The game on console is unplayable.

I have lost all hope for a better DBD on console, i swear to god with every update the games get worse and worse.
The connection issues and bugs have already dragged me down to a point that i dont even wanna play this game anymore and the worst thing is that i bought the season pass, i legit threw my money down the toilet because ever since i bought it i can't get a single day of stable connections, im never spending money on this game again.
I love this game and play on PS4.
I play both sides and sure sometimes the bugs will cost me but we wear that with a badge of honor because we love this game.
Try not to take it so seriously and remember the other side are humans too. We all just trying to have fun and get better.
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The framerate is definetly the biggest issue for me when playing on ps4. Sometimes its good, most of the time its not
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DOnt hate me... but it sounds for me jlike just another reason to not buy "old-hardware-garbage-overpriced-consoles"
Yes, we do have a lot of problems such like bugs, lags and stuff to deal with on pc too, but most of the bugs are taking off the "enjoying" and not making the whole game itself unplayable
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It's okay and i love this game. However, it needs changes in framerate and other things. It's not broken but getting hit by the bugs every once in a while can het annoying.
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Tbf this gen of console came out in 2013.
Hopefully there are some framerate improvements on ps5
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The roadmap last year had ‘The Road to 60fps’ and was expected to be 60fps on consoles.
We are now nearly Spring 2020 and console can still not even run at a stable 30fps.
They never said they stopped working on it, the devs just stopped talking about it and as console problems are lost in the sea of PC complaints we will probably never get an answer on what happened and if they are still planning on such a bold claim.
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Getting into bloodlust is the worse on console. Your frames instantly die