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DS and BT are unfair in endgame

You played fair all match, no tunneling and camping.

You hook someone after all gens are done and the gates are open.

if you leave the hook they will rescue and be out so you HAVE to camp at the end to secure this kill.

someone comes to the rescue and gets downed.

you hook this person and the other person comes to the rescue with BT still up.

so both of them Have DS now, the gates are open and a minute is more then enough time to crawl to the exit.

Theres 1 counterplay for the killer. That is Tunnel everybody before the gates are open so they dont have DS.

But this is considered toxic AND also a bad play.

if you tunnel 1 Person the other 3 will be done with the gens. --> tunneling is bad for applying pressure most of the time.

Playing on PS4 Red ranks and DS is used in ever game by at least 2 survivors.

What should I do in situations like these?

Even if I grab the survivor that has BT up he just uses DS (5 second stun is) and has more then enough time for the unhook. plus the unhooked now has BT themselves and can bodyblock the guy who just used DS.

Also this is no special scenario, its used in many of my games when the situation is given.

I feel like the current survivor meta perks are about abusing the system.

DS + Unbreakable = 60 seconds immunity. If you slug them and they use unbreakable, the next hook they abuse a locker.

BT + DS is the situation above.

Adrenaline is another Unbreakable OR used when someone is unhooked to give them full health immediately.

I aknowledged that there seems to be less SWF on PC. On PS4 you have at least 2 people SWF most of the games.

Any tipps? i cant pressure gens if it will be punished in the endgame.


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    LMAO! I just made a post about me and my SWF using BT... It's called "Stop face camping..."

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2020

    You gonna love for the people perk in combination with BT and DS.

  • violetcherries
    violetcherries Member Posts: 37

    BT and DS in endgame reward the survivor for playing well.

    You can't really complain about survivors having tools to escape you facecamping them in endgame.

  • violetcherries
    violetcherries Member Posts: 37

    You can avoid this DS/BT endgame scenario very easily.

    It's simple... just don't get to endgame.

    I always get a 4k before all gens are done, it's not that difficult as long as you're playing at the rank you're supposed to be.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    So if a survivor is hooked in loke 20 m away from an OPEN Exit gate where the rest of them are what are you supposed to do as killer?

    hit one he runs out the others go for unhook.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    The case I mentioned is about players using my gamestyle, I'm the "looper" and the "hero" of my swf, I'm talking about when you find me or a guy like me, who looks for you to get chased, if you're stubborn enough to chase me for 5 gens and then face camp me, do you actually believe that if I get unhooked you'll down me again after it took you 5 gens the first time?

    I mentioned the "stop face camping" title, but the actual problem killers have is not knowing when to drop a chase, I assure you it will be easier for you to get one of my teammates if you go away than if you stay at the hook, if you by chance find one of them alone, he's doomed, if you stay at the hook you'll get swarmed...

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 535

    How about get good and kill them before endgame.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Have you ever heard of this thing called hatch?

    Also according to devs, 2k is the most balanced result, this means endgame should happen fairly often. Not to mention current gen speeds. So "just dont get to endgame" is not an option.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    DS? Its unfair for the whole game, not just endgame

    BT? Yes, its kind of unfair in the endgame, but other than that its very balanced and it stops camping, it can also be quite easily countered, so I think its fine. Although if someone proposed a tweak that would slightly nerf BT only in the endgame, then I probably wouldnt be opposed to that

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It can definitely be obnoxious. The only two things I can suggest is to tunnel of first hook to try to force early DS if they have it. Or maybe try Blood Warden. I don't personally think BT is unfair. But if DS deactivated during end game it would not break my heart.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    "Get Good" and "im 4king every game its not that hard" i love this forum XD

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    In that situation I am screwed anyway. I don't care if they save or not at that point. I'm a killer, not a hostage taker.

    As for DS don't be afraid of it by wasting time waiting for a slug to time out, unless you got nothing better to do. Every one you eat early is one less you have to worry about later. Slugging is going to be even less of an option when the next chapter drops.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    I read your post about camping, but it had nothing to do with anything explained in this post.

    Not camping/not tunneling doesnt change that these perks are strong (even too strong) in endgame. Actually not tunneling lets surviviors save DS for the endgame, so tunneling is way better counter to DS

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    I'm just saying that if you play by the survivor book, you will get punished hard by these perks. Not every match but most of them.

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    i love it.

    Be rude to them. Let them feel your pain.... Facecamp/SLug/Tunnel the sh!t out of them XD

    Love it!

  • imlegion
    imlegion Member Posts: 62

    Would you like some extra salt?

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Apparently from these comments being within 32m of a survivor is a facecamp. Would be interesting to know how these perks would affect k/d ratio if they didn't activate once end game starts.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Why anyone would play "fair" in the currant state of the game, I will never know...

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    They are strong at the end game, but hopefully you have secured enough kills by then that it won't matter.

    If not ,you pretty much lost anyway. Don't take it to personal and move on to the next game.

  • Dannly
    Dannly Member Posts: 19

    When there is only one gen remaining and I know it's gonna be done soon, I usually look for one survivor to chase down and hook. By the time I hook them, exit gates are powered. I patrol the area; if I find somebody, I try to down them, keeping the hooked guy as a priority. If I am able do down anybody other than the hooked guy, I just slug. Only hook anyone if everyone is downed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    A lot of things that happen in EGC are RNG based.

    Gates too close to each other? Oops too bad. (for survivors)

    Hook placement too far that they might wiggle out? Oops too bad. (for killers)

    No one has BT? Oops too bad. (for survivors)

    Everyone has BT? Oops too bad. (for killers)

    I could go on and on.

    If you want to 'secure' your last kill. I would say first try to hook them as far as possible from the nearest exit. If you know or suspect someone has BT, hit them first before they unhook, then down them. Then pretend like you are going to tunnel the other survivor. If they attempt to come back in hopes that they'll get grabbed right away, hit them instead (by that point their BT has ran out).

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Anyone who has played vs me, or seen me railing against camping and tunneling knows I'm a huge hater of that play style. I main killer, but I will usually go out of my way to avoid doing either. That said, I've been bitten hard at end game by both perks. When the gates are open and there are 2 people left, one is on a hook, the other is running across your path to head to the hook. You move towards the rescuer, with the thought that hey, I'll get one of the two and let the other go. I'll try for the rescuer because I don't want to tunnel. The rescued survivor jumps in the way, takes the hit with BT. Now I have a choice. Let them both go, because no way I get 2 hits on the rescuer. Or, take a chance and down the "tank" who just blocked. Then eat a DS and lose both anyways. I might as well have sat in a corner and just let them both go. There is no "right" way to do it. Sit at the exit? Nope, they heal and run past. Run NOED? But NOED is toxic, remember? (I honestly hate running NOED unless running an end game build.)

    If I were to have played a bit more dirty and tunneled them all at least one time off the hook, I would have eaten the DS earlier and I might be able to get both of them now, if not one. But no, I tried to play with some sportsmanship and get bitten for it.

    So yes, both perks will bite both the toxic and fair players. There is no way around it. Even if I waited back out of TR until he rescued, then moved in, I have to tunnel one and eat DS, or get just one hit on the other. No win scenario.