Exit Gate Three Second Rule



  • Potatoe_Monkey
    Potatoe_Monkey Member Posts: 2

    I don't know about most players but I for one don't like leaving anyone behind, if the gate is open I will wait till everyone is out or save anyone who is hooked or body block at the gates for a injured teammate trying to escape so this mechanic would be stupid, also survivors would just play around it by not standing to close to the gate... Regardless it would not benefit anyone.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Thr fact that you honestly want something like this is stupid. I personally wait at the gates to give the hit bp to killers. If im gonna escape ill at least give then a little bump to make sure everyone gets the most out of a game, but.... With people like OC with this kind of attitude. Seems killers only want to be treated special and never get the short stick. Seems people like you dont deserve stuff like that. I too see survs waiting for me, but i usually assume its for the same reason i do. Either don't go to the exit gates and let any potential end game kills slip by so you dont.have your ego shattered by such a small gesture or just take.the bp they are handing you and get into the next game. Although might i suggest you take a break after every time a surv gets out cause you clearly get tilted as ######### whenever it happens.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Well, I wasn't around for the pre-EGC so I never asked for it. And I do deal with thanks.

  • ZionSairin
    ZionSairin Member Posts: 3

    Had a moment on PTB where a pretty obvious four stack took maxed out flashlights and tried to bully my poor trapper (I was testing the trap reset mechanic) and they all wanted to butt dance until the literal last second in the gate so I just positioned myself against a wall looking up and went to grab some water. EGC would kill them or they’d leave, up to them. Wasn’t really toxic about it postgame either, for the first time. Just told them to go have fun. Kinda bitter. Cause I don’t have friends (least that still play DBD)

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    It's only BM when they dont let you give a slap on the butt on their way out. Free BP my friend. Take it however you get it. If it really bothers you that much you could always DC denying them of escape points..... oh wait. Seriously though unless they're spamming vaults and lockers its generally not considered BM.

  • Immersion
    Immersion Member Posts: 16

    This is not an issue, and also, if you are lucky you can sometimes get one before they get out with NOED and a good lunge.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If you down a survivor at the gate you have 3 seconds to pick them up.


  • UnXcep1ional
    UnXcep1ional Member Posts: 16

    I feel your pain. Just a quick word of advice and I mean this with all due respect to you: save your breath and your time. The devs have proven to be completely uninterested in making the game fun for Killers. So, until this starts to affect the company's profits, Killers will simply need to find fun in ways that do not involve winning.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    You can easily do something about it. Hit them... And plus you get bloodpoints so it really doesn't do much

  • AlyzZefira
    AlyzZefira Member Posts: 2

    As a survivor i usually stay to see if the others make it. If someone got hook or downed etc.

    BUT i admit im guilty of butt dancing on the exit gates

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    Dont listen to OP. 99.9% of the community are the same page with this. BP is something everyone benefits from.

  • Vidal_Signz
    Vidal_Signz Member Posts: 14

    I just think it's funny how the same Survivors bobbing up and down in the exits/at the hatch/etc are the same ones who cry when a Killer uses NOED... Lol I'm like "You you got all the time in the world to teabag me into oblivion, but no time for totems?"

    YEET mechanic would be cool with me, but if they do that against the Survivors they need to do something similar with Killers facecamping hooked Survivors. (Have a tendril knock the Killer back if they linger too close to a hooked Survivor too long.)

    As far as the the teabagging, you get used to it. I'm of the mind that a teabag isn't really a teabag if you're 10+ feet away... You gotta be close or it don't count. So when I find Survivors at the exit "bobbing up and down like idiots" I like to say "they're not teabagging me...they're 'taking a bow' lol.

  • XxDragonSn1p3Z
    XxDragonSn1p3Z Member Posts: 6

    Just run a mori to kill the last survivor they stop eventually trust me

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Let survivors do this like killers slugging for full 4 minutes just because they can.

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71

    I think the best solution would be a forfeit option as a killer when the gates are powered even when kicked open and no one is on a hook. Forfeit with no penalty instead of holding up killers from being able to start another match when there is always plenty of survivors waiting for a match. As a killer I don’t care about extra blood-points for an extra hit or two at the gate and I doubt there are very many killers that do. Even when I kick the gate open then walk away and leave my controller afk it still takes the survivors every second of the end game collapse to leave 100 percent of the time.

  • wecremona
    wecremona Member Posts: 1

    If that's the case. Killers who are tunneling survivors. Should get massive negatives. Tunneling is more cancer then sitting at the exit gate

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442


    Toxic survivors pretending that killers are the problem

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I think what the player is saying is bragging at the exit gate is the final insult. After terrible matchmaking, terrible maps, stupid fast gen times, 16 chase/second chance perks....

    congratulations survivor you were able to draw a card out of the deck that wasn’t a joker, please taunt as obnoxiously as possible. You know what would make your super probable victory even sweeter, buying a meg or a nea skin to taunt with....

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    Not when you've lost to a toxic swf :( Only if I'm memeing then its ok U3U

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Just give me slow exit gate regression. Ive been deliberately opening 99d gates as survivor recently if its been an easy match to try and make things more interesting.

    The sheer terror of seeing BW up and the heartbeat approaching is the most tense feeling Ive ever gotten from this game.

  • brocktree
    brocktree Member Posts: 37

    So I don't butt dance but I will stick around for a bit and a lot of it is for reasons someone else said. Waiting to make sure everyone gets out, or extra points in the form of boldness for a Chase as you stare at me or healing someone else or whatever. But info agree that the taunting with the pointing and dancing is rude but I don't think there is a need for a penalty to staying in the gate.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    The issue highlighted here isn't one that can be fixed with gameplay mechanics.

    It's that large parts of the survivor community are absolutely toxic and play with the goal to frustrate and offend the killer.

    For all the pretending about how they're just waiting at the gate to give the killer one last hit, the points there are insignificant, and nobody really cares -- they just want to be chased out. Sure, people also wait to help other survivors, but many also wait just to gloat.

    The problem really is that the balance of power favors the survivor role, and when they're allowed to bully the killer all match they're happy to keep doing it as long as possible.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Jesus you make it sound like you can't just chase them out. It's not the same as being body blocked in a room or getting camped four minutes during bleedout phase. You have a choice in the matter just like survivors got a choice to kill themselves on the hook if the killer just stands there head nodding, t bagging and hitting their body. People are dicks on the internet. Get over it.

  • yutycorn
    yutycorn Member Posts: 246

    I sit in the exit gate for various reasons:

    1. To make sure no one else is hooked (often I leave and stand some meters away from the gate so I have a headstart into a direction)

    2. Heal allies or myself because it is the safest place

    3. Be ready to take hits for an incoming injured person

    4. Wait so that the killer gets more points. Them finding me, me running, then them hitting me, gives them a lot of points and I like doing it especially if the generators went sonic speed.

    5. To moonwalk with the killer. I want to try and make the killer laugh or smile, in the event the match is frustrating. By moonwalk I mean walk back and forth horizantally, having my face point straight up. I don't tbag or point

    6. If players are still in the trial and he's coming towards me while I'm at the gate, I wait until he completely downs me before I escape. This wastes time and gives the other or others a chance to get out

    7. If the killer was fun and I had fun, i often let myself die to egc, running in circles and looking straight up. Only do this when there's like 10 seconds left in egc.

  • muqroso
    muqroso Member Posts: 3

    Haters rise...lol

    I would suggest if a survivor is in that area for more 5 seconds they can be downed with 1 hit and they can no longer crawl.

    Worse case a change to noed or an add -on. It would be very situational so I say just give it to all killers. This would prevent those survivors hanging around that area. If anything they would move it outside gate area.

  • Doudou
    Doudou Member Posts: 36
    edited February 2020

    This idea would never be implemented, but i'd love to see it happen for the lols. But anyways, reasons survivors want to stand in the exit gates vary. Usually they either just want be toxic little brats, or they are generous human beings that want you to have a few extra hit points. Sometimes though, i do feel like they over stay their welcome and I would LOVE for something else to shove them out of the door far quicker than the EGC does.

    Oh yes, and if anyone wants to know why not do it myself, i am just gonna say because reasons. One reason being that chasing them out benefits their emblems and points. And if all they have done is bully me, I am not going to "feed" them anymore(it's probably maxed already anyways by then for them).

    Post edited by Doudou on
  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Some survivors hang out by the exit waiting to be sure everyone is safe. Others do it to taunt the killer. Alot wait there to give the killer a free hit.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    For me, a lot of the time I wait at the gate for the other survivors, especially if I don't know where they are so that I can help i see they're in a chase as they approach.. I'd feel bad for leaving someone on a hook (most of the time this just gets me killed too but stillll)

    I also like having fun with the killer? Like.. not the toxic get good kinda way but sometimes we (both survs and killer) mess around at the gate. I don't really know how to thank the killer for the game without messaging them (I'm on ps4 and sometimes it doesn't work) so that's really the best I can do I guess -_-'

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    Well that is true but to me getting to the exit and not feeling any urgency takes away from the EGC purpose especially 99 gates.

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    Lol imagine needing upvotes for self validation. I know that being triggered by someone tea bagging is mentally weak, I don't need upvotes. And so is needing upvotes for self validation. You're both weak minded. Plus 2 upvotes is none? That's logic!

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    Personally don't do it unless the killer did something to deserve it. Happens to me when I play killer too. You missed my point that it is weak minded to let it get to you and then jumped to an assumption that I do it. Also you do know about sitting at an exit gate to make sure you can save someone if they go down or need to take a protection hit right?? Nice assumption and neglection to realize what my post actually was.

  • WiredGamerOni
    WiredGamerOni Member Posts: 85

    This Is Why They Made The DeathSlinger LoL

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Rather, I was giving you a dose of the inflammatory drivel that you spouted. You send an ill message to newcomers.

  • Mrpenguin5387
    Mrpenguin5387 Member Posts: 5

    As killer when this happens to me since I main ghostface I just teabag back simple just amuse them moonwalk or something show them you don't care

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    Again you're assuming they're a newcomer. You have no clue how long they've played killer to be rank 16 and also have no idea how much survivor they've played. So much assuming, not a good look. But not many "newcomers" would be on a forum of a game and reading back their post talking about experienced players likely not liking their idea makes them not seem very new. Tea bagging has been around since video games started lol, love how this community gets pissed about it in 2020. No one cries about tea bagging in COD forums, etc. And if saying someone is weak minded and they need to get over something as small as tea bagging is sending an ill message then you clearly have never seen an actual ill message. 2020 soft cupcakes all over the place I see.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    You are disgustingly pretentious. No matter what I say you'll twist it to your backwards logic.