How Much Would You Pay For New Mori Animations?

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
edited February 2020 in Polls

Title. By new animations, I mean animations you can select and customize on your killer.

How Much Would You Pay For New Mori Animations? 46 votes

Nothing. Should be free.
Mc_HartyNescauMegaWaffleholywhitetrashDimekFog_KingFriendlyMateYaBoiTanisBoosted_DwightUistreelAhoyWolfpalletsryummyBrucecastro81DetailedDetrimentanonymous31337EnderloganYTandyollollollWSNLEndstilleHazDaBoi 29 votes
$1 - $3 tops
Seiko300batmanscarPok 3 votes
$5 - 7$ tops
DustinHail_to_the_KingAtchooLily0List_of_concernsKlarehRezblaze 7 votes
$10 - $15
PeasantXpikselnoname11223345MutaTirsat 4 votes
$20 or more.
CluelessTobes 1 vote
I'll pay the Animator's salary for it.
HommeBizarreAdeloo 2 votes


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099
    Nothing. Should be free.

    It shouldn't be free, I just wouldn't buy it, I'm not the biggest fan of more mori animations.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    edited February 2020
    Nothing. Should be free.

    I think they should be earnable on the Archives challenges so the challenges turn from less of a Battle pass grind and more like other games that make you feel like you earned those rewards.

    So for example, after completing a Trapper related challenge, you get a new mori for him and if you don't feel like grinding for that challenge no worries! You can go back at anytime to get it.

    Post edited by Boosted_Dwight on
  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited February 2020

    Earning them through the archives could be niiice. I would also grind for them if they showed up in the rift for that matter.

    I also wouldnt mind, if there were enough mori animations to choose from, to buy them in the store for a price. That way I can debate if I would think its worth the price on not. I do that with the current cosmetics store anyways.

    If the mori is sickening I would pay a good price for it and more simple mori's could be on the archives or could be lower in price if they show up in the store. Based on that I couldnt answer the poll because it all depends on the mori itself.

    tl;dr: I would pay a price for a mori animation based on how good I think it is. It depends on the animation itself.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    Nothing. Should be free.

    earned via the achievements maybe? like "congrats you got the 'Cripple Them All' achievement, here, have a unique trapper mori animation of him putting a bear trap on the survivors head!" or something

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56
    Nothing. Should be free.

    I only do mori if there is a daily ritual for it, I don't want to spend money on something I am not going to use very often.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198
    Nothing. Should be free.

    but i would be willed to pay 30$ if developers could balance the game until next 3-4 months!

  • MutaTirsat
    MutaTirsat Member Posts: 23
    $10 - $15

    making new mori animations would be cool but would also make people use moris more often which im not a big fan of maybe if they make it so you could only mori after the person has been hooked two times

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289
    Nothing. Should be free.

    it would need to be a pretty insane mori for me to buy something that i then i have to find something the bloodweb to be able to use

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    Nothing. Should be free.

    Yeah I gonna wait till other stuff has been fixed before ever giving another € to bhvr.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940
    Nothing. Should be free.

    Nothing, there shouldn't be a Mori and the idea of paying for them is disgusting

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    $5 - 7$ tops

    I would pay for mori animations after the following

    • All the old killers who need a mori touch up receive one (Trapper, Wraith and to an extent Hillbilly) *Mandatory
    • There is an in-game radial menu that lets you select a mori on the fly so you're not stuck with a single mori animation in the trial. *Highly desirable
    • More ways to enable mori in game such as making yellow mori basekit *Would make my spent cash not feel like it's only available in niche situations
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    Nothing. Should be free.

    Should be free because nothing leaves a poor taste in your mouth like seeing more micro transactions being added when there are still huge problems plaguing your game.

    If they wanted to charge a fee then I think they should become part of the rift system (maybe a couple free and a couple locked to owners) this would add something more to rift while also not completely isolating people who cannot afford to pay.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    0.25 take it or leave it

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    $1 - $3 tops

    Making new Mori's is a super great idea, and I know for one in a game with a similar concept For Honor gets their community super excited when they release new executions and I'd expect new Moris would be treated the same way in DBD.

    I would also expect them to work the same way as cosmetics, you can earn a bunch of them but they are a business and likely a few would be premium and cost money. I don't think they're worth anywhere near as much as the premium cosmetics though, because you're not going to be tossing moris out left and right with killers. (At least with how they're balanced right now, if they changed Moris to be an alternative to final hook like some people say they should maybe we'd see them more often) so they're clearly not as valuable.

    I probably wouldn't get any if they cost the same as current cosmetics. But for my killer main and other top favorite killers I'd probably pick up some premium Moris up from the store ngl. Otherwise I'd be grinding for them for free like everybody else

    Besides, introducing moris for free isn't an entirely bad business idea. You encourage people to buy the DLC that mori belongs to that way, imagine if you got a second Mori instead of the silly reskin of the default skin you get when you buy a DLC. You know how many more DLC sales they'd make??

    Also they could expand this system so you could equip multiple moris at once. Number keys aren't being used right now so you could use numbers 1 - 4 to select your mori as killer.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Moris shouldn't be encouraged.

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173

    Depends if the killer can rip the survivors body apart like Mortal Kombat