New Perk

tay Member Posts: 8

The new perk is called Magic touch. This is a perk that you can only get on holidays. This perk give you a extra life. Its activate when you are on your 3rd hook and when you complete 2 generators.Where the killer is blind for 20 second for you to get away. Please let me know if this is a good perk.


  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    No it isn't.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    20? seconds? Could you imagine being unable to see anything for 20 seconds? Potentially multiple times per match?

    Could you be more specific about the requirements? By "complete 2 generators", does that mean you must repair the equivalent of 2 generators or do you just need to be working on 2 gens when they are completed?

    When exactly does it activate? When you complete the second gen? Is the killer just blinded for 20 seconds as soon as that happens, no matter where they might be?

    And a perk that you can only use during the holidays is kinda weird. Would you have to buy all 3 tiers in the bloodweb? If the holidays end, do you lose it and have to buy it again next time? Most importantly, what does it have to do with the holidays, anyway?

  • murderer897
    murderer897 Member Posts: 16

    That's a terrible idea 🤣 this game would have no more killers playing especially me