When do you bring in spicy add-ons/killers?

I typically play fair in my killer games unless I’m forced not to. In the pre-lobby, if I see four toolboxes I feel as though I have to play a stronger killer with better add-ons and possibly a mori.
In the current state of the game, toolboxes are easily the strongest survivor item and survivors who split gens and use commodious toolboxes will end the game quickly so you as a killer have to prepare yourself for gens getting done super quickly.
Toolboxes will receive a major nerf in the next patch.
Deathslinger showed me, that BHVR is not interested in creating strong killers. More like imteresting ones.
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Lets hope he gets buffs.
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Yeah let's hope he gets sum. .)
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Freddy and Billy are only killers that I play to begin with and I like to play fair. I only use "un fun" addons vs multiple toolboxes and key(s).
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I usually play wraith with purple windstorm and all-seeing with franklins and a mori if I see a key
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Lately I started to think I need to bring good add-ons against survivors because of how fast gens go. Many survivors on high ranks know that sticking to gens will let them win easily so as killer I feel so frustrated. Like I just played a match as the Spirit and that Nea after gens popping here and there had the audacity to write me things like: "Get punished with genrush, hope you learned your lesson." I'm sorry for playing a strong killer, let me pick the Pig, here, teabag me till the daylight in those exit gates! I feel freaking empty after playing as a killer because I can't win by playing as I want to. I want to down survivor 1, go to survivor 2, then hook survivor 3 and chase survivor 4, repeat. I could do that without add-ons on high ranks before the Ruin nerf because I had an early game! Even when Ruin got cleansed in 30 seconds I had a gap of time between gens being fixed. Now I have to tunnel and enjoy my 1 kill at best if survivors play optimally. You know, as Bubba I can get the same amount of kills just by camping and I will save most of my nerve cells by doing so because I can just peacefully stand without causing too much movement here and there. "You're just bad" is not an issue here when I down survivor fast and still lose. Like, do I have freaking time to be good??
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If I see a map & key duo, I bring Mori with whatever best add-ons I have for that killer. It's dead after first hook for the key carrier. Fingers crossed he/she is using White Ward or a purple key ring so they don't drop it next to their corpse.
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I typically just throw on whatever addons I feel like and dont pay too much attention to what survivors are holding in the lobby screen. Sometimes I'm like "Lets play Tomestone piece, thatll be fun" and sometimes I just bring a more traditional build/addon set.
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When I see a key, or someone with an unnatural hair color, pink blue green etc