DCing for teammates to get hatch

This irritates me so much when there are 2 survivors left and you down one for them to DC and open the hatch instantly. This happens actually quite a bit. Last game I had one down and was looking for hatch and then found the other and her teammate DCed and the hatch was right in front of the living survivor. It's a deliberate cheat and a show of bad sportsmanship.
Just for curiosity..
the living teammate was a Meg with white clothes?
because I think it was me 😅
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If you play fair, they'll let you get the 4K, if you're a scummy killer, well, DC is worth more than bloodpoints in that match.
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I guess they kind of asked for it by creating a stupid challenge like making people use two keys. I wouldn’t play like that but I understand the logic.
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Nooo way 😂 it was a white Meg. Was on ps4, downed survivor was a Kate, Haddonfield, and I was playing Huntress
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Not really a good excuse to cheat
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Yeah, and they get a ban for it now.
Also, why let it bother you? Any hatch escape is basically a 4k "but only 3k because they got an escape that prevents 45 min standoffs."
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Except you cant use a key on an open hatch. So.
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No, but if no gens have been fixed and the hatch hasn’t spawned yet, or you don’t know where it is, and you need Left Behind to find it, it’s a good strategy to wait until the killer finds it first and then reopen it while he is distracted patrolling the gates. That’s how I managed to do it.
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Well yeah, but I thought the topic was when one person DCs to give the other hatch?
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Gotta chalk it up to one of the many toxic crap we as players have to endure, within the community. I hate it too, but I try not to let it get to me. Just report them and move on to the next match.
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Oh, okay
it would be sooo much coincidance 🤣
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From somebody who absolutely hates getting slugged at the last two survivors. You are basically taking the game for hostage to get a cheap 4K IMO (especially solo Queque) . There is only one survivor perk that works extremely well against slugging and that is Unbreakable which is by itself a completely situational perk. So I think it's fine for a survivor the DC to get hatch. Especially if the game just takes longer than it should have. At least the DC ban penalty is here to help you a bit against that cheese. If the killer cheeses to win I don't see why a survivor can't.
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Regardless, it is the strategy that occurred AFTER the fallout from Hatch closing. Now survivors in the group EXPECT the other person to LET them have the hatch by DC before reaching the hook. I've seen that conversation now coming up in post-game chat. Where players expect a person to take one for the team.
This is sad. I was really stoked about the new killer coming up. I am an extremely good hitscan player and was stoked for this new one. But after this game going the way it is. I won't be purchasing ANY MORE DLC until rules get fixed and other issues. I have zero confidence in this game and the company.
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You’re right. I was a little drunk when I originally posted and misread the intent of the original post. My bad.
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Was it not you?
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That logic is so utterly fuckked up. The killer is not cheating in any way unlike the survivor. Slugging is completely acceptable and part of the game. It's not a cheap 4k at all. At that point the killer earned it and the survivors lost and should man up and take the loss. Shows your bad character loud and clear
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Lol you're good, was just making sure we were both on the same topic/thread.
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I'm sorry but DCing is not cheating in any way either especially with the inconsistent DC ban and loss of points and pip (if they even care for it of course) . Taking the game for hostage and dragging it out for to long is by far more cheat worthy . A survivor won't just leave his ass on the ground waiting for the killer to either look for the other survivor or hatch. Unbreakable is quite literally the only perk that helps out survivors when being slug in the 2v1. To be clear I have no problem in general with slugging, I sometimes do slug, but never to drag the game out expecting the survivor to say: Understandable continue on searching for my only hope on actually doing a thing. To each their own honestly the same way you think I have a bad character, it the same way I think about you when you typed that survivors should just accept being slugged in the 2v1 situation.
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DCing for hatch is cheating. It's not an intended action of the game. You need to reconsider your beliefs
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If DCing is considered as not cheating why isnt there a option to dc from the game to save your buddies and ######### over the killer by not giving him the 4 kills he deserves. ######### 100 hours survivor mains. smh.
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It is... BUT it's a feature :3
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Some people are willing to sacrifice themselves for a friend be at for a challenge or whatever the case is. Maybe if you just accepted the fact that you were going to get a min 3K, you may have ended up with a 4K. There is nothing the Devs can do about it.
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If the killer plays scummy then yeah I would do that.
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Apparently if I down someone then down the person behind me, and then down the two that come in flashlights clicking trying to save, i'm scummy. So people's definition of scummy in this game is just kinda silly. For sure though, DCing is scummy, otherwise there would be no penalty.
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Eh, my friends and I USE to do this before the DC penalty.
I don't see why it bothers you so much tbh unless you're going for some kind of achievement or challenge (unlikely)
the person who DC's gets a penalty, loses any items they brought in, AND get no points out of the match which means they wasted time queueing up for the match and playing the match.
Also novel idea, just hook people and use your perks to find the last person or your faster movement speed to find the hatch before the survivor does. I hear BBQ after the hook and Whispers work quite well. If you find this happening often enough to come here and complain about it, maybe stop causing the situation in the first place and just hook the 3rd person.
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Main killer say?
Yes, it's a cheap.
I don't think that avoiding the hatch for survivor by slugging was provided by the devs. Rather, it is one of the many ill-conceived phenomen, like old hatch standoff. To which they have not yet reached their hands, since they are busy correcting many other things.
Idea of the hatch was to give a chance to the last survivor. When a sweaty tryhard killer just stupidly walks on the map for 4 mins, because he so wants to get his stupid 4k, this is a boring uninteresting part of the game. Waste of time for 2 two survivors. Like a hatch standoff but more shortly.
Do you want 4k? Catch the last honestly. Find the hatch earlier and don't let the gate open. You can't? So you didn’t deserve it.
In place of the devs, I would simply introduce the opportunity to kill self to the penultimate survivor, some time after lying motionless, if the killer does not pick it up.
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It sounds like you slugged without knowing where hatch or the 4th survivor was. Which even though is a legal tactic, it's considered a scummy tactic by most sane people. It's not skill getting you a 4k, it's not even luck, you are using a tactic that basically ensures a 4k you might have not gotten.
I honestly don't care if you do this, when me and my friends encounter players like this we just mark them down, and die on first hook if we ever get them again. And if you feel like it's fair to slug and search for an unknown 4th player because it's something the game allows you to do, guess what, the game also allows you to die on first hook.
To be honest, I do love when My Friends and I get a killer who slugged for a 4k again and we all Die on first hook, that sweet sweet try hard sweat complaining about de-pipping. lol
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Intentionally disconnecting for unnecessary reasons is absolutely against the rules. The fact that you think otherwise is because of a sense of entitlement that runs wild amongst a number of survivors. If you think that QUITTING in order to get a victory is right, you're clearly not thinking logically.
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What i'm seeing a lot of is "Oh well shouldn't have slugged lmao git gud," as if kost of yiu don't realise that 1. The other survivor may have inadvertantly revealed themselves, making it far more prudent to retreive them rather than waste time hooking, 2. Person one doesn't have to be on the ground to DC for Person 2, 3. We can do whatever we want for the 4k as long as it's within the confines of the ruleset. Your feelings have nothing to do with my modus operandi, especially if no matter how fair or polite I play i'll just get called trash and scum and be told to get good anyway. 4. There is no fourth point. Blood Warden, NOED, Rancor and Nemesis is a fun build.
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I dont care if you die on first hook and I dont think any killer would. That just helps the killer win
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I'll starting sending you videos in the future than. Because we have gotten way more salt about killers losing pips because we died on first hook. Because at least if we waited until the end of the game, they could keep their rank. Because if all four survivors die on first hook, the killer depips.
In short, lots of killers have gotten salty over it.
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People defending the DC for hatch are the most boosted yellow ranks ever. Hope they all uninstall and go back to Fortnite. Entitled ochido wannabes the lot of em.
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If I am going to lose a PIP anyway I will 100% dc to give a team mate the hatch or if hooked suicide if I can keep the killer from getting a 4k. And as for right now anyway no dc penalties for Xbox.
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I'm purple but whatever. Ochido was funny--never thought he was all that good, but he was very entertaining.
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Irronically i think D/C'ing was reportable even before the d/c ban penalty... Even more so for hatch
Its technically exploiting a function in the game, to help or give an unfair advantage to yourself, or another player. Which is reportable
Then d/cing in of of it self can be considered rage quiting, or griefing the score of the other player, both are reportable
And since d/cing is also frowned upon by the devs(unlike slugging btw which is suggested by the devs to apply some pressure) you cant use "its a feature" to protect it
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Well personally I dont care about pipping. Rank is so screwed and you dont even get anything from it.
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Lol holy ######### the entitlement of these survivors.
You don't flip the game board to win. You're pathetic if you think that's not blatant cheating.
Look at this, they're actually doing a psyche profile on the killer to determine if they don't cheat. Ha ha ha ha! My sides are in orbit! These replies are pure comedy!
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The first disconnect should be a 24 hour ban, this little pissy 5 minutes or whatever it is is not gonna stop anybody.
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I'll do it every time and take the dc penalty. Dont slug for the 4k then 🤷♀️. When I play killer, if I slug for the 4I and one does dc I dont get mad.
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And since the game has more bugs than the Okefenokee in July and people get randomly disconnected by the game or they get an infinite loading screen, or they end up inside a wall, or the lag is so bad they can hardly even move or they end up teleporting all over the map...they should get 24 hour bans then? And how long before they lose 70% of their player base when that happens?