Here's A "Not So Much Drama" Post.

There's A LOT of negativity on these forums. I'm kinda sick of seeing it. Let's have some different conversations.
How many pips have you gained today?
How many sacrifices have you earned?
How many escapes have to had?
Let's try and break up the monotony.
How's everyone doing today?
Doing fine. Uni kinda keeping me from playing DBD a lot nowadays ^^;
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Pretty good. Today was a pretty good day of memeposting. Stocks went up by 1% and I made some progress on this and that.
I actually haven't played today due to time. (There is really never enough time.) I've been working on projects and earning money.
Tonight though I need to hit 2 people out of phase with the spirit. I don't think that'll be too bad but it's a thing.
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I've been working on a group project where half the group aren't doing anything. It's like playing solo survivor, but worse.
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Forgive me. What is "Uni"?
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Theres never enough time. Ever.
But I believe you can get those phase hits. You got this.
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I know the feeling. Just keep truckin away and don't let them judge the group project if they're not helping.
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Barely any pips today only getting matched with potatos far under my skill level so the Killer just snowballs each round easily. Barely any sacrifices only get matched with high ranking far above my skill level so i'm entirely powerless. No escapes, most of the time I just die on first hook because no one comes to save me.
Day's going pretty bad, I think i'm just giong to stop playing dbd for the day and play red dead instead. Probably stop playing dbd entirely and wait for Resident Evil: Resistance to come out.
Sorry if you think this is "drama"
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oh im doin fine, thanks for asking ^^
i am currently in one of these rare phases where my survivor rank is higher than my killer rank (most will know i'm usually a hardcore killer main), which is mostly due to the tomes.
am i the only one who finds it a little sad that there are always soo many more survivor challenges than killer challenges? i'm always done with the killer challenges asap and then i can only play survivor over and over..
anway i'm drifting off. my escapes today have been quite good, ive only died once actually due to extremely bad exit gate spawns (the huntress literally stood at one spot, having both switches AND the hatch right in her sight. oh and one guy just left with a key starting the timer, so i knew i was fcked. the annoying part is, that ive tried to get her to chase me so my mate could open a gate, yet she refused and literally only attacked those who touched the switches -.- that wasnt very fun or interactive tbh... but other than that ive always made it out.
ive had one particulary fun match today with a huntress who was really good at sniping at long distances. she got Bloodlodge though, so even though she was quite good, we still stomped her easily and 3 made it out...
regarding challenges i made the "Iridescent Blade" (gain 2 iridescent emblems as killer in one trial) and the "Bring The Light" (repair 12 generators) today ^^
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Today I played killer after a very very long time, after almost ragequitting as survivor because of dead hard. You said you feel a lot of negativity, and that's what I feel sometimes when I play DbD, maybe it's the game itself that makes us all angry and frustrated?
Anyway, playing killer was so fun, I tunneled and made "yes yes" with the head, and all the toxicity I had accumulated playing survivor suddenly disappeared, probably "discharged" on the survivors I killed. I had fun. But judging from the endgame chat they did not so much, and I know the feeling, and I felt kinda sorry
My Uni(versity :P) is closed because of fear of the virus, so I can stop studying a bit and have fun, I rediscovered Battlefield 4 and Rainbow Six, I didn't remember they were so fun to play!
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How many pips have you gained today?
As killer: 3, today I reached rank 5
As survivor: 5, I reached rank 6
How many sacrifices have you earned?
Not sure, maybe 9 or 12
How many escapes have to had?
Not many, have been getting really trashy teammates lately.
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Uni as in University.
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I did the deed! I deleted all the survivors too fast though so I had to meme a bit to get the phase hits.
10 second chase with claudie, haunted grounds got popped. Bill bit the dust, then meg came to help the 2 in the basement, got nommed hard.
Jane came in last and didn't want to meme around so she volunteered for hook duty, but during the memes I just started phase attacking them while they healed. Then they all died and I let Meg escape. Was a thrilling few minutes!
Edit: Tomorrow it is time for some Solidarity. (I...I'm totally a survivor main guys. I have Dwight as my profile, and has nothing to do with him being an absolute legend.) It's just healing someone, but we'll see how it goes.
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Nah. Not any drama. I feel your pain sometimes. Just hang in there. Red dead seems to be a great game. Is it?
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Oh okay. Thank you!
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Hey great job!! Glad to hear you had fun today! I usually have a lot of fun against skilled killers. It makes for intense chases!
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I have discharged myself before as well! Lol it almost cleanses you of the suffering lol and hey. That "Uni(versity :P)" got a good chuckle out of me lol anyways. Siege and Battlefield are GREAT games!! I play both of those as well!!
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Well you made some good progress today!!
As for the trash team mates, I feel that. Even at rank 1. It seems to me that the closer to rank 1 I am, the more potatoe they are lol
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I knew you could do it! As for tomorrow, you got this. Just find a random potatoe and rub their behind lol
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I had a nice "I am so stupid moment".
I have been struggling with the 2 hatch unlocks. Got the first one pretty quick, then I was standing over the hatch in another game and hit the unlock button and nothing happened... Franklin's demise got me again!!!!
Am I the only one who doesn't notice when you get hit and lose something?
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Ahhhhhh noooooooo lol Franklin's putting in work! I've had this happen before. I was being a little toxic and tea bagging on top of the hatch with a key. The wraith hit me and I dropped my key. Before I even realized what happened, he hit me again. Knocking me far enough away making sure I couldn't access it lol..
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I cannot tell you how many times I've had that happen too. I'll be smacked, the killer vanishes and I get 'Escaped'. I go to use my Med-kit and realise I dropped it 30 feet away. It's always a sad moment when I realise that haha 😂
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Feels bad lol
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Other than Lag on servers it's been great, I always like seeing these kinda posts.
I have been getting frustrated w killer a bit but survivor has been really fun
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I'm trying to break up the monotony with "toxic" threads and yes. Killer is usually stressful and survivor is easy and fun.
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I played a killer game today which had a meg who ran into me, started flashlight clicking, ran from pallet to pallet, dropped them early and t-bagged.
She asked why did i facecamp her in end game chat. Honestly, idk...
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Yeah idk either. It's almost like she deserved it... lol