What maps do you dislike both as a survivor and killer?

As killer I dislike the red forest and haddonfield. I hate em both ๐ ๐ก๐ค
As survivor, the game is my n1. Honestly, the game is the only map I hate as survivor.
How about you? Let me know down below.
Haddonfield and Badham.
Haddonfield should seriously be disabled until a rework. It's only used as a weapon by survivors. It's so incredibly one-sided.
I don't think Badham truly got fixed on the rework. Fence rng is still super whack. There are still too many god pallets. It's still too big. Also, if you're going to make 5 variations, reduce the map frequency.
In a broader sense, I don't like low wall safe pallets. There shouldn't be un-mindgame-able safe pallets. Temple of Purgation is a huge offender.
Post edited by edgarpoop on10 -
As Killer I dislike any big map, and Gideon Meat Plant
As Survivor I dislike - Gideon Meat Plant
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The main map I hate playing the corn Feld map where the killer sack is in the middle. I just find it unbearable.
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Hawkins and Rotten Fields
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Ormond, all corn maps and the game.
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I dislike Gideon Meat Plant as both Survivor and Killer.
As Killer specifically, I hate every corn map, Haddonfield, Crotus Prenn, Blood Lodge, Yamoaka Estate, Sanctum of Wrath, Ironworks of Misery, Red Forest maps, Lery's, Ormond and The Game.
As Survivor, I hate Haddonfield, Lery's, The Game and the Pale Rose.
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Leryโs is a little more tolerable as survivor now, but I still dislike it. Way too confined for my taste.
As killer, probably Badham or Ormond.
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As killer, Haddonfield and Ormond. Ormond is big, terrible for stealthy killers because they stand out against the snow so much, and introduced my least favorite jungle gyms in the game. Haddonfield is Haddonfield.
As survivor, Lery's or The Game. Unreliable pallet spawns, meh windows, I don't like it.
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Ormond, Hawkins, Rotten Fields, haddonfield
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Yamaoka. 1000X Yamaoka. I hate it so much.
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as a survivor all killer sided maps but im really bad as survivor, but I know they are ok in balance. even game is braindead and just throwing pallets its lets say ok..
for a killer obviously as everyone is saying all corn maps, bloody haddonfield - honestly I always dc when I have or someone send me to that crap map like no thanks this game is really frustrating as killer and im gonna play one of the most toxic maps ? no :D ormond maps, and our red forest maps...
just shrink them, remove god windows and pallets and some rng to pallets and its fine.. typical example is our super pallet haven ######### and buggy autohaven when sometimes on spawn you have literal deadzones for survivors where is most 1 pallet, and on other zone you have pallet after pallet so broken maps.. but hey lets rework lerrys for no one was asking for right devs ?
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- Haddonfield
- The Game
- Every single Red Forest map
- Iron Works of Misery
- Both Spirit maps
I hate a lot of maps :P
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I really hate the lab map, I hate Lery's and hate the Game. I like Yamaoka the best, then Haddonfield and the Pale Rose. Pale Rose and Yamaoka both fit into my stealth style of play and even if they broke BT, Haddonfield is still pretty good with that perk. Red Forest and the chapel map are good as well.
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Yamaoka Estate Maps (including the latest map) and the Swamp Maps
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The Yamaoka maps are way too dark on PS4 with graphics you cant change. You get lobbys where they last second switch to claudettes with a yamaoka map offering and you cant see Bad word.
As survivor I like every map, however i think many people have problem to locate anything on the Game map, so i guess its this one bc of teammates having no clue where to go
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Giving up = DCing/suiciding/AFKing
I hate it with burning passion as both sides. If you can't handle everything the game has to offer then go play something else and don't ruin it for others just because you're a little wuss.
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Haddonfield and Cornfield maps
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Are those the MAPS you hate? XD
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Lerys and Hawkins both sides. Even if I know a generator is there as killer I'm going to pick the wrong way into the room and bounce against the walls at least three times like a moth before I figure out the way in.
Survivor I just end up wasting time wandering trying to find the last few generators. First ones are generally fine but then you get the ones that are just well hidden.
Most other maps have lights outside so at a glance you can tell if things are on or not. Indoor buildings its a coin toss.
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The only ones I hate on both sides are probably the indoor maps, and haddonfield. Lery's and Hawkin's because as survivor I can never find generators, and as killer when I'm like 2 feet behind a survivor they'll turn a corner and their scratch marks will dissapear all of a sudden and now I've lost them because there's so many los blockers.For The Game, I just don't like having to find the stairs on both sides because you're also always on the wrong side of the stairs. It's like having to climb the hill that's on some maps, but there's more than 1 survivor up there and it takes so long. And for Haddonfield, I just don't like the huge ass houses that you can't go through. If a survivor is just waiting at the corner of the house they'll have enough distance that you can barely even follow their scratch marks if they decide to stop running around it, and you can't keep chase because since a few patches ago apparently even if you see a survivor running in front of you and they've actually lost distance, you'll suddenly lose the chase for no reason whatsoever so you can't even use bloodlust to help catch up a little bit faster. And as survivor the map just feels really small, probably because of the aforementioned houses taking up so much space.
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As I killer I dislike Coldwind farms because I have corn blindness and those maps are extremely Survivors sided.
As a Survivor I hate the Game and Yamaoka Maps.
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Ormond, I can 4k there, we can all survive in there, I just DON'T LIKE THE MAP
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Ormond and corn field maps are pretty annoying
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Im a killer main and I dislike with a passion Yamaoka Estate and I like meat plant.
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Lol, excuse my inability to read, dunno how I managed that.
Probably Ormond, it's freaking huge and it's tiles are confusing, also not enough snow for our only snow map. I wish it had more snowy and mountainy vibe to it.
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Bloody Haddonfield. Can't stand that map. If I'm being honest, I prefer The Game or Hawkins over it. I also despise Lerys as both survivor and killer. Love it's design but that's it lol
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I hate the Haddonfield on both rule.
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Unpopular opinion but Autohaven, Swamp and Yamaoka maps.
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Lery's, Haddonfield, The game, Hawkins, both of the yamaoka maps
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Haddonfield, the yamaoka estates maps are too dark for my liking. Aesthetically lerys and hawkins are awesome but i don't enjoy them very much.
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Haddonfield and Hawkins
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Survivor here. I don't like any indoor maps, except the remade hospital.
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The Game
Spirit map
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As both killer and survivor? Yamaoka maps. Too dark.
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As killer, I HATE HATE HATE the Badham maps. They're chock full of pallets and have 2-3 stupidly strong loops. As survivor, I hate The Game...so much. As both, I hate the yamoka's maps.
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I absolutely hate The Game as both killer and survivor. I hate it so much.
I also really don't like Rotten Fields. There is not enough structures so if you get caught in the middle of the field, you're screwed. As killer, it's very easy to lose a survivor in the corn, at least I find.
Mother's Dwelling is pretty bad too.
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Blood Lodge, from both sides.
Survivors can easily see my Wraith, and Killers can easily see my Kate.
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you understand how broken you were saying ? you literally hate every killer but in some situations survivor broken maps and love every heavily survivor sided map.. and thats bad..
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I guess I'm not as good as you guys to have a real hatred for the maps. The reason why I don't like indoor maps is because I'm just not good at them. All I can do is try and get better. The other maps, I don't have any major issues, some maps specifically offer advantages to both the killer and survivor IMO. I win some and I lose some, but I enjoy playing on them overall.
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As a survivor, yeah I am going to favor a map that 1) gives me the best chance to escape and 2) makes the killer's life as bone breaking painful as possible and if say I have an offering that will send me to that map I'll burn it. I love Yamaoka. It's dark, has tall grasses and bamboo which helps my dark GG Noob clothes blend in as I UE all over the map doing gen after gen.
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For both sides:
Hawkins Lab
And probably any upcoming indoor map. God, indoor maps are so bad..
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Disturbed Ward, too open, too few pallets, and every gen is a 3 or 4 man.
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Ormond and Haddonfield. Ormond is way to large for killers to patrol effectively. Haddonfield is just terribly unbalanced.
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Let me quote that to the other guy for you
@Biggs he is referring to you :D
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Hawkins on both sides. I have such a hard time figuring out how to get from point A to B and end up trying to find paths to get through a room.
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As both survivor and killer, corn maps. It's likely just because I'm bad at the game, but I always lose track of anybody in corn. When I'm the killer, survivors basically disappear in front of my eyes. When i'm a survivor, the killer is invisible until they get a hit on me.
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Rotten fields and shelter woods, both these maps feel so very empty, boring and just arent fun. while i do prefer some maps over the others i dont tend to mind as i like going on all maps for a change/challenge but the two i mentioned at the start, well i wouldnt miss them if they got removed.
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The cOrN and The Game
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As nurse I hate indoor maps but as ghostface I love them lol they fit him very well same for Myers my least favorite is red forest ..there nice to look at but bad for gens or corn maps (on console) survivors abuse it
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Haddonfield always haddonfield i kinda hate swamp