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Zarina's Perks aren't any good

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

All of Zarina's perks are pretty bad.

For the People has too many drawbacks. 90 seconds of No Mither is rough. And picking up a downed teammate is tough because if they get left slugged they'll be safe enough to save without the perk. And if you want to pick someone up right after they go down... you'll likely take a hit which you can't afford to do. The only way For the People could be decent is if the broken effect was reduced to maybe 30 seconds and the perk had a set amount of tokens to be used per game (probably two) to prevent spamming it.

Off the Record is redundant and inferior to similar perks. Decisive, Deliverance and Borrowed are better for avoiding getting tunneled. And if you don't want to make sound while injured just run Iron Will so you have it all game. Honestly, the only way Off the Record could be decent is if it activates permanently after you get unhooked the first time because it'd be like Distortion+Iron Will with the caveat of not being available until mid-game.

Red Herring doesn't make a good distraction. Killers don't really pay any attention to noise alerts once they're in a chase and so the only time they'd even check it out is when they're roaming around looking for new targets, which would be hard to predict. Also, at the start of the game, blowing up a Gen on purpose and running away would probably have a similar effect without using a perk slot. I think this perk is just badly designed and can't be good tbh

I like Zarina's design but there's just no reason to get her with the current perk lineup none of her perks will be even remotely meta


  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    @kreeper124 Fixated is pretty good as well. +20% walking speed is great with exhaustion perks and seeing your scratch marks lets you make interesting stealth plays

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    Quick question about inner strength. If I cleanse three totems does that mean I can heal myself in a locker three times as well or is Inner Strength just a one time perk?

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    SWF would like to have a talk with you about For the People.

    Red Herring isn't great but if used during right times can really help out.

    In my opinion, only Off the Record is pure trash.

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    For The People changes: I don't think it needs the changes. Lowering the drawback just so you can make riskier plays is kind of dumb. The point is not to have risky saves, but to transfer the focus off someone else in a non - thanataphobia favored way. Since you're choosing to take on the injury, you're essentially telling the killer "I'm your target," so hopefully they leave the ally you healed alone. It's sort of an anti tunneling perk like BT, but not as good. I think they could lower the timer by 10 across the board, and that would improve it.

    Off the Record changes: if they did that change, it'd be way too good, like broken af way too good. Permanent distortion/aura blocking is way too good. Blocking aura reading is already good, which is why they're careful not to put it on too many perks. I think if they were to make permanent effects like that, aura blocking can't be one of them.

    Red Herring: I agree, not as good as pebble, which is memey as it is.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    They’re not bad, I can see For The People being used in a swf as an endgame safe. Red Herring is rather meme-y yeah, but could still be quite funny. The other one isn’t that bad but it’s indeed not going to shake the meta I feel.

  • Pizza_Dweet
    Pizza_Dweet Member Posts: 68

    Surge is decent in some builds like oni with his mass downing potential.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Also, Blood Echo is very strong with Legion because it makes survivors spend even more time healing and guarantees chases where they can't use exhaustion perks

  • For the People looks like an amazing perk, and Red Herring can be situational but still decent.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    The main problem is, that the developers want to create perks with a powerlevel of the new "Hex: Ruin" and "For the people", but are too scared to nerf perks like DS or Nurses Calling.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    You can't nerf Decisive unless you change gameplay mechanics to punish tunneling.

    (i.e. a survivor being re-hooked within a minute doesn't advance their sacrifice progress)

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    for the people will be good when you are playing with a friend. thats about it for the perks though.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    In fact you can. People would start being more creative with their builds instead of slapping the same meta perks on everytime. For example "Camaraderie". (yes i just said nerf DS so people run dat steve perk more often)

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    That's the reason I'm not really getting this latest chapter. I don't care for the survivors perks and I don't like the deathslinger. I don't want to trade a healthy state just to heal someone. It's more of a swf perk which I thought they were trying to avoid. The other perks are useless. I'll just use iron will. If I want to make a gen make noise I'll fail a skill check or hop out a locker.

  • BoiltOver
    BoiltOver Member Posts: 118

    People really under value fixated, and it kinda annoys me. At least if everyone ignores it, it probably won't ever get nerfed >:)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2020

    For the People is extremely strong and honestly needs a nerf before coming to live servers. I don't think you're realizing how strong and abusable that perk is. It will be meta.

    Red Herring is situationally decent. A better version of pebble.

    Off the Record is quite bad and needs some buffs.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    @Blueberry I've played with For the People on PTB.

    It's only useful to pick up dying teammates. And if the killer stays nearby when they down someone, you probably won't be able to get close without taking a hit (which deactivates the perk since you need to be full health to use it).

    The only scenario For the People could be strong in is a SWF with teammates that will bodyblock the person with For the People so they can get in position without taking damage.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2020

    It counters slugging quite hard which is the only way killers are winning in the current meta. It also sets you up with a DH right after using it. Bar end game, most killers aren't sitting on top of their slug anyway. Especially if they just downed them and know they aren't near being recovered yet.

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    I will suprise you here. Gearhead is the best perk since Discordance.

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    I don't recommend Bloodecho on Legion. People aren't dumb and won't stay grouped up. In average scenario you will injure 2 survs, and if you down this second person, the first will be healed by now if he has a medkit, if he don't well, congrats, bloodecho triggered on one person

    I defenitely recommend it on The Plague tho.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Why use surge over pop though? It has a cooldown for starters (40 seconds is way too long), and regresses a gen by a whopping 8%. That's, what...just over 6 seconds worth of gen regression? If it didn't have a cooldown, worked with every kind of action like infectious does and guaranteed hit 2 gens in progress I think it'd be a good perk. But right now it's not that great when other perks to slow down gens/track survivors exist.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171


    For the People is only gonna be useful in SWF, where their high coordination can let it be used to great effect in some clutch scenarios. Even then it'll still be a bit tough to use. Solos will just waste a perk slot using it.

    Off The Record is trash. You can just use lockers and Iron Will and you achieve almost the exact same effect, or run DS and don't care if the Killer sees you within 60 seconds of being unhooked.

    Red Herring is just a worse pebble. Unless you're the last Survivor looking for the Black Lock or you are trying to sandbag someone it's just not gonna be useful.

    I really hope the devs give some major changes to all these perks. But their response to all the feedback saying Camaraderie was bad was just to make it last longer, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    At this stage in the game, it's probably hard to make perks for either side. When you make a perk your not just making it for that 1 person. You have to consider what people who have every other perk in the game are going to mix with it. Old MoM for example. That perk was broken before it arrived. However I felt by itself it was okay. If MoM was your only 2nd chance perk it would have been tolerable. Naturally when it got here, people mixed it with every other 2nd chance perk and it had to be reworked. Which is why I feel they are releasing crappy perks because they can't think of something that won't be abused. Which is why I think we need restrictions on how many types of perks we can bring into a match.

    Look at Overwatch. They had such a hard time balancing characters around the 4 tanks, 2 healers meta. Until finally they snapped and they forced 2 dps, 2 support, 2 tanks comp.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Agreed, it's because the devs are pushing way too much content out and are burning themselves out. If we had 2 big content updates a year instead of 4, the perks would actually be good instead of ok at best.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Even if they dropped down to 3 new chapters a year that would give them more time to be more creative and also allow them time to fix the actual game.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447

    They really are. Red Herring is just a beginners perk that’ll never be used by any player with like +80 hours of experience and Off the Record is just Iron Will but more situational and less rewarding, so why run it when Iron Will does a better and more reliable job.