What perk from the new chapter are you going to use?

Out of curiosity honestly. If I had to choose, defined for the people, instaheal with the cost of a health state. Pretty cool :3
How about you? Let me know down below.
For the People!!!!!
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I love Gear head and dead mans switch, they seem like excellent perks, dead mans switch is basically a better thrilling tremors and gear head will help applying a lot of pressure, especially with killers like nurse and spirit
the survivor perks are meh, for the people seems really interesting but a bit stiuational and will take a lot of skill to use
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Defenitely Gearhead. The Best perk that came out since Discordance.
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Depending on how it gets changed on its live release, potentially Hangman's Trick.
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I'm not that intrested in any of the new perks. For the people sounds intresting but it's a bit too altruistic for me. I'm more intrested in using the new saboteure, killers are gonna hate me more then ever with this new change lol.
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all of them, considering I want to give every character its own unique set of perks
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None as they are all mediocore at best and doesnt do anything niche like head on for example.
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None. I'm only buying killer with shards and his perks are pretty bad
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Dead mans switch+Nemesis+classphoto
I wonder how it will work.
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Dead man's switch in combination with nemesis and thrilling tremors probably
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I like protecting and saving people. It's a thing for me. I always try to make sure everyone is okay at the cost of myself. So obviously I'm gonna use One for All
I mean For the People
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FTP looks interesting, I would only equip that perk with a competent friend that's going to maximize My Sacrifice lol
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Gearhead is a one man discordance. It’ll easily replace it.
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For the people, obvi
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Probably none to be honest, the only one that looks promising is gearhead, but it relies too much on rng in my opinion. I would rather take discordance, which is guaranteed information of where 2 people are.
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When for the people will be on shrine i will get it. Otherwise nothing else that I need.
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I might try For the People. I regularly use Botany and Self Care, so I could use it as much as I'd like. It'd be extremely effective against slugging builds I think. But I doubt it would be something I'd frequently use unless I see some good use from it.
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All of them.
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