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Do you try to hit great skill checks?

Just a question for the community especially considering one of the archive challenges is to hit 6 great skill checks. since i personally tried to hit great skill checks but sometimes i would hit it to early and blow up the gen so i decided it's a little to risky. So i'll try to hit it late and sometimes i'm fast enough sometimes i'm not, so either i miss the great and get a good skill check or i just get a great skill check.(sometimes ill still go for a risky early attempt at hitting a great though).


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  • Member Posts: 1,632

    Wait are we supposed to try? After playing a while you get used to the skill checks and I find you just start hitting greats more often than good. Even the newer players I have gotten into the game have been saying the same thing, they don't know why but they are just hitting great skill checks more often.

    When I have a challenge to hit great skill checks. I just jump into the next match with No Mither and This Is Not Happening, maybe a toolbox just to get done and out that much quicker.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    hmm i got used to hitting skillchecks in general so i dont fail (unless its like a overcharge maybe) but i guess i never got like the mastery of hitting greats everyone else did. I do play both killer and survivor like 50/50 so i am lacking in some killer and survivor strength in the long run i guess.

  • Member Posts: 1,632

    For the most part I would suggest aiming for the farther half of the skill check, so then when you do miss the Great - you will always at least get a Good and not force the generator to explode. That's the tip I tell people, over time it just becomes muscle memory to time when to press the button after hearing the skill check sound, and seeing the little white dot. Hex: Lullaby catches me off guard sometimes, because i'm so used to it now LUL.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Ruin did teach everybody how to at least before it was changed to garbage.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I only really aim for "good" rather than "great" since it feels like quite often on console it's basically flipping a 3-sided coin. I have an equal chance of it being good, great or a fail.

    There's no simply practising or learning when you're playing on a dice-roll. Now, if anyone has a great tutorial for me to hit greats 100% of the time, then please, by all means, let me know. I've been trying for over a year now.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    I really dont even try. The benefit isnt much so why should I care?

  • Member Posts: 984

    Of course I do. 100 extra bloodpoints per skill check

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,590

    I always try to get the great skillchecks - I can't help myself, it's the small challenge of it.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    For the latest Tome challenge I used Stake Out...but did hit some legitimately.

  • Member Posts: 298

    You can't be serious! Great skill check is really easy I play on the 75hz monitor, make sure this game is just your eyes need to get used to it.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Eh I just try to get Gens done.

    I want my job as survivor to just flow lol. So I dont worry about anything than saving people off hook (cause then I feel bad afterwards if I dont.. dang empathy) and doing my job with Gens.

    Getting chased by the killer is sometimes the easy part. Unless they are extremely persistent lol. That's when you have to use hard jukes.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah definitively. 4 Seconds speed bonus every check? Ive definitely had game where those seconds have saved me or another player with adrenaline before.

    Once you get good at the timings its fun to count in tour head how much time you've saved. My record was 72 seconds against a pop freddy.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Usually at the start of a generator I'll try to, but if there is no need than I won't focus on it, although it may occur naturally.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Hard juking is the form of juking where you have to know when, where to try to joke the persistent killer. (Cause most killers leave after 1 or 2 jukes.)

    But in this case if the killer stays on you like let's say the wraith chasing you on autohaven. Wraith got juked twice, and didn't break off the chase. (Is becoming persistent) so hard juking is a thing that needs to happen, so you may have to use the same obstacle multiple times in a timed manor (so it isn't guessable and the Entity doesn't block any windows) until the wraith decides to leave you due to the complex loop you are bringing him in. Then when the wraith decides to chase you again if you do 1 simple 360 and he misses, he will most likely leave you alone after that miss if you "act" like you are heading to the hard loop. Aka the hard juke.

    I hope that made sense.

    (I just woke up please be nice to my explanation 😂😅)

  • Member Posts: 2,263

    I always try. Old ruin teached so much to go for it and i can't stop now. 😅

  • Member Posts: 835

    They come naturally after living the Ruin era.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    So many pros at hitting great skill checks... yet somehow Ruin was a problem?!?

    FYI I like the change to ruin, but the complaint was it wasn’t fair or fun and it was too strong... when literally all it did was require was great skill checks that you guys hit without even trying.

    For OP, I generally try for them unless someone else is on the gen with me. Then he’s already moving faster andn I don’t wanna draw the killer to both of us.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Had a game yesterday where even two seconds earlier would have given me adrenaline mid chase instead I went down, for Adrenaline and immediately got hit again wasted.

    So actually either two seconds earlier OR two seconds later

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Usually yes. After learning to work through ruin like 2 years ago, I'll almost always go for it.

    If I'm on my big tv with input delay, absolutely not.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I play for about 2 years or 2 and a half and wasn't that good at skillchecks, because without Ruin I didn't risk the explosion and with Ruin I pushed through it with a toolbox and cursed when there were too many skillchecks or tapped without a toolbox. Just a few weeks before the Ruin change was announced, I tried learning them because I was sick of Ruin skillchecks and improved pretty fast. If you really want to train great skillchecks, either expect several explosions before the game and get ready to throw the game because of that, or run Technician to get a bit support. It won't take too long until you get better. I finished the challenge (8 great skillchecks btw) on the PTB within 3 games without blowing up a gen.

    If you go for the challenge and don't perform that well, just bring Stake Out. I did the challenge again after the PTB and could finish it within one game, becasue I got lucky and could do gens while the killer was chasing someone near my gen. Got like 12 greats throughout the game. Bring maybe any information perk like Bond or Empathy so you know when you are kinda safe near the killer

    @Raven9 not everyone perfectly hits every skillcheck, some are better than others, that's why it is called skillcheck, it needs skill. No need to be taunting.

    @gibblywibblywoo Pretty sure it is not 4 seconds oer great. That would be 5% of a gen and that is what a BNP gives you when hitting one of the first two skillchecks, and that is way more than you get from a great skillcheck

  • Member Posts: 835
    edited February 2020

    It wasnt issue for veterans and I would say that majority of people in these forums are above average in skill, but 99% of the survivors are so boosted that they probably cant even tie their shoe laces and as a result it was a good call for devs to nerf Ruin.

    Only thing was that they would have actually had to balance the game at the same time and as a current result is that survivor ques are +10 minutes during peak hours.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Its a reflex from pushing through ruin so much back in the day. I don't actively try but some games I'll get them all the time.

    Thanks Ruin, you made me permanently more effective. You better not release a perk though that highlights your gen to the killer when you get greats though. That wouldn't be very nice.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I know it was mostly a beginner problem, but if you’re saying all of the people in the forums are better than average why did so many agree ruin needed nerfed?

    Again, I do think something needed changed and I actually like new ruin just a curious side question.

  • Member Posts: 835

    People have beginner friends and I can see why they agree on Ruin nerf, despite the Ruin wasnt a problem for them personally.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Another that helps is if you're up against doctor the snap out of it skill checks count as great towards the challenge. I got that one done in one match where I finished one gen and healed one survivor and was sure I didn't have it cause I only counted four greats in the repair/healing ones but snapped out of it and managed to get the challenge.

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2020

    I just finished that challenge like 5 minutes ago. I'm on Xbox so the skillchecks are a little...choppy. It's not smooth like it is on PC, so greats are kinda random luck for me. I got one per game for 4 games, then I got the last 4 all in one game

  • Member Posts: 430

    I try. Used to be pretty good at them. Since PS4 dedicated servers though it's gotten much more rare. There has been a small intermittent lag since the servers were put in place attempting to hit a great skill check will often lead to a missed skill check if the server lag hits at just the right time.

  • Member Posts: 186

    On PS4, with wireless controllers, and wifi, naw. XD I can try for them. Sometimes it's early and blows up. Sometimes it's the tail end of the good skill check section. Occasionally, a great.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Good points! As killer I still think Ruin is good thr way it is, and as solo surruvor it’s nice to know my teammates aren’t spending the first three minutes of the game totem hunting

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