Legion. Yup. This conversation again.

Yeah. So... Legion doesn't need a buff. Legion either needs a ######### THOUSAND BUFFS or a full-on rework. Definitely a rework though, in the vein of Freddy or Doctor. I know the devs are sick of hearing it but Jesus, it's because something needs to be done about it already.
A full-on ability rework. That's the future I, and I'm sure many other legion mains are hoping for. That's the future we need. But the future we'll get? Either an add-on rework (Because legion's add-ons are godawful. Frank's mixtape is literally unusable without playing like a toxic piece of #########.) or... Well, more nerfs. Because legion is an SS tier killer that no-one can win against.
But what reworks do we want in terms of ability or add-ons? We need to give the devs an idea of what we want for them to even consider it.
You don't want rework because you hate Legion? xD Generally I know why users say this killer is good. Because they don't want the killer to get stronger and they want him to die. So they come with calm answer.
Good try.
6 -
everyone in normal brain functions know that legion is like 2nd worst and useless killer... even devs :D definitely :D
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Actually i still do 4k on red/purple rank, but it because survivors lack of experiance against Legion (as surv i see Legion only once for two months) and do mistakes much often. Legion still an weak killer who need few buffs and revert some nerf changes.
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Make feral frenzy do something more than deep wounds if survivor is injured when hit with it.
down? Maybe a little too strong.
shorter timer? Maybe not strong enough.
make it so they can’t do anything else maybe.
just something more than only deep wounds and bring back feral frenzy hits as having basic attack effects (sloppy butcher)
make stun shorter and also add slight power drain on hits not full depletion.
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One thing I think is interesting on the Legion topic... I've been reccomending afew mostly QOL buffs for Legion lately. One of the things that I've been saying is Legion shouldnt lose the ability to see Gen auras after hitting his first target in FF. Almo has commented on this saying it sounds like an unintended bug that Legion loses the ability to see Gen auras in the first place so... hopefully they can fix that soon.
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There's so much they could do with legion tbh. What I know for sure is that his power (if reworked) needs too include the entire Legion gang. No point in calling him Legion because atm it's just too sell cosmetics.
I'd prefer if he could switch between the Legion memebers, each having a different small power that all have some use Example: Frank could Vault pallets at a slower rate too hit survivors, while Juilie could Throw her Knife at survivors too injure them, but she must pick up the knife or switch members.
They could also give different cosmetic loadouts for each member so you can feel like you're own Legion gang, which could be unique too you and you alone.
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Honestly? They won't. A legion nerf is a legion nerf, intentional or not. They're satisfied with making fewer people want to play legion. They're VERY satisfied with making legion unplayable.
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What? Who has said Legion is good? Seriously, who? Their add-ons are boring, their power is just irritating at best, and their cosmetics, while I really like the new Chinese New year Susie, are mostly just boring.
And where in my post did I say I don't want a rework? That's the exact opposite of what I'm trying to say. And no, I don't hate legion, I'm a legion main. Did you actually read the post?
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The devs 100% know how bad legion is. They just don't want to change it because reworking legion's ability would require putting in a LOT of work for a killer they've made very clear they hate. So yeah, legion is bad. It relies on survivor mistakes and the power is just go fast+M1.
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You say Legion buffa doesn't need it.
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and yet it does not matter, Legion is plenty populair and does fine accourding to the stats so whatever
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Legion should be very strong in a 4v1 situation (or rather 4v4 lol), but weak in 1v1. What devs failed to do all this time was just this. Old Legion could bully 1 survivior, so he got nerfed, new Legion is not a threat even if he catches all 4 surviviors.
Buff idea: Every hit that injures a survivior while in Feral Frenzy Moderately reduces Cooldown duration of Feral Frenzy
Numbers are up to discussion, but my idea is 0.4s per hit, so its 4/3.6/3.2/2.8/2.4 seconds cooldown as a reward for (0/1/2/3/4) hits while in Frenzy. With Cold Dirt and Julie's Mixtape (-0.8s), you can reach 1.6s cooldown
So this way Legion gets rewarded for getting hits on multiple people in Feral Frenzy, while he remains just as weak as he is now in 1v1 situation. Legion still has to chase someone normally to catch them, but if he Frenzied multiple people, he will give a smaller headstart to that one survivior.
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I said it doesn't need A buff. It needs "A THOUSAND BUFFS". Seriously, did you read the post?
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But...what about when you manage to land 12 hits...
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*facepalm* are u kidding me?
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Dude, just go home.
TlDR: I'm a legion main. Legion needs all the buffs in the world and a huge rework. I do not think legion is as good as it should be.
Hopefully now you understand what my post is about.
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Lmao. This is the prime example why Legion is bad. 12 hits and the same cooldown as with 0 hits.
Well, if surviviors are dumb enough to mend while Legion is in frenzy, then you should be able to reach 0 second cooldown, because why not.
It would take 10 hits to reach 0 second cooldown, 8 hits with both cooldown addons. Seems fair to me.
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I know who should go home and I have read the subject but I am talking about the article I told you about.
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No, you clearly didnt read anything, or you didnt understand what you have read at all. Read the post again, then read your comment and think if it makes any sense.
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I'm not talking about this. Do you support users who are really satisfied with Legion? If you support, I will not talk to you any more. Because Legion says they're good, but it's not.
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Simple, make feral frenzy lethal IF and only IF survivor is injured but not in deep wounds state.
feral frenzy hit on injured player cause deep wounds to tick down
or maybe some penalty when you’re injured and get hit with feral frenzy beyond deep wounds.
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Simple, make feral frenzy lethal IF and only IF survivor is injured but not in deep wounds state.
feral frenzy hit on injured player cause deep wounds to tick down
or maybe some penalty when you’re injured and get hit with feral frenzy beyond deep wounds.
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I am not sure because I feel like all killers have these sides. One side says the killer is to weak and the other side say nah I can easily kill with that killer. I also notice most the people saying the killer is weak are people who main that said killer. I mean I have never had a match with legion where I haven't killed at least 2 survivors and I suck. In some cases I feel bad and let a survivor escape because they are downed so fast. I understand though if you are not happy and think he/she needs reworking then by all means I agree and he should get a rework. I mean the doctor got one and god was he scary at first and still sort of is. I am not saying you are wrong or right but I do see your point and just saying I have seen good and bad players and have had good games myself with him and no real knowledge how to really use him. lol
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I really like your idea!
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Legion is a B tier in my opinion. A good legion loadout, a little skill, and you have a Legion capable of doing the pigs job but better.
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Imagine thinking bubba is better lol ok then, a killer that uses his power 1/14 times with zero map pressuere is way better then one that somewhat has map pressuere and uses his power most of the times. I think these people that says legion is this bad, just say that because they don't like the killer or want to joke on him. Next time actually give your opinion
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Well I personally as a ex Legion main love the concept of Feral Frenzy. It's a cool idea and is a ton of fun, I personally would preffer to give Legion a secondary ability like demogorgon or freddy has. So FF is only for moving around and injuring and a ability to down survivors in a chase.
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My problem with Legion is literally their entire core mechanic: Deep Wounds and Feral Frenzy.
Legion is only good against a grouped-up survivor pack for initial damage spread. Once they know you're playing Legion, they'll spread out so they can't all get Deep Wounded. He can't down you with his power, no matter WHAT iteration we're up to since their launch (posting at 3.5.0/3.6.0).
At a fundamental level, their power is not that good and it never will be. Even then, you can't make it a 4v4 because you'll have to tee up 4 Legion players, and drastically change how their hits work in comparison to every other killer.
For him to get a full rework, similar to Freddy and Doctor, then there are going to have to be some VERY serious changes that are closer to Freddy's entire core reworking than Doctor's more simple modifications. Simple as that.
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If a survivors does a mistake its a insta down, bubba can break pallets really fast and has mediocare downing potential. Bubba is godlike in basement plays and can camp very efficiant with a high Kill rate in terms of unhooking. The less pallets on a map are the more powerfull is bubba, that means if manage somehow to hold the game and make very pallet wasted pretty fast, you will have a easy time cuz dead zones are really good for you as bubba.
You probably didnt play bubba that much but he is much stronger then you expect. He is definatly not fight though and needs a huge buff or rework but he is definatly way better then clown and legion. Cuz everything that I mention above are things that clown and legion doesnt have or cant do.
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All those who played Legion from the beginning are criminals for me. Thats why I dont care if Legion is in a bad spot. They deserved it. Also the Deep Wound mechanic is totally annoying to play against.
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A little fun fact on the side:
If the devs had do to pre patch times, what Legion mains said to this time, we wouldn't have today this discussion.
The exploits would have been fixed, a number of addons either changed, or deleted and of course some survivors would still crying, but they do it anyways how we see also on clown, huntress and leatherface nerf threads - aka. it has nothing to say.
What the thread matters: I don't care if bhvr does it with a number of buffs/changes, or a rework but I like to have my fun back with this killer, on the same level as before.
How they can do it, I doesn't know, but I also don't need to know it, because I was one of the Legion mains that had warn them for a situation like this. They have the mess now and now I wait that they one day are couraged enough to clean it up.
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My record of 25 hits is still unbroken! xD
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So what would the math be on extra cooldown after 25 hits? lol
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That awkward moment when people forget that the internet is easily accessable at home too, so telling someone to "go home" online makes no sense, lol.
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yeah ;D
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2 things about this... Imagine doing this with NEW ruin so they'd have to constantly watch the gens lose progress as they mend infront of them.
And... leave it to a Claudette to just sit in a corner and constantly selfcare against a Legion.
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Killer instinct and deep wound are undoubtedly the worst new mechanics ever added to this game.
One punishes you for a teammates failure and has no stealth counter in any way and the other is just completely pointless, gives you practically no advantage due to how many nerfs were made due to AWFUL chase mechanics that the devs didnt want to fix and just slapped a band aid on, and its zero fun to play against. Yay, more meters to fill.
I love Legions design and even bought 2 premium cosmetics for them but my god are they awful to play as or against.
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How brainded do you have to be to mend 7 ######### TIMES IN A ROW before realising that something has gone wrong lmao. And NONE of these 4 PEOPLE have realised that...
This isnt underestimating the Killer anymore, they were just playing Mending Simulator.
Or maybe they just knew that Legion cant down them anyway? Lol
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I'd like some changes, but a full rework? Nah. I LOVE the speed chase aspect of them. Mainly because I can vault pallets, but still. I love their concept.
Yes, of course it could be executed better, but if they changed them completely I probably wouldnt play them anymore.
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Didn't play him much,lol
Litteraly mained him but ok
you just sayed bubba is a noob stomper, but we're talking about good survivors
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So does Trapper and Leatherface, you gonna tell me they don't need buffs?
You are confusing good players with good Killers. I CAN 4K with Leatherface at Rank 1, that doesn't mean he is a good Killer.
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It actually means he is fine as a killer yeah, only when you cant possible do ok is it bad.
Sure compared to others they might not be fantastic, but thats not really a comparison you should make anyway, its about the killer vs the survivors.
And "dont need buffs", If I made leatherface 0.00000001m/s faster, it would be a buff, nothing you would notice but a buff all the same, every killer could get a buff or a nerf in some form, its too vague to make any statement about that.
I do think LF is fine, trapper I would like to see stock with 2 traps carrying capability.
But again, plenty of people play legion, plenty of people do well with them, so why would there be any rush to change anything about them?
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So how do you justifie that bubba is worse then legion if legion has nothing that I mentioned there?
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Because he isn't fun to play as or against.
I cannot believe you are saying that LF is fine, he sucks.
The ONLY reason you will win with Legion is if Survivors mess up a lot.
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While I agree with you on the deep sounds being annoying, this is the exact mentality the devs seem to have. "No-one liked legion at the beginning so we're never gonna touch them again at risk of making people complain like that again.
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Legion is amazing! I literally get more straight Irids with him than any other killer, and don't say I am near rank 20 or I am facing noobs because I am an experienced killer and don't face weak people. I keep having to repeat this: The Legion is fine as he is and is powerful. Why don't people just stop complaining about killers entirely? You see, "the killer doesn't make the player good, the player makes the killer good." All I want to do is make people understand killers more.
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That has honestly someone write? :D
So... then I am a criminal. Just let me put a Eminem song now on my ghettoblaster and put some other clothes on... And ah yes... Learn some crazy hand signals :D.
Some guys really don't understand and respect, that in every game after a certain playercount, different groups exist and those have usually not the same opinion.
Also the boring argument is pro maaan^^. I mean in times were 90% of all survivors use 1 of a handfull of perks, most survivors holding in a game just m1 and more and more killers become m1 killer - something that leads to the same chasestyle over and over again.
Aka. ->current gameplay<- "boring" becoming more and more your name.
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The devs have expressed that they're more than fine with Legions current state. Im going to paraphrase a little here and there but the most recent one I personally been in was a recent thread. In a recent thread, the conversation came up of why can he not see scratches or blood and, quote "So that if you use it for traversal you're not accidentally coming across trails and finding Survivors when you're in travel mode. When you trigger FF, you have to be sure you have your quarry at least in sight. "
When pushed for further details about why this is the case compared to other traversals quote "Hillbilly can't turn while dashing. Oni can't turn well."
This is only one aspect of there power. If you're interested read more here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/132095/why-does-legion-lose-the-ability-to-see-generator-auras/p1
In regard to another post I've seen is "I'm happy with how the power/charge is working at the moment."
As seen here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/1111733
This is all I've seen personally, but it seems like our words are falling on deaf ears. Maybe other devs feel differently, but if they do they're not speaking up from what I've seen.