Why should i buy the new dlc? (Salty rant)

Or cosmetics? You guys are clearly screwing killers via match making, ruin changes etc. Why should i care about your paychecks if you guys dont care about killers time?
Before any of you survivors come in allow me to retort to everything you are going to say.
"Get good" i would if the game was enjoyable instead i get broken match making with annoying survivors who can find everyloop and pallet drop. As well as first two gens are done so fast it really doesn't make any sense.
"Gen rushing isnt a thing" yea okay. Neither is camping or tunneling. Its "playing my objective"
"Noed promotes bad gameplay" noed is easily counterable as well as can be stopped. Tell me how i can stop ds locker jumping and the 60 sec cd. Or survivors who hide under the hooked survivor where i cant hit them. Or bt. Or sprint burst. Or any of your second chance perks.
"Swf is fine" if youre a survivor yes. If youre a killer. Fk no.
"Just apply pressure" okay! Let me split myself to 4 and be every where at once.
"3 gen them" yea. Because the game doesnt become longer and more boring for both parties!
"2k and 2 escape is fine" i agree..unless you want to pip.
"Ranks are useless." I cant agree more with how broken and mixmatched matchmaking is.
So whats the point in caring about the devs paycheck if the devs arent caring about killer mains?
The only reason I'm getting the dlc is because I'm fond of cowboys.
That's it. After that BHVR is not getting a single cent from me again.
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i know a few people that refuse to pay for the new DLC or anything else. especially with the dc penalties now. they are stopping people from playing a game that they paid for.
and i completely agree with what you said. this game is so broken now with all the changes.
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I dont mind dlc penalties... its. Mostly all the other stuff
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Just buy it with Shards.. Don't give 1 cents to these devs until they fix their stupid game.. And bring back old ruin.. Playing this game as killer is frustrating and stupid nowadays.. Especially on big ass maps and slow with no gen-pressuring killers (Hag, Trapper, Especially "The Clown").. these devs doesn't deserve our money.. So I recommend buy it with Shards.
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Ruin changes are good for the game, so whatever.
Big buffs to killers last two patches while also nerfing coordinated swf sabo, big nerfs to toolboxes.
Don't get me wrong, the game does feel horrific as killer right now...but it does for both roles. Fact is, there's a cycle of sweaty toxicity that has finally begun to reach boiling point, so it seems.
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nerf on toolboxes? Lol.. You don't need toolboxes to finish a 2-3 gen in less than a minute on Big ass Maps.. Why are devs not addressing the real problem.. I would rather want them to make the Gen-speed slower while buffing the toolboxes, not the other way around.. Where the toolboxes are getting nerf, but the gen-speed is still the same at 80 seconds completion.. What a load of crap..
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The real problem is map size, plain and simple. Every new map is huge, making it incredibly hard to pressure generators effectively.
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Can you explain how ruin changes are good for the game.
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because its a YEE- to the -HAW cowboy?
thats enough reason for me at least xD
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Why even make a thread if you spend the entire OP just trying to stifle discussion? There's no conversation to be had here.
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Yeah, I'm tired seeing threads like these where its just "You cant change my mind and I will stay angery!"
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Because its the same argument. Now if you said something original i would loooove to have a convo. So yea no discussion because i know what you would say
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Not really stay angry and change my mind. But more like if youre gonna say the same thing imma stop you from saying it. If you had a counter argument to what i said then we can continue but if you didnt them well comments like yours exist.
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The ruin changes were NOT good for the game. Changing ruin in a different way could have been good for the game, but the changes that were implemented were not.
There were no big buffs to killers in the last 2 patches.
The change to sabo was not a nerf, it was a buff. Now you don't have to try to guess where the killer is going to hook, you just run slightly ahead of him and down the hook. With swf teams, it will be even easier as someone will body block or try to blind the killer on the way to the hook.
Toolboxes was not a big nerf. Fewer charges, but they work faster. Considering that toolboxes could have nearly 100 charges, reducing charges is not a significant loss, especially since they can now keep the toolboxes even when they run out of charges.
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Because of that one zarina perk. Otherwise there's no reason at all imo.
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Why are there pallets literally spaced out perfectly so survivors can run from pallet to pallet and you'll arrive just in time to get smacked in the face by it?
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You don't have to buy anything if you feel the way you do. By the way, i agree with some of the things you have said. Also you spelled 'Get Good' wrong, it's 'Git Gud'.
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Which ones you dont agree with? Maybe we can have a civil discussion on it.
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I won't be spending money to get the DLC. I may buy it with Shards. Maybe. I can't imagine I'll actually enjoy playing as this killer, though. He doesn't look fun. His whole thing just seems like a gimmick that's not really very helpful and yet it cost him that very important 10% movement speed. His gun is going to be hell to aim on console, especially since it requires precision. I fully expect that it will take me dozens of hours of practice to get to the point where I average landing one harpoon shot per match.
The majority of my matches have mismatched ranks, and now that I'm getting a majority of greens and purples (and sometimes reds) even during daytime hours, I just play super relaxed and, well, lazy. It's unfortunate that their toolboxes and BNPs (which they are using like every match right now) mean the game goes so quickly I get very few Bloodpoints, but eh, whatever. (I've been trying to farm but they only wanna run around in circles in front of me; the moment I hit them they all scatter and Clown is way too outta shape to be trying to chase survivors down. Have you heard that cough?) Anyway, yeah, a new gimmicky killer with a power that gets screwed over by dedicated servers is not going to make these matches better.
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I play on console as well and i agree with you. Aiming willl suuuuuuuck.
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There were no buffs to killers in the last 2 patches
Doctor wasnt a buff?
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More like rework but yes
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It's more of a personal experience. It's not that i don't agree with you it's more in a grey area. Like with SWF, i know there are games that SWF are demon children to a killer. However, games as SWF(not often) they are what most survivors hate like; no gens doing, waste every pallet and unhook you infront of killer. So i haven't experienced a legit SWF that's out to get the killer or know the map like the back of their hand. As killer, a good portion of the time(before rift too) survivors would play stupid because they could be in a SWF.
I like to 3 gen survivors, it pleases me. Really my "disagreements" are personal experiences and opinions. You're not wrong in your opinions though.
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I actually don't agree with how you spell "Get Good", it's not wrong but i see "GiT GuD" like-a-this
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All is valid. Tho i met some swf who knew when to double up on a gen and when to single repair gens. When to be there to drop a pallet or to flashlight.
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Doctor was a rework to a specific killer, not a buff to killers
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Valid point
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I haven't met any to know, but i have seen them in streams and youtube videos to know about it, I just never experienced anything crazy like the things I have seen. Even then it's not very common, based on the videos.
I'm okay with camping and tunneling, if it's not at the very beginning, almost any other time is fine. If i do get camped, i get made at teammates for not doing gens or next to me watching.
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I will probably buy just to have a different gameplay and 1 of his perks, but will only get really back into the game when they finally install the MMR they promissed. For high level plays game is only fun for survivors who want to bully killer most of the time right now.
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Btw, I didn't answer the OP.
You shouldn't. While he looks cool to play, I imagine that he will ultimately become a meme. Too much effort to try and down survivors, and against good survivors he will be harassed into oblivion.
Everything about him is slow, not just his movement speed. Which, in a game where speed is already an issue, adding a killer that is even slower is ridiculous.
Reload is slow. His reeling in ability is slow...and can be broken...which stuns him. SWF groups are going to have a field day with this guy. His m2 is a skillshot that doesn't even wound them. Going through all the work he has to go through to hit a survivor and reel them in, when he finally hits them it should be an insta-down.
Frankly, I am not spending another cent on this game until they start making some meaningful changes to the major problems, rather than making things worse.
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Seek help.
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Quite frankly, I'm sick of seeing all the complaining from killer mains an survivor mains. I play both equally. There are plenty of issues on both sides but more so with mechanics not perks. I love killer an survivor it's hard an fun on both ends I never use ruin or noed. Why use a perk that can be stopped. Just right there your trash. As killer my top 3 are Freddy. Plague. Pig. In that order I use overcharge an pop goes the weasel for my slow the game perks an just because it's an amazing perk add DYING LIGHT. Right there your already a force to be reckoned with. 3 perks for the actual game an the 4th should just be your all time favorite. Blood Warden, Franklin's, even Surge is a dope perk. Come on guys/girls. Your not gonna win every game. Have fun with what you got. Now let's address a real issue. HIT BOXES are insane if I vault a window why am I being hit after I'm 3 feet from the window
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"Seek help for not wanting to purchase money for a product you no longer enjoy."
That has to be the most hilarious thing I've seen anyone type in these forums. Never fail white knight.
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Exactly man, you are no longer enjoying this game, if you are feeling forced to play this game, stop playing it, its not good for your health.
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Camping at the beginning is stupid unless survivor is sitting under the hook. In that case ill camp because now i have 2 there possibly 3. Which ive seen them do.
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That sounds horrid. Not to mention hitboxes and dedicated servers is soo trash on consoles i dont even think i wanna try em
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That's what I'm doing. Yet apparently I need to seek help lol. You really are that desperate.
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Call me desperate, a white night, wathever you want. The point still stands, you are wasting money on a product you no longer enjoy and for what I can deduce you cant stop playing it, if you cant stop playing, seek help.
Just take it as a friendly advice, I am not your enemy.
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Oh that's fine too then, forgot about that one.
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You literally sound like every killer main ever lol. You think killer isnt fun, survivor games are just filled with sweaty killers,and broken hitboxes. You can literally just camp the 3 nearest gens at the begining of the match and the survivors can LITERALLY do nothing but let the killer kill them. And facecamping and tunneling is just a petty way of doing your "objective". Overall I prefer to play killer any day than survivor
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You have to learn how to play without having to rely on a perk.
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When I'm a casual player, killer main, rank 16, and I have the "fun" of playing against hard core swf squads ranked from 3 to 10...well, that doesn't make me want to shell out more $$$$ for dlc. I wind up with an unfamiliar killer that we really don't get the opportunity to learn because of the broken matchmaking.
We've purchased all the dlc so far, a tonne of cosmetics, and both rifts. Not sure how many golden eggs this goose has left in her. First and foremost, the game needs to be fun, and that includes for ppl who don't spend every hour playing it. Maybe we need a casual mode for the average gamer?
Killers may only be 20% of the customer base but we've definitely noticed the difference in wait times between killers and survivors. Maybe more killers are just staying home?
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you either like the content the DLC adds and you wanna buy it or you don't
but most importantly and this applies to all games if you don't like the game in its current state then find something else until the game reaches a state you like but continuing to throw your self at something that is giving you a miserable time will just make you resent the game more until you just quit entirely
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Yee Haw!
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I know I sound like a scum but I am getting the dlc for my swf friends. Killers usually tunnel down in swf and if two of us run deliverance with for the people to curb stomp tunneling or object with off the record for ridiculous coordination, I can open up whole new time wasting plans for the killer.
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Idk I think he’s going to be a really popular NOED hook camper and people are going to complain about how OP he is
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I wouldn't spend a penny. Disregarding balance issues, matchmaking, terrible game design choices (hitboxes) and garbage servers.... They DO NOT FIX ######### BUGS. Not even gamebreaking ones. I see the same bugs happen now that I seen when I first started playing this game. It's inexcusable.
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Ha ha ha. You're lying to yourself, dude.
>After that BHVR is not getting a single cent from me again
Last dlc... last rift... last outfit... Damn, well this is exactly last!
We must stop this. Shards, buddy. We have a shards. Use it.
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I meant it.
After this dlc I'm not spending a single ######### cent if these devs remain this ######### incompetent.
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You dont have to.