So I didn't notice the Doctor was Black until the animated short

Any one else have this fly over their head? I had a sort of feeling he was black, facial structure and all. But I figured the fired black skin was cause...Well He was fried black. But yeah. Never even put much thought into it until the short and I was like. Oh yeah. That is a thing. Just like Joey of Legion fame, it isn't a big deal. Just a neato never notice before. Any one got the low key on Wraith by the way? I always imagined black.
Yeah, I think both Phillip (Wraith) and Herman (Doctor) are African-American. So is Lisa (Hag) I believe. I haven’t checked up on the wiki or discussions about Killers’ origins recently though.
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he is black like wraith and hag.
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Pretty sure they are just American, not African
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I got surprised when I found out Hag was black.
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funnily enough you can be both!
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I didn't notice either. But tbh no matter what skin colour a killer is it shouldn't affect how you see them. Docs always been a shocki boi and I live him for it, hags always been hag.... And wraiths wraith.
And lastly.... Saying that hag had darker skin or wraith is black is wrong. As of being in the entity's realm they are grey, they used to have that skin colour but now they don't. They're grey : specifically wraith is a descendant of darkseid and hag is made up of litteral twigs and swamp related items.
This post isn't intended to sound racist at all, if it does in some way I apologise
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I didn't realize this either until i was talking with a friend about lore. Doc is somewhat based on a Chinese whackjob that's still practicing today, so making him black was an easy way to avoid a defamation suit from someone that's made a business out of ruining lives.
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Freddy is a burnt pedo
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You're right about Wraith; he's a native born African who immigrated to America. His last name, Ojomo, is Nigerian in origin and his lore mentions he left his native country with hope for a new beginning.
I don't much about Hag though, besides that her Ultra Rare and Very Rare add-ons imply she's a child or teen.
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Speaking of the neato never noticed that before, I finally saw that David has a rose tattoo behind his ear after probably 80 it so hours of playing as him when I play survivor lol
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Anyone who has read the wiki knew he was black, but it was honestly pretty clever deduction on the part of the people who figured it out.
From the Trivia section on his gamepedia page ""Carter" is a surname common among African Americans capable of tracing their roots back to the southern United States or Caribbean from the early 20th century onward."
And Philip is the only full-on African character we have. The general consensus is Nigerian.
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did you also notice Davids Lion Tat on his I believe left forearm? Turns out David is very much into his home town.
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Hes not from Africa tho just America I'm quite sure
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do you not know where a huge chunk of black people come from?
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Many havent had ancestors from Africa in centuries. Other races dont say Asian-American, Russian-American etc. Just saying
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Didn't know that. Thought he was white.
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No, it was pretty obvious to me. Hag and Wraith I suspected they were of direct African due to their designs that closely resembled many African statues I've observed and stories I've been told about creatures of darkness from my grandmother who practices Voudo (this is a Hatian/island practice not African but it is derived from African slaves original traditions).
(TL;DR: Difference between African American and Black from a Black person who has researched/lives this)
Also to respond to someone else's comment (sorry mobile sucks) Hag and Wraith are African not African American. Wraith can be argued as African American due to coming here and intentionally gaining citizenship but we don't know if he gained citizenship since it was never disclosed.
Doctor is Black (But like someone said he's actually based on a Chinese whack job that's still practicing today but I'm not opening that can of corona virus). And before anyone gets on my case about it being the same thing it's not. I'm Black (Creole actually but I don't feel like explaining this). Most of us like to be referred to as Black. We (most) only like being called African American when we are in fact African immigrants with American citizenship or we are 1st/2nd generation immigrants of Africans or that is the cultural we identify as being a part of have have a "right" to (identity as a fish i personally don't gaf). The reason being Black is a catch all term for a person who appears to be of African decent but we honestly don't know how much because of slavery and inability to accurate trace our lineage, and we are so far removed from the culture and customs there's not much about us that can be considered actual African tradition. So referring to ourselves as being part of a culture that we have no ties to comes off as rude to most of us and we'd rather not do it.
While I have been fortunate enough to be able to have traced my heritage (I'm a mutt about 17 different ways) I still consider myself Black (Creole specifically) because I have little to no ties to actual African culture other than genealogy. One of my great grandmothers is Barbados and Japanese and while she is technically of African decent she has more ties to Japanese and Barbados culture than African. Black culture has a completely separate structure than African American culture even between the generations is which Blacks referred to themselves as either Black or African American. The focus, values, and teachings are completely different so yeah, just my two cents.
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I thought Wraith was Eastern European or something, dunno why. Just didn't give much thought to where 'Ojomo' came from.
I think I just saw a Russian name in Azarov and my brain decided the surname I didn't immediately recognize was probably regionally adjacent.
But an African name makes more sense with the flavor of his add ons and stuff. Though symbology, folk iconography, and magic could tie to either or.
Neat, TIL.
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I'll confess I didn't know the Wraith was black. I thought he was slavic and I'm not sure where I got that idea from.
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It says in his Bio that he's from Africa; or that he is African
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You need to read up a bit before saying That
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I think they're gray from Dusty old Mud; looking close at least. Wraith looks like he's covered in Layers of Old crusted Mud and treewood (in a few cosmetics)
It makes sense why Hag is Definitely covered in mud though
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Probably got it from the whole Azarov thing; which also sounds pretty Slavic
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Actually Wraith is african, he migrated to America before turning into the Wraith.
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Carter is a common African American last name
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I believe Hag actually is from Africa. Wraith was an immigrant from Africa. Doctor I believe was born in America.
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I think you mean to say Wraith is more tainted by the Dark side. Darkseid is a DC comic book super villain.
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Probably because of "Azarov" lol. I thought that too.
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Phillip. Phillip Ojomo. That sounds native american to me, especially considering the face paint and tribal nature of him.
Or maybe hes an actual African American, and not just a descendant. Like, no offense, but I mean actually FROM Africa.
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How dare you compare Darkseid with Wraith, Darkseid is a god and Philip is a weak killer that need a buff. Philip is definitely black as proven with his body from the candle cosmetic.
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Nope, I knew
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My ancestors thank you for clearing this up. I cannot stand when someone refers to me as African American in rl just because I'm Black. Black people come from all over the place, not just Africa. Anyone who assumes so needs to do their research.
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So I have a ignorant white guy question....what do white and black south africans call themselves. Just wondering. I know some native black australians call themselves aboriginal australians but that's different than black people in america because they were natives before white people came. Really it seems like aboriginals should be called australian and white australians should be called just that or english australians.
Also shouldn't native americans be just called and american and white people called english american or something. It's all very confusing since american isn't a race. Let's just all be earthlings.
What if a african born white person moves to america. Is he still african american? Not trying to offend if i do i just think the race topic isn't one that is discussed enough and when it is it's too limited to certain groups.
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If you're an American citizen then you are American. Any one that tries to add anything else is either trying to feel special or is trying to sell you a form of snake oil. The same applies to just about any other country as well.
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Nah, that doesn't surprise me.