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General Discussions

It's not what survivors DO that make me want to avoid playing killer...

It's what they say after the game. The non-stop complaining about EVERYTHING.

Too many survivors lack game awareness. They lack the ability to see that the killer has no option but to do some of the things they do. Like 99% of the time I do something scummy it's because I was forced to do it. I don't want to play scummy, I will outright ignore survivors I've hooked already if I'm not forced to go after them. But I will also do what I have to do to win. I'm not just going to be a pushover for them to bully.

Most of the time I get angry at the game, not the player. BS hits through pallets. Getting a skill check right when you let go of the gen. I'm not blaming the killer if I die. Only if they play excessively scummy when it's not necessary do I get a little annoying with the player. But even then, I never send nasty messages. I just vent by saying "this guys sucks, F him" to myself and my friends, then move on.

Devs really REALLY need to do something about the way survivors treat killers. I main survivor, I know how it feels. Trust me. But at the same time I rarely get mad at the killer for doing what they do because I understand they HAVE TO do that. It sucks when it happens, but majority of the time the survivors brought it on themselves.

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  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I definitely agree with you on that one.

    But even if they would do something about it, what exactly would they do? People who abuse others during endgame chat will always do that no matter what you do. Even if you report them and they get their just desserts, they'll still act like an ######### because that's just who they are.

    Maybe a stupid solution, but allow the killers to block certain survivors or survivors block certain killers so they cannot see what they say at all during the endgame chat.

    And don't be like Discord where "Blocked Messages" can still be seen. Have them be completely invisible. Have the survivor/killer have no cosmetics in the eyes of the person who blocked them and give them a random username so they can't distinguish who it is they blocked so they cannot do anything in the future ingame if they see them again.

    But they still have to play against each other, so blocking won't block players who are higher skilled than you. Keeping the matchmaking as stable as it can be after the MMR update (which I hope is insidious and not announced they will start changing to that system)

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited February 2020

    Lucky you. Sure, I get annoyed at survivors too, but a majority of the time I get mad, it's because a killer will be playing like a jerk unnecessarily. You don't have to do the things they do in my rank(purple-red generally). I haven't had to do the things they do in my rank. They do it just to either get a rise out of people, or because it works AND they get to make the other side angry. And it DOES work. For example camping.

    If you get a hook with 4 gens left and camp them until they die on one hook, they can only do 3 and a half if their noses are to a gen 100% of the time That gives you the average 2 live 2 die win condition that BHVR is looking for(or RARELY one person dies and 3 escape), and that's if the survivors are 100% on gens and doing absolutely nothing else(you know, the thing most people on the forums will say to do).

    If they are a Spirit and walk off and then phase back to the hook the second someone's unhooked to tunnel them down, they don't HAVE to do that, they choose to. Happens often.

    That said matchmaking is so friggin bad right now that survivors are surviving a lot more often, and I'm 100% waiting for those "survival rate is 80-90% statistics posts because you're getting red ranks vs rank 20s and people are going to eat that up, but when it's low, we should 100% ignore those statistics because they aren't red ranks vs red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    I'm on Xbox so it's a bit different. I could block these people but it doesn't change the fact it's stressful to get yelled at for doing what you have to do sometimes. It's pretty much every game. I could set my messages to friends only but I don't want to do that because I do get messages from non-friends sometimes (outside of DBD that aren't toxic hatemail).

  • Member Posts: 763

    You know they won't. They're backed by the devs to do whatever they want. That's one of the reasons why this is called a bully simulator. There should be an ability to avoid people outright so you don't have to deal with them ever again but that will never happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,620
  • Member Posts: 175

    Both sides act like jerks. That's why ignoring messages after a match is really the only solution to the problem. Main issue with this community is the US vs THEM mentality outside of matches and the biases that "mains" carry. I personally don't waste time messaging people anything other than "GG" and leave it at that.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2020

    Yea I don't send hate messages as killer either. In fact, if you get a message from me after the game it's usually something silly, or an apology for being a dick to you (again because I was forced to).

    Like this Meg brought a key into my game last night. I have a rule that I bring a mori if I see a key. I tunneled her off first hook and mori'd her with 4 gens left. I felt bad but I've been nice in the past with keys and it's come back to bite me. He sent me a message "F this key challenge, thats 10 keys gone now :(". I said "yea sorry, I mori keys. I think the challenge is dumb too. You should just run Plunderers you can get a key 1 in 3 games usually". We had a nice conversation and had I known this group weren't high ranks I probably wouldn't have brought the mori, but better safe than sorry. I felt bad for the guy, but I gotta look out for number 1. He was understanding at least, thanked me for the advice. If I see him again with a key I'll probably not do that again.

  • Member Posts: 464

    It depends. If the killer is stupid and camps from the second he hooks someone or circles the hook coming by every three seconds to tunnel the guy to death the second he is unhooked...yeah I don't really fault any survivor facing that unleashing hell on the killer after the game and the way you stop a killer from bringing something in you don't want to see is have some other survivor and then switching at the last second. I am never going to bring in a key and stand there for how long it takes to start the game and give the killer time to add something I don't want to see.

  • Member Posts: 175

    You seem pretty chill and fair about things. I wouldn't tale it personally if I were you. A lot of the time it's probably fair to say that it's frustration that has been built up over the course of a few matches and you end up getting the brunt of the hate.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I can definitely understand where you're coming from, but I'm so resentful of the survivor playerbase that seeing them angry just adds to the fun for me. I had a particular match when all of the survivors were cursing in the endgame lobby because I used Franklin's and made them waste their white wards, when they brought 2 toolboxes and 2 flashlights.

  • Member Posts: 1,920
  • Member Posts: 648

    Im on PS4 - Its very rare that a killer would send me a message but these survivor players..

    I think the reason why so many toxic messages come from the survivor side is because they are playing in the weak role and they want to have the power.

    The game doesnt go in their favour due to reasons so then the crazy behaviour starts.

    The pathetic/most funny toxic messages are the ones they send to you in a friend request xD

    Keep playing the game and ignore the stupid people ;)

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    On Xbox it's direct messages. My only option is to only allow friends to message me but then I can't get ANY messages from anyone else and I don't want that.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I'm on Xbox and had some pretty negative comments post game and had to block messages from non-friends, shame really as it's a game.

  • Member Posts: 943
    edited February 2020

    I don't know about anyone else but when you go up against a really coordinated swf, lose and they send "gg:)", you wonder if you killed them all would they still send that? Thats what i get for trying to play clown, cause matchmaking gave me green and yellow rank survivors the previous games and i thought i could chill with my Mr. Puddles. SURPRISE RANK 1s with all meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 255

    I am inclined to believe that what you are describing is simply the consequences of our choices. Nothing more.

    Whether or not you play at being scum is up to you. It's not a question of "must." If you control your emotions, you have complete freedom.

    Also in terms of winning, I don't necessarily see the killer as the loser, even if the Survs were able to escape.

    Let me give you an example:

    If I play the killer, it's not because I like killing or think I have to. I play killer because I like to hunt and I put that in the game in the foreground. And I'm just grateful when the other side sees my intention, we have some fun together and generate points.

    That doesn't get me the win, but I do win a few people who remember me well or with whom I make friends.

    Going into the matter doggedly does not seem to be the right solution to me. I have found a solution for me in which the "church stays in the village" (a German saying).

  • Member Posts: 506

    So you don't like people that are complaining about issues, yet here you are complaining about issues.

    People play games for recreational reasons, have fun, free their mind by doing something else. If people aren't having fun, it's obvious that they will raise their voice. But the real issue is not the people that are complaining about issues, it's that those issues exist in the first place.

    Also, not sure about your reasoning. Jeez, one could use your logic and apply it to the real world: the criminal HAD to do it, you just lack the ability to see that they had no option but to do some of the things they did ...

    Pretty sure you'd convince every jury with that.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    I consider myself lucky i guess, because i don't usually get salty messages. Maybe because i usually am nice to them.

    But when i do, i just laugh off. Last night i had a game where i hooked a survivor in basement, and downed + hooked another one across the map, and come back to down the unhooker. That guy called me a trash camper lol. Maybe i have the ability to camp someone across the map haha.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I'm on PS4 and I had a survivor yesterday teabag me every chance he got. He jumped a wall, teabag. Dropped a pallet on me, teabag. I made it my mission to down him and then camped him till he died. Still managed to get one other survivor after him. Later, he sent me a message telling at me to stop camping. My reply was, "I only camp teabaggers." Followed up by, "DONT BE A DICK."

    He didn't message me back after that.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    They should disable chat from one side to the other. Make a green thumps up gg buttton that you can click instead.

    And if survivors want to tell killer something, they can click another button to ask for chat permission. I dont want to disable chat with all survivors, just with certain ones. I want to mute "xX_SniperGOD_2007_EZ_Xx", not "DankHaze420suuup"

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    If there is 1 gen left, the map is split, and I have 2 people in the basement, YES I am going to camp that because I have no choice. If I leave the basement, they get saved, the last gen goes, and everyone escapes. Likewise if there are 2 gens left and X survivor is on death hook, yes I'm going to go after them and finish them off. Doesn't matter if they were just on a hook, I see an opportunity to swing the game in my favor I'm going to take it.

    I don't do things out of anger when I play the game. I do what is the most appropriate tactical response to minimize losses. Like if you are playing a shooter it's generally wise to target certain players to gain a tactical advantage. Whether that's taking out the strongest player early, or continuously going for the weaker player to have a numbers advantage, it's done for TACTICAL reasons.

    Ah the old "complaining about complainers". Aren't you complaining about me complaining about people complaining? Yes thought so.

    As for the comparison to real life I just LOL. This isn't real life, it's a game. Games are played with strategy and tactics. There is a difference between needing to take certain actions to win a game and needing to commit a crime. And yes, you can be acquitted if you can prove you had no choice. Hence why people get let free if they kill someone in self defense. THEY HAD NO OTHER CHOICE.

  • Member Posts: 1,936

    I personally find those salt messages just really funny. It can get pretty annoying at times but I honestly don't really care that much.

    I actually allow everyone to comment on my steam profile just to see the salt messages. Just today, I got this beautiful comment:

    -rep camper and tunneling no play with you before toxic with coronavirus

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    It could be that there's nothing a survivor can do that can take away the killer's ability to play the game. Killers can decide to camp, tunnel, and slug, and let's be honest, most of them do all of those things these days, and the game is over for that survivor or survivors.

    I can't tell you how often a killer will leave chase of an injured person to go straight back to the hook to tunnel, if they even leave at all. Or how often I make a save and the killer walks by me to tunnel the person I'm trying to protect. Or maybe I unhook a Meg and she goes left, I go right, the killer has a 50-50 chance of chasing the person who was just unhooked, see it's me, and immediately leaves to go tunnel the Meg I just saved. All that combined with the fact that our wait times are much longer, it's incredible frustrating that killers choose to do this things ALL THE TIME.

    That being said, no, no one should send nasty messages. I get nasty messages from other survivors, for frick's sake. But if I played on PC, I'd just not read the chat. I can turn off messages from strangers very easily when I play DBD. It boggles my mind that so many PC players complain about the chat when they can just leave.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Xbox is the worst because anyone who messages a killer is either a sore loser or a sore winner like they did something worthwhile in their lives. But they'll try to feedback tamper when you clap back. Back in the day you cursed someone the ######### out and moved on.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    As I said several times, I'm on Xbox. I can't ignore the messages unless I want to completely disable them, which means I can't ever get messages.

  • Member Posts: 364

    You guys are all killer sided like crazy around here. How is it you guys complain when killers have so much at their disposal to smack survivors with ease. If they gave killers anymore buffs I think I’d stop playing the game as survivor... or just altogether. As a killer you only have 4 people to worry about that don’t even fight back. Your fast, you can see gens highlighted, you have god like melee range to body slam Anyone on the other side of vaults or pallets or anywhere within a football fields length in front of you. It’s nonsense. Trapper needs a nerf because his traps are not only all over the place but... they reset themselves every 5 seconds so I can’t do a generator that only has one opening? That’s broken as hell. Killers get cheap shots one hitting survivors into down state and camp hooks , it’s just not really fun. I’d love to get on these teams that gen rush you where are they at? I really don’t see the problem with that because after all isn’t that the ONLY thing they can do to get out alive/survive or whatever? That’s what the goal is? I mean, I don’t want to come in and die all the damn time because killers feel entitled to getting all 4 people. You don’t have to, nor should you be able to and if you do it should be more challenging than it is now. 1-2 kills should be more common and realistic per match. All 4 happening on a consistent basis with no clear REAL strategy than to come in and static shock people out of hiding or lay traps that set themselves or be undetectable (although I do find that spine chill helps out most with this, although still not fair when they’re coming out of uncloaking or around tight corners and one hitting you - that’s really not fair at all) I think things like that need to be reworked so people have a chance. Because in its current state killers are plenty able to lay people the f out lmao

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2020

    I guess you missed the part where I point out I'm a survivor main.

    I have at least twice as much playtime on survivor as I do killer.

    Also this thread has nothing to do with game balance. Whether a killer camps you or not, you have no right to say nasty things to them. I don't get angry at things killers OR survivors do outside of purposely glitching.

  • Member Posts: 364

    i mean, it’s just all happening too fast In both cases on survivor and killer side of things and I’d like to see more of a fight or struggle ensue throughout the match. I shouldn’t be able to spawn in and see half my team dead before we do ONE generator. Nor should I see 3 gens pop before first hook a few minutes into the game. It just needs to get slowed down a little. Especially when I’m waiting an hour to find a lobby with matchmaking. I just feel like I wasted my time buying this game sometimes 😂 I have more fun dying in Friday 13th.

  • Member Posts: 364

    I Really think they ought to do something about melee range if killers though. So many times I’m clearly on the other side of a vault and I’m smacked into the ground so hard as if the killer just threw the hammer of Thor at me. I can’t stand that. Don’t put vaults in the game if they don’t benefit anyone else but the killer.

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