People are delusional when playing this game

Just finished a match where the survivors had 4 gens done and the killer hadn't gotten a single kill. He had gotten like 3 hooks total, but no kills. As soon as the 4th gen popped the killer started slugging. He got 3 kills that way. I was one of them. No problem. He employed a strategy that works. I was prepared to move on the next match.
But before I get a chance to join a lobby I get a message. This killer is actually taunting me because he won. Telling me I suck and all that jazz. Who knows. Maybe I do suck. But this killer was getting curb stomped until he decided to start slugging. Don't get me wrong.... it's a legit strategy and I don't fault a killer for utilizing it. But if you are getting your derriere handed to you and have to resort to slugging to get kills don't message me afterwards telling me what a great player you are and how much I suck.
I mean if I use a key to escape it's a legal legit strategy, but I'm not going to message the killer afterwards telling them how great I am and how awful they are.
People will always find a way to get to you. Just a game.
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That they do. I just found his arrogance totally unwarranted in that situation.
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Yea I don't get it. It happens to killers as well I actually had a game tonight where I got a 3k and was called trash for picking hawkins. I didn't pick Hawkins one of the survivors picked it. Then I was told I used broken perks and that my perks carried me. All this by the guy running Sprint burst, deliverance, adrenaline, and premonition. He was also a level 14 and my killer is at level 17 so I don't understand how I am trash
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Exactly. There are so many legit strategies in this game (on both sides) that take little to no skill. There's nothing wrong with utilizing them, but to presume utilizing such a strategy makes you a "good player" is ridiculous. They might even make you effective, but effective doesn't necessarily equate to good.
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I just ignore them. I know that salty players will get hit from karma in some point
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Winning gracefully is a vastly underrated skill.
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Don't you play killer? Lots of players send these "haha you bad I'm gr8" messages on a regular basis. 🤷 In any case: Either ignore these messages or laugh about it.
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Just had this happen to me tonight but on the opposite end. I was a killer with 3-gens (nearly 4) done against me and only a few hooks to my name. I started to slug because they were huddled together and managed to wrangle a 4k with it. Didn't even do full 4-man slug either; I hooked on the 3rd slug giving the last guy time to get someone up and then rinse and repeated slugging/hooking until they were all dead.
Had two people from the match message me after saying I didn't play fair and was a bad killer. Honestly, they were a pretty good group so it was disappointing seeing them mouth off after losing. Made me chuckle at the same time though as I haven't had hate mail in a while.
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I agree completely. Slugging isn’t even on fair grounds when comparing skill level. I think it should never have been put in the game. Killers already have an easy way of finding survivors and they’re fast as hell. They don’t need ANYTHING else to lay waste to these survivors devs. Jesus. Me and my friend were playing earlier today and I find it so infuriating that killers also have the ability to slam you through vaults. I went through it, you can too. Why is there a need to have such range on melee attacks with these guys? It’s nuts... killers have to get their 4Ks otherwise they complain? Is escape not supposed to be a realistic option? I’m sorry I don’t come in here to die for you. Nah. I’ll go find another game.
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The game is based on points and killers get plenty from other things besides kills. In fact I see them consistently surpass the amount of points survivors get. Maybe rank 1 survivors might be gen rushing you making it not as likely. Slow gen speed down? Nah, that’s not fun. It’s already ridiculous how efficient some killers can be. Last thing I want to happen is to get stuck with 5 hour long generators rather than 5 half hour long generators. Sure perks and survivors are supposed to coincide for me to speed up that process but not everyone’s good at keeping the killer distracted long enough to get out against some killers that just have every counter to your counter, every tool they can possibly have to just make it seem all the more likely to get 4Ks. What the hell do they have to complain about?
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People like that just ruin the fun
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He's probably just been insulted one too many times by toxic survivors. Just say GG and move on. This game is in desperate need of a little positivity and it would go a long way for the mentality that players have of the game.
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Points dont always equate to pips.
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Survivors have the same exact mentality so stop complaining. Let's just make slow vaults as safe as fast vaults while were at lul.
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Normally you would think an M rated game would have most of the playerbase being mature enough to have that skill, but I guess when it's just a game you can act as immature as you want and no one will know who you are.
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Well unfortunately, although the "M" stands for "mature", age actually has very little to do with that.
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I played trapper and killed 3 the 4th escaped with hatch. and still i was called trash camper when all i do is just pick up my traps set them up slug people of course trapper is a zoning killer that's his ability. yet a lot of saltiness post game. i'm asking them "for more salt please" then they stop, if not I'll tell them " complain to the devs " ahahhahaha
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That's the thing.... As a survivor main I get far more nasty messages from survivors pissed off that I didn't do something the way they think I should have done it. I rarely get a message from killers at all other than an occasional gg. I don't think I have ever sent a killer a salty message after a match. I was just shocked this killer sent this particular message. It was LOOOONG, and the bragging was over the top.
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Tell him to write a book about it. Hes soooo good, right? ;)
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They hate when you ignore them. It's really the best strategy for dealing with these kind of people. When they dont get a reply confirming that got under your skin. They go full blown tilt!
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I laugh when survivors message me cause they got out the hatch with a key.
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Well, if someone is umpleasant in a chat after match, but its not an offense (cause if so i will report), i simply block the player and leave the chat room without answering anything.
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I'm going to share a very special weapon with you that my grandpa gave me. It's called 'ignorance'. If they're being cocky just don't reply. Take the next step in making the game less toxic
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"Resort to slugging."
You mean, "noticed the situation wasnt going as planned, and adapted accordingly."
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I did ignore his message. Knew that would drive someone like that crazy to not get a response
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Did you even attempt to comprehend my post? I specifically said it was a legit strategy. I didn't say the killer was wrong for using it. But since you chose to ignore that let me clue you in to a little secret. What I said and your "translation" mean the same thing. You are one of those people that goes looking for ways to be offended aren't you?
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you alright m8? nobody was talking about gen speeds
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I got a 2k on a corn map with spirit and one player was so salty that she raged about how she wanted to find me in rl and kill me. Over a game... People need to chill. Gotta admit though, its really made me not want to play killer (Obviously, a death threat didn't help). It's already bad enough with the recent changes. I'm just tired of entitled survivors thinking they deserve to escape each match now. A mentality that is only going to get worse with how quickly matches are going.
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I can understand. As a survivor main I think 90% of the issues in this game come from the survivor side. Makes me wish I enjoyed playing killer, but I've tried several times and just hated it. Loved playing survivor from the start. Regardless, the biggest issue in this game is that the majority of survivors have absolutely zero comprehension of how to play strategically. Then they want to blame killers for their mistakes.
I've said it before, but I mean it. If the majority of survivors in this game were to start playing the game intelligently BHVR would have to provide a lot of killer buffs to maintain anything close to balance. Unfortunately, what we have now are survivors that want BHVR to change the game to accommodate the fact they play incompetently. Which is another of the ways people are delusional when playing this game.
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I get comments on my steam profile like that all the time, from the survivor side since I play killer, but still regardless what side it's from don't let it get under your skin, some people suck.
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And you should. I mean if they used a key to escape so be it, but messaging afterwards like they somehow outplayed you at that point is beyond clueless.
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Actually it probably means the exact opposite of you being good--it probably means instead you are trash. I play killers very rarely and just for the BP for the dallies. I bring in NOED. I at times will get a kill or two...maybe even three, but I'd never taunt anyone as a killer because I am pure trash (actually I'd need to get a bit better to even reach the level of trash) as a survivor...that might be a different story. I have been taunted by survivors though...typically someone I killed using NOED.
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As a survivor main the overwhelming majority of the horrible and nasty comments I get are from other survivors. I don't post about those because I know it wouldn't surprise anyone. I posted about this one because of the combination of sheer arrogance and length of the message. It was especially weird considering I RARELY get a message from any killers other than gg
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Yeah, the only toxic messages I got as survivor came from other survivors, and thats a nuisance as much as receiving those when playing killer.
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Yeah, the only toxic messages i get as survivor comes from other survivors, and its a nuisance as much as when I play killer.
Like... when im on hook at EGC by a NOED hit, i kill myself at the hook to relieve the others from trying to save me and turn the 1k into 4k. By the other side, some players think you must die to try to save then against all chances.
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I'm sure this post will stop that from happening again. Or you could turn off messages from strangers. Nah.
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Are you "the" Samination?
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Yes. :/
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Cool, nice vids, man, keep on. :D
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I think you are right on that. For me the definition of a good player isn't even necessarily whether or not you have attained a level 1 ranking. It's more about being well rounded. For example. If a survivor takes a key into every match and then runs around hiding in lockers until the hatch is available they might be really effective, but I wouldn't call them good. If keys were suddenly taken away they would basically be a noob again.
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Obviously I don't expect it to stop it. Just thought others might find it a little entertaining. I leave messages on because I have run across some of my best gaming friends from little random conversations. Most messages I receive never get a second thought. This one was just unique.
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In a few posts after replying to you he will then compare this game to F13 and then state that DbD should be like F13
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Got ya. I guess I just don't enjoy the salt. Those people are communicating on PURE emotion and it usually leads to nothing good. I shut all that down years ago because of DBD. I'm much happier as a result. lol. But to each his own I suppose.
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Aw, thanks! :)
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No, I'm one of the types of people who read the post, and saw the way you made snyde remarks about it as if it was a ######### thing to do or they were so bad they had to.
"have to resort to slugging to get kills"
As if they cant get kills normally, and have to resort to this.
Instead of the fact that they played what was dealt at the moment. It's like saying "survivors cant loop and have to resort to healing each other".
The words themselves arent the issue, the context and implication is.
I'm sorry if what I says offends you, maybe you shouldnt let things bother you so much? Or not take it so personally?
I bet you're the kind of person who has to make a witty last remark and try to get someone to agree with you to feel like you're right, right?
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Just run Unbreakable, n00b.
(just kidding)
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I'm the most graceful winner you'll ever meet. I could outgrace you with two hands tied behind my back
*tbags you and runs away*
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I get insulted of being a hacker and stuff on almost a daily basis... just the most ugly ones i do delete like when its about my family and stuff,.. but if you want to laugh for some minutes, check my steam profile commentary section :)
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I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but didn't you just do that with your closing statement? I mean, your last remark was witty in and of itself and asking for someone to agree with you. Right?
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I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.