Killers taking survivors hostage

Some killers have now began to prolong games not letting survivors leave because they know these people dont want to take penalty of DC.

The game is already over, the killer has won and downed all the remaining survivors. Yet, he refuses to hook people. Hatch is unreachable, no one has keys, unbreakable, ect. Killer continues to struggle people free to deny bleeding out. THey follow these survivors to deny them chance to rescue their teammates. There is no way out unless killer hooks people, but he wont, so what now?

I was stuck in a game for extra 10-15min because killer refused to end the game in normal terms but instead kept wasting time and trolling. Not being able to kill your character in these situations feels super frustraiting.


  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    The downed survivors will eventually bleed out. If the killer then refuses to kill the last person, they can work on gens and escape, or be downed and bleed out. The match will end naturally eventually.

  • List_of_concerns
    List_of_concerns Member Posts: 182

    @Huntar "Eventually" can be too long in some cases. I'd wager that the End Game Collapse was developed because "eventually" was an undesirable amount of time to wait.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    Take video and report, holding game hostage is bannable

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I doubt it's bannable, but for example mori spamming is, so you never know. Your only option is to record the game and report in game, then send a ticket with proof. Then bhvr will make the call.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Leaving people to bleed out if the killers choice and is part of the game. It's not holding the game hostage in my opinion

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    I did a little experiment to see if I could make people DC. I played in the most toxic way possible to see if survivors DC. They wont though. Makes me wonder what their DC penatly is already at. People fear the penalty enough to wait around for fifteen minutes being bored and frustrated. Fix the core problems of the game before having this ######### penatly BHVR. It's not survivors fault that killers are purspofully being toxic. Also killers are clearly fustrated enough to ruin other peoples fun says a lot about the state of the game.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    in cases like this, just DC. you don't have to waste a lot of your time being stuck in a match. people can't be forced to play a game if they really don't want to/can't due to real life reasons or whatever the reason might be. i think the depip and no bloodpoints should be enough as penalty.