DC penalty is sucking the fun out of the game.

FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54
edited February 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

With some of the recent "balance" changes and reintroduced DC penalty, games have become way more sweaty. Killers using busted add ons and perks have skyrocketed. Slugging for 4ks seem to have increased as well. BHVR I'm not trying to spend 4 minutes slugging to death so my teammate can get the hatch or the have the killer eventually find him after waiting around for so long. Survivors are actually gen rushing. Normally I wouldn't complain about gen rushing because what else is a survivor supposed to do. Now it seems like a mad race to just end the game as quickly as possible and not have any interaction with killers. Survivors that aren't happy with the game just let themselves die on hook and killers just go hide someone where on the map to prevent any interaction for points when they give up. I'm not having fun on either side. DC penalty has ironicly increased toxicity as well. Post game chat is a mess. Some many players berating each other over a game that is supposed to be casual fun. I'm sure you guys have the statistics on how the DC penalty is effecting the game. Of course that's a secret though, becuase you don't want the community to be able to say I told you so again. Please just get rid of it.

I'm not sure how to reply to individual comments here so I'm adding this edit. I don't feel like the DC penalty addressed the root cuase of why people are dc'ing. The game can be incredibly frustrating at times. Sure some are just being toxic and dc'ing becuase they're babies. The problems that cuase the bulk of the frustration have only been exaggerated for both sides becuase now we're just forced to deal with it. I personally believe if they want to keep the the DC penalty going foward then they to address the root of the problem first. Sometimes the game just isn't fun because there is a serve lack of balance. Both sides have a lot of power to be absolute scum bags if they choose to. I don't want to see this game devolve into who can ruin the others fun more. That's the real problem in my eyes.

Post edited by FishTacoDeluxe on


  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    On the contrary; DC penalties are doing what they're intended to do -- forcing people to stay and complete full matches instead of bailing in the middle. As for the slugging, perk changes, etc. that actually started becoming a lot more prevelent after the Ruin changes -- because 99% of killers couldn't imagine playing the game with old Ruin, and when it was changed they simply resorted to overwhelmingly camping, puppy guarding, and playing as sweaty as possible as "payback" to Survivors (for some) or to combat not being able to 'slow the game down' like they used to.

    All I can say is, if slugging is becoming as prominent as you're making it out to be - are you running Unbreakable to combat it? No Mither? There aren't many options, but that's what Survivors have at least. I haven't noticed very much slugging (only a few matches here and there); but I have been witness to the masssive influx of camping and puppy guarding hooks to guarantee kills because most killers can't 'risk' letting a survivor get a second chance because they can't slow down the game enough anymore or won't re-adapt to the new Ruin changes.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    I disagree, most things you said are not linked to DC penalties in my opinion, just the new Survivor general gameplay (faster games mean people are now accustomed to fast wins and are willing to take a fast loss in order to jump in a new potential fast win game) and mob mentality (natural thing in an asymmetrical game, sadly).

    People who let themself die on first hook are the same player who would DC without penalty. The general situation has improved a little bit in my experience.

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173

    A killer DC and somehow, I got the penalty. IDK how that works. I dont understand that we get a DC penalty if they gave us the option to DC in the first place

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    They didn't listen to the community? Did people lose their minds since the last time I checked the forum out and start begging to keep the DC epidemic alive. DC-ing sucks for both sides and it's only been a better experience since I've been playing again. You still get the occasional one as well as the sewies on hook but it's for sure gotten better. The hook sewies aren't even as common as I thought they'd be and I assume it's because people have a little time to calm their rage now knowing there's a penalty. At least as a survivor now you get a little extra time now when one of your teammates decides to screw everyone over. The slugging and whatnot doesn't feel much different to me then when I way last playing heavy maybe five or more months ago.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    I'm not agreeing nor am I disagreeing with the dc penalty, I'm just going to give my perspective of the change in gameplay and attitude.

    On average, I play about 3-5 hours a day, killer and survivor. I still see around 4-6 people disconnecting in that time and quadruple that number of people that will just kill themselves on hook asap.

    I do notice the post chat is a bit more aggressive than it used to be.

    An unforeseen side effect of the dc penalty, I've noticed, is killers don't bring mori's as often as they used to. I believe it is because of survivors, myself included, will leave during the loading screen to niggate the disconnect penalty in a match they feel the chances of surviving are extremely low. A lot of killers see they can't load into a match with a mori emblem, so most have stopped burning them.

    Thanks for your time.

  • Forge
    Forge Member Posts: 33

    The Killers should NOT have a DC penalty, or at the least, not be as severe. The reason? If we lose more Killers because they are pissed off from BS matches, then there are no matches. So, in a sense, yes, this game HAS to slightly cater more to the Killers than the survivors.

  • Dad
    Dad Member Posts: 19

    This is partially true. Now you have people who try to hook jump immediately, and then refuse the struggle.

    It takes a bit longer than a DC, but the suicide doesn't penalize anyone but your teammates, and off you are to another game.

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175
    edited February 2020


    "Forcing peoples to stay until match ends"

    How about the matches that never end? =) which is not as rare as one might think.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I got that for the first time yesterday. I brought an escape cake, a commodious toolbox with the best addons and had done the first three gens myself. Someone hit the killer with DS and apparently I quit, losing my offering, equipment, and even losing progress to my genrush quest I had to do AND had to sit there for 5 minutes.

    Both the killer and I had the DC icon at the end of the game because somehow we both DCd at the exact same time. Somehow I doubt it.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    I dont agree with that. Even though I think the DC penalty is having an adverse effect on the games health it needs to be even for all.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    Why not address the problems that make people want to DC? Punishing players who check out becuase their frustrated with the state of the game will only fustrate them more. We have a player rentition problem and this isn't helping.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    Why do I have to run a perk to combat toxic playstyles. It's one thing if he slugs and follows up with another chase asap. After I've sat there for half my bleed out timer, I'm ready to be hooked and get to my next game. I dont care about dying or killing. I just want to be able to enjoy the game the game at a casual level.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    I can't believe there was a point in time when I thought they were making the game better. They've just introduced a new plethora of bugs with dedicated servers and continue to not fix the problems that make players want to DC in the first place.

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173

    That is why they need to lift the ban. One time, I had a power outage due to the storm but yet I have to get the penalty.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Intentionnally or not you probably ruined other players game that day. 4 players because of 1. You got 5mins ban right? It's equal to your modem restarting then the game itself restarting maybe 1min left. This ban thing is great. The core of the problem are people but devs are devs what can they do lol fix humanity?

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173

    It is not fair to be punished for something outside of my control

  • SassySolidSnake
    SassySolidSnake Member Posts: 65

    My personal disagreement with the DC penalty, is that my app consistently crashes on PS4, and I can't find any information online to fix the problem. Now I am being punished for something I'm not intensionally doing, but I also understand it hurts the other 4 people playing with me. People who DC because they are throwing a tantrum should be punished, because it's not fair to everyone else participating in the trial. If a killer wants to sweat for that 4k, they are playing the game as intended- their role is to kill. You can play however you want, you paid for your copy of DBD. If you're regularly playing against sweaty killers, run a nasty survivor build to counter it. At least you get to play, where when people DC it screws the experience for everybody else.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174
    edited February 2020

    I had alot of dcs because of my bad conn so I thought of that. Imagine if you were right and disable dc s penalty when the player s connection suddenly go off. It's sad but true, every toxic player will fake a sudden connection problem by unplugging their internet cable for example. That feels unfair I know it but it's the right thing to do sadly.

  • SassySolidSnake
    SassySolidSnake Member Posts: 65

    I do agree with slugging. Slugging is sometimes necessary, and is a good pressure tactic. However, if 2 or more survivors stay slugged for too long, the killer should be penalized. Nothing is worse than being slugged for the entire game, booooooringggg.

  • Forge
    Forge Member Posts: 33

    Even for a Asymmetrical game? Balance in an Asymmetrical game? Makes no sense