Any time I get DS'd 3+ times in a game, I equip a mori next game. AMA

Does this mean you run a mori at least every 2nd or 3rd game?
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Yup. Can't get DS'd if you never have to pick them up a second time
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Wise words, my friend. 😂
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Favorite map?
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The Game
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Cool meme. Legion is my favorite killer! Thanks for sharing
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Question is why aren't you learning your lesson? Your picking up survivors that quickly 3 times in a match? Slug the squad and no DS.
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Slugging is boring. When you have 2-3 people on the ground, and can't touch any of them because of DS, its no fun. I'd rather just mori them and move on.
EDIT: Slugging doesn't do anything after gates are open, anyway.
You could fix this in 2 steps. When a survivor with DS is unhooked, all other instances of DS are deactivated. And, when the gates are opened, DS cannot be proc'd. They didn't want PIG to get free kills with RBT, so survivors shouldn't get free escapes with DS
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How do you gets Ds'd 3+ times a game? Ds is almost never an issue for me. The only time I get ds'd is when a survivor is such an easy target that I end up going for them again. But it doesn't even really matter if they ds me because if they are that bad I know I'll be able to catch them again.
So ether you are hard tunneling survivors once they are unhooked or you are playing so well and downing survivors so fast that you end up getting ds'd even when you aren't tunneling. In the first case, ds is working exactly as intended. In the second case, you are obviously playing easy survivors and are likely to win anyway unless all of your downs happen in the end game with the help of noed.
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You can only get dsed 4 times max. It’s called enduring- it makes it easier. Just suck it up. Survivors will put the perk on bc it’s the only counter to tunneling
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Its generally the 2nd. Excellent addition to the post.
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Yeah no, Enduring doesn't reduce the DS Stun.
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If you’re getting hit with DS 3 times per game on a frequent basis you need to look at how you’re playing. Very likely you don’t realize how hard you’re tunneling.
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They did answer that.
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No. Thats how you play as killer. Theres no way to avoid that.
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I don't get DS'd 3 times per game but I still have to play as if I might be.
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Not such an excellent addition this time
Edited for profanity
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Because I like to talk to strangers on the internet.
As for the 2nd part:
Edited for profanity
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Addendum to my previous balance ideas: I would also be fine if DS only proc'd if you get unhooked more than 32 meters away from the killer. If you unhook someone right in front of me, there should be punishment, not free escape.
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It's not the player who was hooked's fault that they were unhooked too soon. That's why I focus the guy doing the rescuing if they make an unsafe rescue.
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Excellent point! Scratch that addendum. DS can proc inside 32 meters. Expose the unhooker instead
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With your idea killers could tunnel and hard camp any survivor without DS activating. That kind of defeats the purpose...
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Awful addition. This is an ama. There was no question
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Cool. When I get Mori'd, I bring a Key into my next match.
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My mistake. Sometimes I will take the bait on posts like this - it is often hard to tell whether a post is sarcastic or genuine due to the nature of this community. You got me this time.
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I use Devour.
Can't get DS'd if you don't hook them.
I can get all 5 stacks and leave one Survivor unhooked.
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Terrible addition. This is an ama. There was no question
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Interesting addition. This is an ama. There was no question
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Take it as a suggestion.
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Do you switch to a specific killer to use a specific mori, or do you have no killer or mori preference?
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I'm not open to suggestions at this time.
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Legion. I have about 70 moris stocked up on him
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Nice, I like theirs. Was just curious about your preference, thank you!
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Me too! They're my favorite killer(s)