Exit Gate Three Second Rule

More experienced players might know why this is a bad idea but it seems to me that in my journey to level 16 as killer I seem to be:

A: Playing a lot of survivors way above my rank (I guess that is match making)

B: Watching everyone wasting time in the exits waiting for me to eventually get there just so they can bounce up and down pointing like idiots until I try to hit them and they run out.

Seems to be that the exit gate is like the paint in basketball. If you are in there for more than 3 seconds (or however long it takes to run across it) then you should get booted back to outside the door, maybe some number of meters outside.

When I play survivor (I got to rank 13 so far) if the door is unlocked I either go back in (if someone is hooked) or run out.

Is there a point reason to hang around? I know that getting run around, hit by people jumping out of lockers, blinded at every palette, and then teased at the end seems like a bad look for the game. No killers means no games and if you are being made to feel like a jerk it seems like a serious flaw. I know EGC was put in because of what Survivors used to do, but can you enforce sportsmanship using code?

I look forward to your thoughts!



  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    It is an interesting thought. I am GUILTY for doing this. I do the "Butt dance" in the exit zone and YES. it is "unsportsmanlike conduct" in some sense!

    I've made the suggestion that players standing in the exit zone for too long should face exposure status. :P Then again. butt dancing. IS FUN.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I wouldn't be so bothered about them sitting in the exit gate, but it's more frustrating when all 4 sit in the same one waiting for me to never arrive. The full 3 minutes is spent with them hoping they can rub in the victory. I just wish people would leave and let me move on to the next match. Instead, I have to go treking across the map just to persuade them to leave.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 716

    It’s better to not give them the satisfaction and if you instead look for pallets to break or just spam your killer power, anything for a few extra points; and they soon leave when they see you aren’t coming to escort them out the trial.

    People will pretend they are doing you a favour by ‘letting’ you hit them out; but the point gain is so small it’s not worth the walk over there, and most times they will actually leave as you swing at them so they can all have a good laugh at the killers expense for ‘baiting’ you.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah matchmaking is garbage, no doubt about that. When I play killer for challenges, it's me at level 17 going against red and purple rank SWFs. It sucks, but I don't let something out of my control upset me.

    As a survivor, I wait at the gate and don't leave for three reasons. One - so the killer can hit me and get more points, believe it or not. I do it when a killer has not played like a total jerk (face camping, tunneling, slugging at five gens). I know it blows the minds of killer mains that a survivor would do that, but it's the truth. Reason two - I want to buy some time for another teammate. Maybe they're healing, or opening the other gate, or looking for the hatch. If someone is on the hook, even if I'm injured and have no intention of going in for a save I don't think I can make, if there's another person in the game who is trying, just by staying in the game, the killer has to plan for more than one person going for the rescue. Three - a smart and unselfish survivor will wait to get hit out to check for NOED so everyone else knows.

    You can always just walk away. End Game Collapse is heavily in the killer's favor, and you don't have to stand at the gate while survivors are tea bagging and being meanies if you don't want to.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    If i get destroyed by a team and doors are opened i just go somewhere else. Not worth watching them leave

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    It's fine the way it is.

    If they are all there and it pains you to go see them tbag or whatever then just don't go there. EGC is a thing and it's not that long. Just wait.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    You could spend the time looking for the hatch so you can close it for points, instead. It might benefit you as survivor too, so you can learn the hatch spawns. A lot of the hatches I've slammed shut as killer, I can recall later as survivor, so I'm not running around in a panic searching.

    As killer, I spin in circles at the exit gate to show survivors 'no hard feelings'. I get destroyed A LOT, so I'd be a mess if I actually cared about them blinding me, pallet stunning me, teabagging, pointing, etc. Also, I feel like the best 'revenge' on someone trolling for salt is to not be salty.

    Good luck and I hope you keep having fun, despite that stuff!

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Sometimes I wait for the killer to show up so I can "wave" to them as if to say "good game, you really made me earn this one!". On rare occasions, I wait to make sure everyone else got out because I'd feel like a turd leaving good teammates behind. Out side of those reasons, if the gate is open, I leave ASAP because I'm generally quite unlucky 😂

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Just force them out and don't really pay much attention to it.

  • celestialking24
    celestialking24 Member Posts: 29
    edited February 2020

    I usually wait at the exit gates to make sure everyone's safe. I seldom stand there and taunt the killer, unless the killer acted like garbage during the match and deserved it, like face camped a hook. Otherwise, I know the feeling. It's irritating when you want to forfeit the match as a killer and the survivors, who are higher rank than you, literally wait until last second to leave. Usually I have to force them out, which in turn is irritating.

    I do believe there should be some penalty for waiting at the gates for an extended period of time, but only if all 4 survivors are at the gates.

  • amarakay95
    amarakay95 Member Posts: 24

    I just walk around looking for the hatch and let them wait most of the time. Every once in a while someone ends up dead 😂 and I get a chance to close the hatch for extra points. I play both sides and have only tea bagged killers that try to camp and/or tunnel all game

  • PepegaClap
    PepegaClap Member Posts: 20

    If you're too weak minded to see someone tea bag you after they've beat you then you shouldn't play this game or any competitive games for that matter. Go play a children's game.

  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47

    I do this all the time as survivor, especially if the killer has been toxic. I'll wait until the very last second then leave, I had one spirit have a sook at me at the end game chat it saying it waste time, I laughed and it just makes me want to do it even more haha.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    As every teacher says to his or her class, "It's your own time your wasting, not mine"

    The longer they wait and teabag, the longer it takes them to get a game. Enjoy your next game 10 seconds after you ready up. Survivors will still be waiting in the lobby by the time you get your next flashlight in the face.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Haha, that would be REALLY funny

    Unfortunately, it will NEVER happen

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    Just chase them out?

    If you don't want to see them tbag, EGC will chase them out.

    If just the thought of them tbagging bothers you, you probably should do yourself a favor and not play multiplayer games.

  • RIPotatoes
    RIPotatoes Member Posts: 22

    The main reason for some survivors (obviously not everyone) is to make sure their teammates make it out before they do.

  • That has worse movement speed and smaller inboxes than huntress and would only help if their injured. But you also forgetting body blocking works real welp to break that chain.

  • That's been resolved

    A new killer who can shoot harpoons and reel them back in is soon to come on Xbox.

    I will be purchasing him immediately.

    I too play a lot and just can't seem to get better than a rank 11

    I'm back to 15 or 16 again because even with 3 kills tons of hooks etc, I lose rank or gain zero after sweating my ass off to get the kills

    So I look forward to the harpoon gun killer, let's see that juking booty dance now


  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    Just alt tab and watch youtube 😂

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    Sometimes, as a survivor, I wait at the exit gates if someone is still somewhere, because I'm waiting to see if they need my help before I try to escape. But as both survivor and killer I see a lot of survivors t-bagging the killer and pointing and being overall toxic at the gates. If everyone is safe, I just exit. No point in being a jerk to the killer. Yes, it's a game, but behind that killer is a person playing. They might have had a bad game, so they don't need more toxicity.

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    I played this game for over a thousand hours, yeah people do heal in the exit Gates because it is safe! However 99% of the time survivors will sit there and wait for you to go up to them so that they can teabag. It's incredibly unsportsmanlike and it's very disheartening. After playing a really hard game and trying your best you get people teabagging and pointing and holding to game hostage until you run up. They also get a extra chaser bonus for entering and exiting a Chase, but most of the time they just want to waste your time and make you walk to the exit gate. in most games if I know I lost I kind of just sit in the corner and wait for it to end because if they're going to waste my time I might as well waste theirs. I do think that's a problem, that I either have to get humiliated or hold the game up even longer. It's a exercise in spite and quite frankly it's terrible.

    I'm glad that you commented though! It's nice to see a developer's perspective on how they believe the mechanics are being used. I know you're not a developer but I know you're close so cheers!

  • Its_Vigo_Here
    Its_Vigo_Here Member Posts: 118

    you know you actually might be enough a Dev, I apologize if that sounded insulting. but no one waits outside of the exit gate to teabag you, mostly out of fear of no one escapes death, however the reason why people don't go out of the exitgate to teabag is because they don't want to give you points, waiting outside of the exit gate runs the risk of you getting a sneaky attack off, and a lot of survivors like to run out of the exaggerate before you can hit them. Others like to sit there right at the gate so that you have to hit them twice wasting even more time. Regardless most people aren't going to risk leaving the exit. I've never once seen someone leave the exigate to tea bag and again I'm encroaching on 2,000 hours of killer.

  • Protokon
    Protokon Member Posts: 12

    This used to be much worse before endgame collapse. There were games where I afked in corner as killer waiting to see how long survivors would wait to leave on their own. Some would easily stay 30-45 mins. Once I even waited 2 hours and gave up and just dc'ed.

    I will never understand why survivors do this, but ultimately its just a way for them to bully the killer once they are 'safe'.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    You said it already, EGC takes care of this - just get something to drink. By the time you return the game magically ended.

    Sometimes if the survivors are split between exits they will linger because they aren't sure if the other survivors are going to need help.

    If the survivors are just hanging around to BM well, see me first sentence. I'm not sure why this still bothers people, it's not like the old days where they could hang out forever until you chased them out.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    If you're so simple minded so as to want to sit an additional 3 minutes in a game just to try and tilt the killer that you already beat then you're just a toxic timewaster. Survivor queues suck as is, why waste more time?

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    What's the difference between this and the killer taking shots at a hooked survivor? It goes both ways, even if it isn't right.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897
    edited February 2020

    I stopped woring about tbags at exit gates when i stopped to be a "nice" killer. So, i was nice and kind, no harsh playing, and then my "tks" were a exit gate tbag? What the flock?!?

    So, now, if they tbag, i just dont care, cause I didnt give then a chance, so no moral bounds were made to be abused.

    And I go there and run then away, so I get some more BP and ends already the match. And if they tbag? Well, just a confirmation that I will tunnel when its best for me, and camp if its strategic in a end-game, and slug if needed, and, well, will play the game the most harsh way I can.

    You tbagged at exit gates? Well, now you deserved it. I didnt give you chances. Do as you wish.

    And what about the "nice" survivors? Well, they will understand its just a game. As much as I do when playing survivor, i dont get sad when a killer dont give me chances. And i will never tbag, no matter how the killer plays.

    Tbag is toxicity. Playing harsh is fair play. I must get good, as much as the excelent survivors I get as killer whom are looping Gods. Offending other player will never be right, no matter what happens in the match.

  • BubbaSawyerMeats
    BubbaSawyerMeats Member Posts: 108

    i like when the survivors hang in there, its good for some last chances at getting your daily. Plus snoot booping on PIG.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    Its unsportsmanlike, and I think it could be easily fixed:

    1.) Survivors see the aura of other survivors in the exit gates. This way, the 'waiting for my team to be safe' is gone. You know they're safe, you can get out.

    2.) Survivors cannot perform actions in the exit gate. No dead hard, no healing, no snapping out of it. If you want to play risky at the end of the game you could have easily escaped for more points, you do it out of the exit gates where you can get meaningfully downed by the killer. (not just knocked across the finished line)

    3.) Stop giving extra points for hatch escapes. Make hatch escapes FEWER points, so you don't have guys wondering around the map looking for the hatch instead of just leaving.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    I had a bad game as Hag on the swamp map. Got a few hooks but gens were flying. They opened the gate near the shack and waited. I managed to down 1 before she got to the gate. I put her in the shack. They all tried to body block me but no luck. I got most survivors injured and one on the hook. They save her right in front of me and she body blocks with BT. They get to the gate and realize I was running BW. Priceless!!!!!!!

    Turned 0k into 3k with that /kefka laugh

    Maybe a point penalty for sitting at the gates for too long? Like when a killer refuses to leave a hook.

  • Hunter_Joe
    Hunter_Joe Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2020

    Heh, rather than there be a 3 second timer and the survivor gets booted from the exit.

    Why not just make it so that the entity blocks the exit for 2 or 3 seconds whenever a survivor leaves.

    Add a little horror scramble at the end where they need to coordinate some more with the injured :P

    You get achievements for crawling out the gate, but the way it works now all you have to do is just wait there and hope the killer hacks at you

    Incentivized being hit vs fighting to get out the gate at the last second. Which sounds more entertaining?

  • Hunter_Joe
    Hunter_Joe Member Posts: 8

    Or make a totem that does that, like a reworked bloodwarden or just a new totem altogether.

    But if it's a totem gotta make it like 3 to 6 seconds.

    Everytime a survivor passes through the exit and leaves the match the entity blocks the gates for 3 to 6 seconds

    Bonus points if they can make it the individual gate the survivor exited.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    So you think you should be able to lose the game and then be given free kills because... your feelings were hurt? You don't think it's possible that perhaps some of the things you've done as a killer have upset survivors? The problem you are trying to fix has already been fixed. It's called the end game collapse. If you don't want to chase the survivors out then don't. The game will end no matter what you do within 2 minutes after the end game collapse start. If that's too long of a wait then just go push the survivors out and get a few extra bloodpoints for finding and hitting them. It's really up to you.

  • HisQueenAsh
    HisQueenAsh Member Posts: 1

    Well then you will really enjoy the new killer. You’ll be able to harpoon them away from the exit gate. I think we will all learn our lesson when Deathslinger is released

  • jayjay23vaz
    jayjay23vaz Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2020

    I've been playing for about 2 years now. Rank 1 consistently in survivor and lowest I've been in killer is rank 4. I'm a survivor main btw. There are a couple reasons survivors wait at the exit gates. One reason is that someone is hooked at endgame and the other survivors need to heal which the exit gates provide the safest place to heal in order to get back in and save him. Another could be someone is injured and getting chased towards the gate by the killer to which survivors will wait in case he gets downed or gets to the gate for a body block. The third reason I know of is simply to troll and be a pos. The main reason people stay at the gate after a match is to troll but not all the times. If a survivor has gotten downed the whole game and managed to escape he is simply being a troll. If a survivor has bested you the whole game and didn't get hooked then they may feel u deserve a tbag but it's still trolling. Do I think there should be a counter? No absolutely not. Only because every survivor doesnt tbag at the gate including myself unless the killer was extremely toxic. Blood warden is a perk that was made for this specific reason. So if u dont like the gate tagging try running noed and blood warden together and get a hook as soon as the gates are open and everyone's screwed. As a survivor main I may seem biased but honestly the gate is supposed to be the safest place on the map hence why u have to fight to open em.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    What about killers that grief hooked survivors? Do you feel that's unsportsmanlike too?

  • self_healer
    self_healer Member Posts: 29

    Well I see them doing that as an opportunity to earn some bloodpoints so you should take that time to go earn some bloodpoints by kicking whatever pallets are left on the map closing the hatch or putting traps down as trapper, hag, or portals as demogorgon

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    If I'm in a Chase or on the hook during EGC, even if the people are too immersed to to come help, I'd rather them stay in the match or at the exit gate because it puts pressure on the killer to decide what to do. When everyone leaves? It's easy for him to focus on whoever is left.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    While the manners arent very nice he does have a point, what does it matter if they stand at the Exit Gates waiting for you to press crouch?, just go there, force them out and be done with it.