I want to know: HUNTRESS VS DEATHSLINGER (why would you pick him over her?)

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I have to say a couple of things about the new killer, amazing design but very poor in its playability.
I have been comparing this new killer with the huntress even with Demogorgon, because they are similar styles, but the debate is:
Why play DeathLinger or ... Huntress?
For me, I prefer to play with Huntress and Demogorgon, it is much better.
He needs to be buff to be seen, I hope and I trust that the devs review his kit, and make it viable.
Yea-to-the-Haw is why I'd play Deathslinger over Huntress.
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TBH change his reload to faster or faster on successful hits, make it so he can break to hook to apply the mending effect. this way you arent wasting so much time reloading even if youre a great shot the reloading is a pain, its too much time for them to get to safe loops you need to break the pallet at. the ability to also break the hook whenever means you dont have to wait for ages for it to break if you know you cant get that survivor, no different to huntress hatchets in that sense.
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Gun >>> Hatchet in terms of coolness. Reeling in Survivors is fun. I like having a sight to aim down. Did I mention gun is way cooler? :P
But yeah, in terms of mechanical benefit, there is little reason to use Deathslinger over Huntress. She pretty much does just about anything Deathslinger can do and more, and any advantages Deathslinger has over her are outweighed by the disadvantages.
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There is no reason to play deathslinger over huntress. Huntress is just better and his perks are garbage as well so no reason. The only thing why someone would buy the dlc is to get instaheal back in perkform as survivor.
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As he isn't fully released I am not fully sure yet.
The reload sucks, or one of his Iris should be for 2 shots before reloading. Which I think should take place over the seeing auras. But honestly, huntress still takes it.
Unless they make his gun where you can shoot people mid-hatch jumping to yoink them away from an escape, not fundamentally sound.
The 360 montages will be nice though.
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the only thing deathslinger does good is using STBFL because the first hit to the obsession doesn't count otherwise his trash.
every shot the deathslinger lands (a lot more difficult than with huntress) it's not a guaranteed hit (like for huntress), he sucks at snowballing because he has to reload every time and because he sucks at downing, he can't hit as survivors are vaulting/dropping a pallet...
tl;dr there's no reason why you should pick him over huntress.
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The only reason to pick him over Huntress would be aesthetic reasons or because you like him mechanically. But from a 1:1 power perspective, no, there's no reason to take him over Huntress. But he's not that far off from being on her level. I'm hopeful for meaningful buffs from the PTB. I think he's pretty weak right now if survivors understand him. Just drop a pallet and he's just a 110 killer that can't down you unless he somehow wins a loop, but that's on the survivor and not the killer if they manage to get hit at a jungle gym or safe pallet by a 110 killer's M1. That's really bad.
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I keep seeing people bring up the instant aiming as a plus compared to Huntress but as a survivor all you have to do is knee-jerk turn any direction the second you see his arms raise and you'll dodge it, assuming he doesn't predict where you'll dodge.
You could then bring up the counter-argument of "Well then I can just hold it and make them dodge as I continue aiming" but then Huntress can do that already and with a better result.
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He can deny loops. Huntress is gets done by loops.
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Honestly, i don't know why i should play huntress over nurse.
He is cool, that's about it. They could do something with his crow to make him more of a ranged killer, for example letting his crow kick gens from a distance.
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Fun? Because he’s easier to play?
You could ask “Why play any M1 killer over Hillbilly?”
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He should not be a slow moving killer simple.
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In terms of fun, Dearhslinger. I used to mess around with Huntress back in 2018, and although I was pretty good, I was by no means a master. Deathslinger seems really fun to play, at least compared to Huntress currently. Tried a game as her yesterday and got Wretched Shop, guess how well that went? But in terms of strength, Huntress. Huntress is a lot stronger than Deathslinger, at the cost of being harder to learn.
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Ammo is the biggest reason I can think of at the moment.
Huntress's biggest weakness if her ammo count. It doesn't matter if you are good at landing hatchets or miss every shot, sooner or later you will run out and need to reload. At a locker. And some maps just don't have lockers anywhere you need them to be. The more open a map, the less lockers there are. Even in maps that have decent locker layouts, you still will have times where you are 100% without a power. Either way a Huntress will be forced to run loops or ignore chases and walk the map more often, as a 110% Killer, slowing her down.
When a Huntress has ammo, she is better is near every way. But without ammo, she is worse. In my opinion.
Deathslinger doesn't have that problem. He needs to reload after every shot, but can reload at any moment. He never needs to stop and likely will never stop hunting, chasing, or putting out pressure. Once you learn how to aim and predict well enough to spear at a decent rate, Deathslinger might turn into a "If he sees you, you're dead" type of Killer much like Nurse. Granted Deathslinger is NOT in NO ######### WAY Nurse tier, but he can have that same feeling as if he has line of sight, then odds are he can spear you at any moment if you don't take care to dodge instantly.
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I can't play the killer until it's out on console, but what I think is that the instant aiming will become very deadly with (almost) no scope shots. If you instantly shoot, without iron sight aiming, can really survivors dodge it? I don't know, it's a serious question.
Of course it would have to be a near to mid range shot to hope to actually hit the survivor considering the small hitbox of the spear, but coming from FPS games I can see that becoming a real thing.
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Huntress may be better in the aspect of downing survivors faster. But if you're playing huntress and are in an indoor map, then Deathslinger will be better.
At the same time, huntress can demolish people if you know how to play her. And I can probably say the same thing for deathslinger. I wouldn't really take what the famous killers on youtube have to say. Remember when Tru3 complained about the ruin changes? Yeah, if you know how to apply pressure you can get by just fine.
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-He's weaker, but I find him more fun.
-Aim+shoot feels more fun and satisfying than preloading a hatchet and moving at slower speed.
-His animations are really cool, like the reload animation is so badass, makes you feel empowered (even if you're not, lol).
-His memento mori I think is the most brutal in the game, I love it.
But yeah, huntress is waaay stronger.
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Mama Huntress if I want to snipe survivors from across the map
Cowboi Caleb if I want to have an overall more fun game.
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I haven't played him yet since no PTB on Xbox, but I'd prefer to play Deathslinger just for the lols. Being able to drag survivors around just for the giggles. Sure, he won't get constant 4k's, but I never play matches for that reason anyway. I play for points and having some fun while doing it, and Deathslinger seems to be a fun time overall.
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His chase music should be Will Smith 'Wild Wild West'.
Goodnight all.
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I think the easiest fix would be to give him 115% movement speed, longer duration before a chain break, and increase the size of the harpoon hitbox slightly, on dedicated servers latency can cause some pretty inconsistent hits whether you have a good connection or not, which is the cause of many of those shots that will go through the survivor model but not actually hit, I am not saying make the hitbox like huntress's hatchets because that would be insane, but at the moment the hitbox is about as big as the harpoon model, which for a game operating on dedicated servers is way too small. I think if all of those are taken into account, he would be worth playing.
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Yes, you can dodge it on reaction assuming he's not in melee range.
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I can sing ring of fire and it will kinda make sense.
Also, why play any killer besides the best one? This is basically what you're asking but on a smaller scale, it's a silly question when a tier list isn't what most people look at when choosing a character to play
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Lol if that's the case, Deathslinger may just be the worst killer in this game, because he's tall, 110% with worthless power
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I pick Deathslinger.
I am a trash Huntress. Outlaw has iron sights, no need for lockers, and with the black facial hair cosmetics he looks like me irl. (Full black beard when?)
People complain about no gen pressure but isn't that all killers though?
See that Claudette teabagging? Wanna shoot her in the face? Well, howdy partner.
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The only two aspects in my opinion that are stronger: he can do quick shots, he has a smaller TR. And he has that needle on his gun for aiming assistance.
Beneath that he is more fun to play than Huntress, but not because he is strong, just because the mechanic is funny.
@Chewy102 don't know, the ammo thing doesn't really count for me. 5 hatchets are normally enough to down a survivor for an average huntress.
@ScottJund The instant aiming can be dodged if you constantly look back to see when he instantly raies his arms. You notice that as killer, like it tells you when someone has Dead Hard. As long as he is looking backwards, simply don't shoot, until the survivor runs into an obstacle. It isn't so ez to dodge it. Not saying it is impossible, but you write it as it is impossible to hit that way.
@Weck true, but the difference here is, that you are talking about ALL killers, and this topic is about two killers that are pretty equal. It is basically just the style that differs.
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It sucks that currently he's just a lesser Huntress but I love everything else about him. I'm sure they'll adjust him to make him stand out more when he comes to live but I'm afraid they're just gonna make him a 4.6 m/s killer and that'd be a shame if they didn't do more to him than that.
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What about 2? Or 3?
Dont have time to detail anything, at work. But a Huntress will be forced to give up on chases or be unable to start them depending on her ammo count. Giving Huntress downtime a Killer cant afford.
Deathslinger has no such downtime due to ammo. Longer cooldowns, but no downtime where he isnt a threat.
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Huntress is the better killer. Period.
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That's where I disagree, every missed shot gives you time to get to another LOS blocker unless you are totally catched in the middle of nowhere and even the main streets of Haddonfield or Springwood are small enough to get to a fence or something. And 5 hatchets are enough to down 2 survivors, if they don't or can't heal, even more. Normally after a chase you reload and are back in action. This locker reload is more a thing for new Huntress players that need more shots. If you can aim, there might be situations where you cannot go into a chase, but also (and I think more situations) where you can snowball. The cowboy has no snowball potential at all. So just to be clear, sure there are situations as you say, but if you combine 5 shots and locker reload vs 1 shot and infinite reload, I clearly see the Huntress far in the lead
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I'm not too sure he's actually straight up worse then huntress
He doesn't have a huge directional lullaby for one
But the biggest difference is that hatchets take time to wind up and survivors hear the huntress get an astma attack when she does
Deathslinger is instant everytime you are in FOV of him for a second he could get you
Let's not forget only a couple of people have played him for a few days of the ptb, not many people were doing hot with huntress too the first few days she was out
I think once some people get really good at him. Instand shots will alloy him to get hits where huntress just can't.
Only time can tell though
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Lullaby isn't directional
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If you can quickscope hits often hes alright, but if you have to aim like huntress with her wind up then you might as well play Huntress.
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That's why
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I've always found the Hitboxtress very dull to play as. She's a fan favorite, so I guess it's just different flavors for different people. Personally, it's just very unsatisfying for me when I get hits just because I realized how hitboxes can be abused. The concept of the killer is good, but the implementation falls short and they were never able to fix it.
I might pick the Deathslinger over her simply because he looks like an improvement so far on that front, plus I'm originally an fps player.