your reasons.
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Absolutely. Way too many people DCing for dumb reasons. It's even to the point people have (whatever they don't like)=DC for names these days. Wish the crashes weren't still around though but it takes a couple minutes to reload the game anyway so not a huge issue there.
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Because there’s bugs and sometimes internet issues u have no control over
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Yeah. And I honestly didn't know when it was disabled, I thought it was on all this time.
But yes, people who ragequit should be punished for it. No "buts".
If you have internet problems, then... it's not really the game's fault, so if a player's connection is really THAT bad, they shouldn't be playing in the first place, because it's a game where you cannot return once you're out, and you're ruining the experience for the rest by deciding to play anyway, even though you know your connection sucks and you could get disconnected at any moment.
And I've yet to encounter a "bug" that kicks me from a game. 600 hours and I've never seen that happen, yet people mention it all the time. The closest thing I can think of is when people get stuck in the loading screen... but even then, if that happens, then the game gets cancelled anyway as soon as it starts. Also there's no official confirmation that the infinite loading screen is a bug, it could be the result of a crappy internet connection, since it usually only happens to 1 of the 5 players, and it's still a rare sight. At least on my experience.
TL;DR: Good punishment for ragequitters / If your internet sucks, abstain from playing or fix it somehow before going into a game / I've never seen a bug that forces you out of the game.
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Yes, because I actually made a forum post like two days ago complaining about there not being a DC penalty system not being in place. I am tired of survivors quitting and screwing over the other teammates. Also in the middle of killer matches, I hate seeing people DC because I downed them. People need to suck it up or get penalized for being salty.
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I will say that, when I started playing today I randomly got "kicked" (I guess I will call it) and at that point I was thinking the ole "pretty good job so far" but -----> I played for close to 4 hours and that was the only time it happened.
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I think because their is still some bullcrap on both sides it was a bad time. But I do agree with the idea.
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Cutting down dcs is a good thing imo.
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Survivors have no reason to dc with how easy it is right now so I'm happy they re-enabled it. As survivor when a killer DC's it's a waste of a bloodpoint offering so once again I'm happy.
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But only because of all the bugs, balance issues and with too many ways to grief in this game.
Other than that games have been better as Killer with people not dc'ing on first down. I only played one survivor game after what my friends told me about the increased toxicity from Killers just because survivors can't DC.
Just fix the crashes/bugs and look into why people DC in the first place, then focus on penalizing them.
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No, if camping is allowed. If the disconnect is bannable, the camping must be too. It's very frustrating and ruin the game itself.
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There should be penalties for leaving a match. I get that there are internet issues, but seriously, if you're having major issues, then you shouldn't be playing online multiplayer games in general.
While I do see it as more of a it should be limited to [LEAVE MATCH] option, I get that there is also the issue of yanking out internet cords.
If it was a case of [LEAVE MATCH] is always a penalty, but so many network issues should start hitting you with penalties, then it'd be perfect.
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I think it's 100% positive they re-enabled it. However, like many have stated before, the penalty time should be heavily increased. I realize the idea is to "cool off" before you jump into your next game, but somehow I doubt that's what most of us want from it.
Personally, I want the whole thing to PREVENT people from disconnecting in the first place (and five minutes isn't going to cut it here; even with the exponential increase, it's not enough.). Isn't that the whole point of this concept, as a disconnect pretty much ruins the game for everyone else?
On another note, how does the implementation of this system affect the fact that disconnecting from a game is a bannable offense? Looking at the motivation for the re-implementation from the developers, it sort of seems like disconnecting (for any reason) is okay, as long as you don't do it too much.
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Yeah, I had at least 3 DCs from Killers each evening, because something did not went as they expect. Its nice to actually play a game without the Killer DCing for whatever reason, when I have to wait for games to begin with.
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yes and no there are lots of pros and cons to it 🤔
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Firstly i like never DC but i don't like the penalty system as of this moment as the meta is very stale so i understand why you would DC
and of course the bugs...
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Can't believe they waited so long to add it
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Finally i can play a game without being punished because some self entitled git decided he wanted to DC on the death hook instead of just take it.
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I'm on the fence on this one. I can understand some people's feelings how they get upset when a survivor dcs.
Personally, I couldn't really care if someone dced, I can play a new match and it's just a game, this doesn't effect my real life in any way, shape or form. Not to mention, the game breaking glitches in game, crashes, if the person isn't having fun or they have to leave for personal reasons. I don't dc, but I understood and wasn't butthurt when others would.
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No. I have a spotty internet connection, ping can be fine but at times i can get spikes i only notice in game but not in lobby. I main killer and usually DC when i rubber band too much, its frustrating for me and at times for the survivors who get hit when I'm miles away on their screen. Now I have to play through it instead, frustrating me and survivors both
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If camping must be bannable then gen rushing (finishing gens before 15 min) also must be bannable. Hiding from killer too, its no fun when you as killer cant even find anyone else. Also if you dont wait for killer to hook you 2 times before death/escape it should be bannable. Infinite loops? Bannable. Tea-bagging? Bannable.
After this and many, many more we can finally play the game. Someone get hooked, killer pick up him, go toward hook, hook him... and you go behind killer back and rescue right near killer. Guess what - ban. It would be so much fun game then xD
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Ok. You won't suffer, because it'll just be a minute until you play again.
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No, the game suffers for it. There are literally people who go into the game with the intention of making the experience miserable for other players simply because of this penalty. It needs to go for the health of the game.
As a survivor, I'd much rather get the points for another survivor DCing than have them kill themselves on hook right as I'm on them, and lose points/waste time for it. :)
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Every single competitive game has bans for 0eople who leave, and this one isn't too harsh. You might crash once every 12 hours, or sometimes longer.
People who disconnected before were considered as annoying and they should be banned. Why should peoples opinions change?
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Totally screws up a game if someone dc's right after being hooked. My only problem with it is that sometimes my computer crashes and there is no way to distinquish between intentional dc and a crash. So I have to wait to get back in.
I think that it should be a longer time penalty if they could figure out what is causing computer crashes and not penalize for that.
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I had experiences where it says disconnected from host and I had to get the penalty for something that it is not my fault.
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There should be no penalties until they solve the problems of the servers, because I have already been disconnected from matches for no reason, my internet was ok, the conversation on discord did not stop at any time. If I get disconnected I want at least the option to return to the game. Since the objective is to prevent them from disconnecting, remove the button to leave the game.
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yes with this live the numbers of dc i see and got was SO MUCH LOW, and people stopped dcing to give hatch for SWF.
while people can abuse they will abuse, and its a online game being laggy isnt fun for anyone playing with you so stop playing, when Dedicated didnt existed people got laggy killers that almost looked like lag switches and nobody liked that before, not playing the game is a favor people with low internet do cause they are sacrificing their fun for 4 more people enjoy their time and they will nod die for not playing dbd.
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Doesn't go far enough but at the moment it is fine.
DC affects killers and survivors its the tantrum of I'm taking my ball home and don't care if you all can't play without me.
DC should also be counted as DC on hook, three attempts then no tapping.
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I think the DC penalties are fine like they are at the moment.
You don't have to fear being banned too long for your game crashing once or any other technical difficulties, but are punished if you decide to DC multiple times in a row
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Obviously, a DC penalty is needed for this kind of game.
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No, it doesn't effect survivors in the slightest because i can still just suicide on my first hook in 10 seconds. Only thing it does is keep killers in games, which just makes killer even less fun because you are now stuck inside a super toxic game (potentially) and can't leave.
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Absolutely. Before they re-enabled it, I couldn't go one single match every day without at least one person DCing just because they got hit and hooked. That's how this game works. I also had a ton of matches where several people would disconnect for this reason. It's disrespectful to do to your teammates and just because you can't handle being caught and you're up against a decent killer (most of these matches the killer wasn't even camping or tunneling), that's how this game works. I understand if it was due to lag or network connection, but it happened as soon as they got downed. It's just getting old.
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The dc penalty has barely been ironed out and has punished people that just have bad connection. It's made all the more worse with dedicated servers.
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I agree, because too many people would DC. Now, maybe some of those won't and if they do, they get punished for a bit.
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I don’t like players who dc from the game for dumb reasons but at the same time I strongly disagree with dc penalty for the following reasons: 1.There have been occasions while I played the game where I got randomly kicked out during gameplay and some screen tells me that some error occurred or something went wrong with my internet connection and I still get a penalty for dc’ing even tho I didn’t even dc to begin with. 2. I have noticed more survivors suicide on hook so they can basically still leave the game without having to dc. 3.Lagging out during the game or having some bug that keeps you from progressing in the game or doesn’t let you move around so you have no other choice but to dc. With all that being said I would agree with dc penalty if they had some kind of system that could determine whether people actually dc or lost connection due to internet problems but for the reasons listed above I cannot say I agree.