PTB questions

NeoGriim Member Posts: 18
edited May 2018 in General Discussions

Hello everyone!

I'm a new player, just started playing during the free weekend and I have a couple questions about the PTB.

1) All my progress is gone from the weekend on the PTB, is this normal? I unlocked 2 teachable perks and I'm worried that all the time farming on Leatherface is going to go to waste as I just unlocked BBQ and Chili last night.

2) Is the PTB progress going to be carried over, or is my progress on the general servers going to be used? I'm liking a lot of the new stuff but I'd rather play wherever my progress is going to be carried on from so I can catch up to others rather than be stuck doing stuff that's just going to be lost.

3)Is the clown going to be a free killer or is he just unlocked for the PTB and then locked after the PTB is done?

4)Are cosmetics unlocked on the PTB going to be carried over? I assume this question goes hand and hand with #2 but figured it may not. While looking through forums I'm unclear if this is the case or not still so I haven't crossed out this one yet. I've been told that progress on the PTB will not be saved when the update goes live, but the question was about the new shards and if they'll be saved or not and that questions wasn't exactly answered.

I'm sure many of these questions are answered on the forums, I just couldn't find them with a quick search. I did see something about the progress is only carried over from the 24th on which kinda screws me over as I started playing on the 25th, I'm hoping that perhaps that response is only for the PTB stuff and not what's going to happen to all my progress.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and even moreso thanks for any answers ahead of time.

EDIT: Crossed out the questions I've found answers for elsewhere.


  • TheWorldconsumer
    TheWorldconsumer Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2018

    1.That is normal. Once you leave the game on PTB, all progress resets back to when you first started it, just like you had never played it yet.
    2.Nope, the PTB progress wont be carried over- but if you reset back to live, progress there and THEN come back to PTB- then the PTB will have this new progress. This should also answer your 3. point, as in: no, NOTHING you do on the PTB will go back in your live save file.

    The PTB is purely there for us users to test out the new stuff the Devs cooked up and to figure out where it may need some fine tuning.

  • NeoGriim
    NeoGriim Member Posts: 18

    Thanks Worldconsumer.

  • Bint
    Bint Member Posts: 60

    Welcome to the Fog, new player!

    The PTB is like its own save file, so it's completely separate to your normal game I'm afraid. Your progress won't be carried over, it will just reset back to how it was before opting in to the PTB.

    The clown will most likely be available to purchase, but you can earn points within the game to "unlock" him through playtime.

    No, the cosmetics will not be carried over either. The PTB is literally for you to have a play around with ready for when everything is released in June.

    Have fun!

  • NeoGriim
    NeoGriim Member Posts: 18
    Thank you bint. Very helpful. I assume we don't get to keep the auric cells/purchases? I've gone back to the normal servers because I'd like to keep progressing.

    Also, what does everyone think of the clown? I think he'll land somewhere between mid and top tier easily because he's God good disables. Personally he's not my style, I like the ambush killers. 
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    No, cosmetics will not cross over. Everything earned in the PTB will be lost.

  • Undying_Zombie
    Undying_Zombie Member Posts: 40

    @Number 4
    No they wont. Its for testing in PTB, everything earned there is lost and overwritten by your main save after X amount of time. I do not know the specific time. I do know they snapshot your main account save and slap it on PTB. Mine for example was snapshotted I think 1 day or so due to missing levels/perks/BP/ect. ( My main right now is maxed on BP/Shards and I have a lot more levels back up on one of my prestige characters. )

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    The only advantage you get frmo palying PTB is experience with the new build