So, when is corrupt intervention getting nerfed?


With the ruin change, I now see corrupt in nearly every match I've played. How is this fun or fair to new players? They load into a match, and can't even start working on a gen. Most of them don't even know what's going on, why they can't work on a gen. Perk is used to much imo, therefore it's bad for the state of the game


  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    When Jason is added to the game... 😂

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060
    edited February 2020

    This thread is either a troll or really ill-thought-out. Ruin was nerfed because it was too much of an unreliable, passive perk - had inconsistency due to skill-checks; and was overly obnoxious to newer players who had no experience. Corrupt is passive for 2mins at max of the game and has no obnoxious mpact on newer players. Nothing about Corrupt is bad for the state of the game. If new players haven't learned what unique perks do by the time they know whether or not they enjoy playing it then they need to up their game and start paying attention. It doesn't take long to look through each unique character's bio and see what their perks do. Corrupt is fine

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Just poor bait. No gamesense detected.

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    No bait. Simply applying the logic behind the ruin change.

    Thread was also not "ill thought out." Providing the explanation the devs gave behind the ruin change is, repetitive, Onyx. Corrupt does impact newer players. Because many killers pair it with discordance. New players don't study every characters perks right off the top of the bat. Corrupt is too passive - killer gets 3 gens blocked for doing nothing, where's the skill in that?

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Survivor perks that are ridiculiosuly strong, but require zero skill to use: Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Dead Hard (if used for distance), just to name a few. Developers have made it clear that they have no intention of nerfing or changing any of them anytime soon.

    Killer has a no skill perk ... suddenly its a problem ... I don't get it.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Sadly there IS some logic behind it, not necessarily a troll. If @TTVfbYTigTW is requesting this change it would be a troll, if he is predicting the change he might be right. Corrupt does not need skill, which was one of the devs' arguments for the Ruin change, and if randomness of skillchecks was seriously a problem, why do they reintroduce it with Gearhead? BHVR is inconsistent at that point and it seems like they just listed that to cover the main reason for the change: keeping new players at the game

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Btw I see more Pop than Corrupt Intervention. Would be interested in seeing if Pop is now picked in 80% red rank games

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    New players shouldn't even have access to corrupt intervention because it comes from the plague who is a DLC character. You said it yourself, "New players don't study every characters perks right off the top of the bat." so new killers wont have it equiped. It shouldn't and normally isn't a problem for new survior players. Your no skill arguement, as ABannedCat pointed out, is hypocritical compared to Decisive Strike and other perks they pointed out.

    Nice try with the bait though.

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    Again, no baiting. You can keep saying it, doesn't make it true or correct. With that logic that was introduced, EVERY perk would be passive, right? Isn't that the nature of perks? Balanced landing is just falling from a height. DS is just hitting a skill check. BT is just unhooking someone, etc.

    As deadeye suggested, I am simplying applying the logic that was introduced with the Ruin change. If a perk is "too passive" or "used too much" then it must be nerfed. My thread was simply referring to the only early game slow down perk that killers have at this point. You can apply said logic to survivor perks but it would have to meet BHVRs threshold for nerfing perks, yes?

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    You can keep saying its baiting, doesn't make it true.

    As deadeye stated...I'm simply pointing out and applying logic that was introduced for the Ruin nerf. Sure, you can say DS, DH, BT, etc are passive. All perks, by definition, are passive. That's why, they're called perks. Granting an ability for simply selecting it. If whatever perk is used 80%+, or "too passive" (seems arbitrary to me) then, by BHVRs logic, it must be nerfed, correct?

    Intent of a post is always interesting, isn't it? Perhaps you've missed my point

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Alrighty, so it isn't a bait and instead a genuine concern for possible Dev intenetions. I do still hold my point up (steady on), there is a difference between Old Ruin and Corrupt. Corrupt is only up for a max of 2 mins, and in that time the survivors do not need to interact on the gens that are available. They can easily wait it out and hide until it is gone. Since it is only up for 2mins. Old Ruin was not only inconsistant, but it involved the survivors putting themselves out there to actually eliminate the perk, so if a killer hard patrolled 3 gens nearby the Hex, it would be up for ages, and ultimately feel uniteractive and boring. Not only that, it could be paired with other perks to make a survivors life hell trying to push through it at a risk off unleashing Haunted or Thrill etc

    I see no oppresive gameplay causes by Corrupt Intervention. If they pair it wih Discordance, those can be avoided by a survivor choosing not to be dumb and double up on one of the only 4 available gens for that time. Easy to avoid Corrupts strategy. Not so easy to contend with Old Ruin, hence why it was adjusted. Corrupt will be fine. Don't worry about it