Sparing Survivors

What makes you give hatch to a survivor when you're on the verge of everyone else dying? For me, it's when a survivor has stayed on objective and out of the way rather than tossing themselves at me, or someone that's proven they know how to loop/juke/evade me, also if I'm Ghostface and they teabag with me rather than run.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    If one particular survivor is a hard worker (focussed on getting gens done, good at keeping a chase up etc.) while the other survivor(s) just hide somewhere on the map, I try to give them the hatch.

    Even when I play killer, I stay a solo survivor at heart.

  • Nickeleye
    Nickeleye Member Posts: 278

    I have a soft spot for lone wolves playing with SWF groups. The only people who have it worse than killers in this game.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    I dont spare toxic or skilled survivors. Not cause i treat both as the same, quite the opposite. I respect good survivors and i dont want to pity them. And giving hatch feels like a pity price.

    If someone is good at nodding and dbd communication, i may give them hatch too. But i generally dont give hatch in tense games, only in stomps. Not out of disrespect, i just dont care about hatch in general... like at all.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    If survs are complete noobs, no generators are done, they give up and its not above rank 10, then I MAY spare them. After ruin nerf survivors deserve only to get moried.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    If they're clearly a baby, or just had god awful teammates, I will give hatch or the door.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    If 2 or 3 dc over nothing, I'll farm with them.

    If they stay slugged and dont DC while I kill the other 3 people running at me, I let them live.

    Basically in a situation where i expect them to DC, but they dont. They get respect for that. And 95% of the time an escape.

    On the other hand, if I'm trying to let someone live or do work, and they just keep wiggling and running, I'll kill them. They don't want my kindness, fine then lol.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'm a really, really merciful killer since I don't care about rank and I role play that my killer is resisting the entity. (Unless I am playing a killer that isn't being forced to participate ie ghostface, clown, soon deathslinger etc)

    There are days where I'll put on the big boy perks and sweat it out, but most of the time I'm just a memelord. People just jump on hooks sometimes I don't know how to explain it.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited February 2020

    When I'm just farming for points I'll usually let the Survivors all escape. Even in a bad game, Killer is typically assured a hefty amount of points. Let the Survivors have their own extra 5k for getting out. If they DC or kill themselves on hook in that scenario, that's on them.

    I'll usually sweat for kills if I'm doing a Ritual or Challenge that requires it, or if I'm playing/practicing a Killer I don't use often.

    Funny story, recent game I played was for a ritual of 4 Surprise Attacks with the Wraith. Partway through I forgot I'd used Bloody Party Streamers and remembered I had a Kill Survivors challenge active, so I went for the 4k and got 3.

    In my defense, I at least waited until all four Survivors were on death hook before going in for the kill.

  • I know what it feels like to play survivor so sometimes I show mercy, especially given how toxic most the killers I play against tend to be.

    That being said it usually bites me in the ass because they still trash on me post game chat.

  • Wooferson
    Wooferson Member Posts: 22

    Unless the survivor was purposefully being toxic to me or there were two and they left the other survivor on the hook to camp the hatch (when they weren't on death hook) I'll typically give the last survivor the hatch. Most of the times when I'm GhostFace (meme boi) I'll let all of the survivors escape once they're all on death hook if they start memeing and tbagging with me.

    ARSONPANDA Member Posts: 3

    I always leave the last one standing in the match go or the last one that gets knocked down. But.... if you teabag me being overconfident.... I kill you guilt free

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74

    I dont, because the Devs have broken their backs to give the survivor the moon in terms of tools to escape and if they still get caught by me they deserve the hook.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
    edited February 2020

    I used to see it happen maybe one every week or so that a killer would give the hatch to someone. Haven't seen it in probably six months. But I do see tons on slugging at five gens now and face camping every single person, so...

    Just had a game with an Oni who got his road rage but didn't pop it until he hooked someone and then face camped. Someone made the save. He downed her, stepped around me to tunnel. Guess what? I DC'ed. I'm tired of the same thing in every single game. I'm not even sure I'll finish this Tome because I am tired of facecamping or slugging in literally every single game.

  • tylerlogsdon1
    tylerlogsdon1 Member Posts: 158

    If I got a particularly nasty hit through a pallet end game

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73

    There are a few ways to get me to give you mercy.

    -absolute defeat (only 1 gen done max, sometimes 0 gens done, everyeone else died)

    -You played smart but brave (getting saves, protecting, etc. But not if you are toxic)

    -If you want to live more than you want to prevent me from getting kills. (I do this by patrolling the doors, and if I find the last survivor on one towards the end of the clock, I will approach them. If you are last alive and keep opening the door, even as I am standing within grabbing distance, you can go. Though, I'll probably whack you on the way out)

    There are a few other times, but most people already said them (you got your stacks/challenges done, you played maturely and did objective while everyone else flopped around like their controllers had drift and they were trying to play on a WII controller)

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    Depends on what killer i am.

    If I play Huntress and start to chop at a tree and they start to "chop" it with me, they go free

    If i am Ghostface and we crouch walk together.

    They boop snot

    Dance to my bell (Wraith)

    And for all killers, thay drop their item.

    On this topic, I once befriended a survivor. It was beautiful. But they were the obsession. And i was doing the Rancor challenge. RIP

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I spare survivors for lore reasons related to pig, always leave 1 to run. Never 4k. But if I do 4k its because they were toxic in some sense.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's kind of a in the moment decision. I had a game where the first survivor DC'd after I hooked them. I goofed around the rest of the game. 3 hooking the other two and 2 hooking the other. I stomped the hatch and let them take the gate. Also if it was just a generally good game I'll sometimes let them leave.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    If it was a good match and I got my personal goal done, I'll let the last one go or take them to the hatch. I'm a pretty bad killer in the way that I generally just want to have fun and don't care about kills.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Early dc/rage quit.

  • Riku_Odayaka
    Riku_Odayaka Member Posts: 31

    I tend to only let the last survivor escape if they played well and fairly. 5 gens done, good at looping, doesn't flashlight click or t-bag, etc. If they made it to the gate with all that in mind and got it to at least the last light as the last survivor, they've earned that escape. I'll down them for the points, but then they can run free.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    If I feel like it.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    If I feel like it... there's no secret recipe. 2 games can play exactly the same but in one I might give hatch, in the other I won't.

    But if you struggle, you won't get hatch period

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I almost always give Laurie the hatch.

    Other than that, I typically will let the last survivor go.

    Just not one of those killers who has to get a 4k every time.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    If i feel like it. No real indicator.

  • DARKBOI777
    DARKBOI777 Member Posts: 21

    Tbh for me it's more so a mood if I'm tryna get my bloodpoints then I need my babies but if I'm in a good mood and I see a survivor mess up like run into sum and get stuck or if I hit them 5 ft through a window I'll just laugh and give them a 2nd Chance for the fun

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    @meatisadelicacy honestly, that might have been me. I recently had a game where that exact scenario happened. If it was you, I was farming a kill challenge with Oni I had active for a few days and wanted to get rid of it for new ones. And honestly, Waiting to use your power and getting 2 downs for a survivor unhooking is a pretty good tactic with oni. It's a guaranteed free 2 downs if not more when more than 1 comes running.

  • MissMora
    MissMora Member Posts: 28

    if they had an obviously bad team but they were doing what they were supposed to, if the rest of their team DC's, if they're a really cute Dwight

    ya know the usual things people spare for~

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    For me it's when one of the survivors I play regularly is the last standing and haven't been a toxic pos all match. Or when they make awesome plays I wasn't expecting. So it's usually Janes that I let escape cause they surprise me in chases and whatnot with Head On and I have a soft spot for Ms. Romero and haven't encountered many toxic Janes