Camping as Leatherface is fun.

JoeyBob Member Posts: 477
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

I use agitation, iron grasp, NOED, and insidious. Actually thinking of replacing iron grasp w/ mad grit.

Anyways, usually ill get at least a 2k with this build. At least 2k is basically guaranteed if i get the first survivor in the basement. It's not even rare that I get 4ks in my games, where 2-3 people get hooked in basement and i get the last guy with NOED.

I use to play killer normally, but ever since ruin got nerfed I get gen rushed even if I have good chases and get chain downs ect. Camping is a lot less stressful and rewarding imo, because you dont worry about how you will be gen rushed regardless of how your chases go. I recommend more people try it! It's also very rewarding if the survivor you camp was previously tea bagging you with a flashlight and becomes toxic in end game chat!


  • Slival
    Slival Member Posts: 94
    edited February 2020

    Well its not super boring for the killer if you put something on TV or a podcast. This is how I bloodpoint farm.

    BBQ Chili, to make up for the loss of bloodpoints while farming, Spirit Fury, Enduring, NOED. Use SF and E to do the first chase so I can easily maneuver to get a down before more than 1-2 generators pop (chase people off as you go past them). Hook the first person, camp them to death with chainsaw revved, take down anyone who comes for a rescue. (I often bring instasaw since its only 1 uncommon and 1 common to get there, and lets you down even all 3 if they come). Once the first person is dead, you have the luxury of catching the next, and then trading. If someone comes, let them get the unhook, down the rescuer while the borrowed-timed second-hooked-person runs away, hook the third, now you're at 3 chili stacks.

    Chase people NEAR the hook without allowing the unhook - ideally get people to tip nearby pallets so you can saw them to get Spirit Fury ready AND to make the area a deadzone for when NOED pops.

    If the fourth person comes to rescue, let them but saw them and put them on the hook. This is 4 stacks and you're doubling bloodpoints. If the recently unhooked comes, don't let them unhook because DS unless its been 1 minute. If exit gates pop, then change it up, leave the hook and go hunting while proxy camping the hook. If you catch the fourth person, fine. If you don't, then take whoever you do catch and camp them to death. You play somewhat dynamically this way, but its still braindead easy and you'll average 30-32k bp with bbqchili if you actually hunt instead of facecamping.

    You'll de-pip or black pip a lot, but rank 18s face rank 2s all the time, so pipping has no in-game advantage and will be gone soon anyway.

    I keep stats and one game in 12, all 3 will dive the hook and die. One in four, you'll end up with 3k, 90 percent of the time you'll hit at least a 2k. If you only get one, they were super optimal and fast (If survivors are so fast that they are done all the gens before you find a second person to camp, then go open the gate yourself to put them on a 2 minute timer. This lessens their unbreakable emblem, prevents them just opening + farming chests or totems, and applies psychological pressure likely to induce a mistake allowing NOED capitalization). Choose a secondary objective if you don't think you can catch them: Camp your NOED so they can't cleanse it, many teams do this as a way of 'teabagging' the NOED user, and I have seen a team dive my noed totem and try to chain blind me rather than just leaving.

    If you know where the hatch is, find it and camp it to deny the bonus bloodpoints/progress or possibly to catch the unwary. You can swap Insidious for end game plays in place of SF if you want since you're running instasaw, but I've found the SF/E combo to be quite good.

    You can farm BP to level all your killers and survivors while playing anxiety free low impact gameplay. I wish hook grabs worked so I could do it with other killers, but the only ones who can really do this are trapped (slightly modded build), Leatherface, Huntress, and Clown (redhead finger + good aim)

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yea that sounds fair to me, but i have to say you sound a bit buthurt about ruin change here. But if you like to play that style, go for it. Great showcase on how "weak" killers are. They can get 2-4K without doing anything but standing still 95% of the time :D

    I have to mention that ruin nerf is completly meaningless if you are a good killer. Corrupt and Pop in combo are way better then old ruin ever was, even if it had lasted the whole game, which was almost never the case. Why beeing sad about a totem that got cleansed within 30 seconds? Again, use corrupt, super simple.

  • hex_genrush
    hex_genrush Member Posts: 736

    This is how I farm blood points since I get paired with rank 1s regularly and it destroys their egos to lol

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    It is fun as hell. Aside from the pigs jump-scare I think it's one of the last scary elements left in the game to be honest. You getting a lot of hate when you use it but it is fun

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    You genuinely need help if a video game is stressful. Camp away, my dude. We survivors know you're bad at the game and get less BP when you go. Have fun!

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    zomg this toxic convo again -.-

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    It is fun!

  • Slival
    Slival Member Posts: 94

    The "you get less BP" argument also doesn't hold much water. I mean, let's compare a tryhard match to a facecamp match.

    I main doctor and Demogorgon.

    I facecamp with Bubba (sometimes Oni)

    I use zero addons when facecamping.

    I tend to use 6000 BP worth of addons when playing a serious game, minimum. Sometimes as much as 14k worth.

    Normal game I usually won't have BBQ Chili because other combos are better.

    Assuming the worst facecamp game, you'll get about 10k BP if all you do is chase the first guy, camp him to death, chase another guy, don't even hook him, the other 3 escape. BBQ Chili will make this 12.5k

    Assuming the BEST non-facecamp game I will get 31-32k minus say 6000 for minimal addons, 25k-26k. So you're getting about half the bloodpoints you'd get in a sweaty tryhard game.

    If things go well and you trade a few times, you get up to 3/5ths or even 3/4ths.

    This equation will be different for everyone depending on skill level but even assuming the BEST case of using zero addons and still 4king a sweaty tryhard game with bbqchili, 64k but that match probably took 4x as long as a Facecamping game (because in facecamp games, gens and gates FLY by easily in 4-5 mins total but in sweaty games your goal is to exhaust/run them down/hook them 12 times so a sweaty game even for the best players in the world is minimum 8-10 mins)

    So you're still playing twice as many games. 25k for just watching tv/listening to podcasts vs. 64k for sweating your butt off playing an addon-less 10 minute slugfest. Also, killer queues are so fast (instant during primetime) that you can get 2 matches off in the time it'd take to do 1 tryhard match. Sometimes people want to relax but still want to farm rifts or bloodpoints without doing afk wraith (which is against the rules).

    I consistently get BP in facecamp matches comparable to my tryhard non-facecamp matches. If I'm trying hard, I don't usually run BBQ (nurses, thrilling, whispers are better on the meta killers sometimes). A typical facecamp will net 24k minimum, 30k if you employ the methods mentioned above or if you decide to secure 1 kill then play normally/hunt the rest (you also have more chance of more BP if you secure your first kill and even a better chance of a pip.)

    So we actually have a few arguments:

    a) the strategic. Sometimes trading 1 person's life for 2 gens is worth it. If everyone comes and rescues, trading one person's life for ONE gen is definitely worth it.

    b) the grinding: lots of blood points are needed to level everyone and face camping is a brain dead but effective way to get ~25k bp per match, more than if you tried playing survivor.

    c) The snowball: if 3 gens pop before I get my first down, and I'm playing a killer CAPABLE of securing a kill, I will generally do it, especially if I'm running a late game perk like NOED or playing a killer who can locate someone at the exit gates like trapper, demo, doctor.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    I never understood how this is a fun way to play the game. i mean, what is even the point of playing if you are just going to camp and do nothing else? maybe less stress but doesn't it just get boring. Just curious.

    and if you don't care how you get gen rushed and clearly don't care how many kills you get, then how is playing normally stressful.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    It's fun as hell to facecamp with Bubba and ruin people's games after you've had enough of getting flashlight clicked and teabagged by a 4-man meta load SWF that just stomped you on Thompson House thinking they're amazing

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    If youre okay with stealing other players precious playtime by camping them, you obviously shouldnt play this game, or any other game which is a multiplayer game.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    This is why they will never slow down generators, because at that point rushing through gens is a direct counter to face camping.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    It showcases how laughably bad at the game most survivors are -because, let's not beat around the bush, you have to be reeeeeeeeeeeally bad to go down against a M1 killer with a big terror radius in so little time they can comfortably camp them all game and still get 2 kills.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2020

    Use agitation over iron grasp. Covers distance more quickly and is about the same distance. Should be fine not having both combined. Combined extends it by 9 meters I think it was 🤔

    noeds a nice choice and insidious. Last one could be rancor or play with your food. Food can stack in no time and youill catch everyone by surprise once that camped guy is dead

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    Do the thing which is fun for you.

    It would never be wrong.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    And yet it happens all the time. And the best part of this: Killers still come and complain they can not get kills even most of the survivors play like they just installed the game :D

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    my SWF team rocks kindred, dead hard and borrowed time. there's nothing better then a baby bubba disconnecting after a well played basement save. throw in object of obsession and hunch and you have a weak noed-less leatherface crying at the exit gate.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Borrowed time doesn't work if you're using insidious properly.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Tried Corrupt; it didn't accomplish anything meaningful.

  • Papi_Sans1
    Papi_Sans1 Member Posts: 25

    The ruin change wasnt that bad for people who actually know what they're doing. I get at the very least 3ks all the time pretty easily, you just have to pressure gens a lot more. Yes, I understand it is aggravating to get gen rushed and have the survivors leave in 5-10mins, but dont pay too much mind to it. It's just a game after all, dont let it mess up your day.

  • Fengmin200
    Fengmin200 Member Posts: 64

    Personally, it's the only way for me to play a good game. The rush gen .. they know you are camping, so they rush. When you are not camping they loop you, it is the same.

    I stopped playing killer like many people, the Nurse and the rush gen literally made me pass the other side! More and more people are becoming survivors ...

    All the killers are usless, the survivors are not afraid, unlike you. If you play against randoms yes it is easy, but against a team it is.....

    So yes, Leatherface is funny but only for revenge. And you still have to be able to catch them 🤣

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204
    edited April 2020

    I run a very similar Leatherface build. Franklins (smack those flashlights away and troll), Iron Grasp (Extra chance of Basement hook), Insidious (Must have for Leather-Face-Camp build), and NOED. I love the end game chat, this past weekend i got told to put a bullet through my temple, thats what makes it so fun, the post game bitching.

    Post edited by CANxOFxCORN on
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @meatisadelicacy There not bad just because you don’t approve there play style. When we ready up we accept all the conditions of the match.

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204

    You can make many killers miserable, but not a Leather-Face-Camper.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    They are already miserable, thats why they do it....leatherfacecamper is the result of the former

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I like just stalking the obsession with wraith and then rancor it after all the gens are powered. I just love getting insulted on post game chat and on my profile because of that. My little joy

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I don't see how camping in the basement is fun at all, not for the killer or survivors. You just stand in a corner and wait. Playing 1 match like that ok, but a lot of them? I mean, maybe go do something else instead of playing like that.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Facecamping over altruistic survivors and saying it's fun and stress free Is like saying the tournament was a good time, holding your last place participation trophy.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2020

    I agree with you. Swf seal teak six isnt that common. And you should definitely take challenges and get better. But some things are not in control of, or even offering a teachable lesson, to the killer.

    What is a killer supposed to learn by having 3 gens pop while they down their first chase, who was a damn good looper, so they committed to get better. Now they have 1 hook with 2 gens left. Not much to get beyter with there. And yes, it sucks, take the loss and move on, but in some situations, there is nothing to learn or gain.

    Gen speeds are incredibly fast (my group of friends and I, 2 of which are BAD, did all 5 gens in just over 4 mins. One green toolbox. No speed perks. Which is RIDICULOUS) and SOMETHING needs to be adjusted, but simply adding time to generators wont work. Like you said, campers would have longer to camp, and it would be an almost negligible impact on good survivors.

    Maybe there should be a corrupt type system by default for 30 seconds. Just give the survivors time to get their bearings, and the killer a chance to FIND someone before a gen is done.

    Just random spitballing.