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General Discussions

People are delusional when playing this game

Member Posts: 430

Just finished a match where the survivors had 4 gens done and the killer hadn't gotten a single kill. He had gotten like 3 hooks total, but no kills. As soon as the 4th gen popped the killer started slugging. He got 3 kills that way. I was one of them. No problem. He employed a strategy that works. I was prepared to move on the next match.

But before I get a chance to join a lobby I get a message. This killer is actually taunting me because he won. Telling me I suck and all that jazz. Who knows. Maybe I do suck. But this killer was getting curb stomped until he decided to start slugging. Don't get me wrong.... it's a legit strategy and I don't fault a killer for utilizing it. But if you are getting your derriere handed to you and have to resort to slugging to get kills don't message me afterwards telling me what a great player you are and how much I suck.

I mean if I use a key to escape it's a legal legit strategy, but I'm not going to message the killer afterwards telling them how great I am and how awful they are.


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