

How much likely would you recommend to remove Mori/Keys

Member Posts: 4
edited February 2020 in Polls

Let's be realistic keys/mori doesn't make the game only unfun but not fair for both sides and makes the game go so fast as a survivor who wants to get killed after his first hook with mori, and as being killer it is stressful to see survivor with a key so as result of that the killer brings mori or tunnels him the whole game and maybe even punish the whole team for it, i would like to know your thoughts about it .

How much likely would you recommend to remove Mori/Keys 37 votes

Not at all
11 votes
7 votes
Most likely
19 votes
Post edited by HexNoed on

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  • Member Posts: 173
    Not at all

    They should make the Mori where you have to hook the person twice so everyone can have fair chance. Keys should be last resort

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    Not at all

    Just rework or nerf them. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 621
    Not at all

    honestly they just need some changes.

    keys should take time to open hatch and should tell the killer when it's happening.

    Moris should be only after endgame collapse on top of hooking them at least once

  • Member Posts: 179
    Not at all

    I know how annoying moris can be as a survivor. As a killer I enjoy only ivory and ebony since I can take out a troublesome or toxic survivor. Which in turn creates instant pressure.

    As for keys I haven't used one but give the last survivor a break if they were able to find the hatch before being the last one. It's annoying to be the one to find it closed only for the killer to spot and come back to close it when it's 1 v 1.

  • Member Posts: 83
    edited February 2020
    Most likely

    Mori should be after the 2nd hook, when you are already dead, and keys could be only for 1 survivor, and leaving through the hatch could cause it to respawn or vanish, idk, but someting should happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,773
    Most likely

    Mori's are fine, but they should be on second hook instead of first, Keys just need to be removed until you can grab survivors again. Keys are just super unfair because they are literal get out of jail free cards, it takes no skill or thought too use them.

  • Member Posts: 2,632
    Most likely

    People complain about the keys, but not much can be done about them. Both PlayStation and Xbox have achievements pertaining to the hatch which cannot be altered in any way.

    As for moris, just make them second hook.

    They could also go back to basic first hook if it's egc just so it doesn't get wasted.

    However, moris should be disabled if the killer is tunneling a survivor. I've personally experienced being tunneled by several killers with ivory or ebony moris. Then they nod or t-bag like they think they're good after losing 4 gens in a chase and only downing me to bloodlust.

  • Member Posts: 3,387
    Most likely

    I don't see the benefit of only using Moris after the second hook as they are effectively dead anyway. But both items seem to be cheap ways to get undeserved victories.

  • Member Posts: 187
    Not at all

    Moris don't need to be removed, they just need to change it such that only 3rd-hook survivors can be moried.

    I think keys are fine, there are very few situations where keys can be used to save the game, and you have probably died by then. Finding the hatch is pretty hard on its own, but trying to collect survivors to the hatch is even harder, especially after the killer knows the hatch has spawned. (He'll be guarding it especially hard if he knows you have a key.)

  • Member Posts: 187
    Not at all

    Keys shou- well, all items in general shouldn't immediately win the game for everyone. Like I said, it's very hard work to circle the map and find the hatch with the killer still looking for you.

  • Member Posts: 1,284
    Most likely

    For the love of god survivors who will die on the last hook anyways have no purpose in being Mori-ed, as they're already dead. It needs to be changed to everyone needing to be hooked once instead.

    Key's should take about 10 seconds to use and reveal the survivor/hatch aura to the killer.

    Also Moris shouldn't be secret lol.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I got other proposal : maybe make mori possible to use after 2 stage hook, so its clearly decorative purpose, also just make 2 mori's - yellow and green, one for 1 mori, second for all. For keys i suggest to just make them able to open hatch when gates are powered

  • Member Posts: 466
    Not at all

    if you don't like the game because of mori's just stop playing it , moris have been part of the game since it was released and without them the game would really hinder the killer player's fun if they want to get a kill but are having to play against higher skilled survivors . anyway if you get mori'd you can leave the game earlier . part of playing this game is also losing you can't win every single time .

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