PARAGRAPH IV: Child of the Wild

Karaage Member Posts: 340
edited February 2020 in Creations

I was thinking first of an actress-type of Survivor, but perks didn't fit this concept, so I'm changing it.

New Survivor (name): Sunny


Being born in a wealthy and loving family in Salina, Utah, Sunny was supposed to have a bright future. However, following year’s housing bubble crash caused her parents’ business to go under and rack up an incredible amount of debt. It is said that true character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure, and Sunny learnt the truth of it first-hand as her loving parents, faced with financial troubles, decided to abandon her in a nearby forest. But for better or worse, Fate still had more plans for Sunny. She was rescued by a family of animals and raised as their own child.

Raised by her animal parents, Sunny was almost indistinguishable from real animals by the time she reached adulthood. She knew how to hunt for food, how to find a safe place to sleep and what plants are safe to eat. She also didn’t possess a name. There was one skill however that distinguished her from other animals and it was the skill to make and wear simple clothes. When abandoned as a child, her human parents wrapped her up in a piece of cloth. Animal parents that took her kept the cloth and used it to shield Sunny from cold as she didn’t have any fur. Sunny imitated this behaviour and soon started making clothes from different materials to cover herself.

One day there was a disturbance in the forest. Loud noises started occuring in one part of it and animals living there started fleeing deeper into the forest, passing through Sunny’s territory. Curious Sunny decided to check the source of the noises and discovered that it was caused by strange animals that wore clothes just like her. When approached they began making strange noises, but Sunny didn’t feel any hostility coming from them. Sunny then decided to visit these new animals and learn more about them.

After a few days of interacting with strange animals, Sunny learnt a few things. First, strange noises the animals made seemed to be some form of communication they used. Sunny tried hard to understand it, but in the end she learnt only one word: „Sunny”, which seemed to be what other animals used to call her. Secondly, the animals used many strange items. Sunny couldn’t understand their purpose, but by mimicking other animals she could successfully use them. Whenever she learnt using new item, other animals would express joy and gift Sunny with food she had never seen before but was nevertheless very tasty, so Sunny tried her best to learn many new things.

Peaceful days came to a sudden end as Sunny woke up one day to a smell of smoke. Detecting that it was coming from direction of strange animals’ territory, she headed there to check it out. What she found there was a scene from hell; whole forest was on fire and strange animals were running around scared and making loud noises. This sight evoked primal fear inside of Sunny and she just stood paralyzed witnessing horrors before here. Soon enough though her survival instincts kicked in and urged her to run away. So Sunny ran as fire spread all around her and smoke descended on her. Ultimately, she was completely enveloped by darkness and was never seen again.


Heavy Steps

While injured and in Chase, Crow alerting range is increased by 16 metres.

After alerting 10 Crows during Chase, all Crows within 128 metres of range are immediately alerted.

Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Heavy Steps cannot be used when Exhausted.

You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

Alternative: Nature's Warning

After alerting 10 Crows, perk activates.

While perk is active, press the Active Ability button while standing beside a Locker to trigger a Loud Noise Indicator and immediately alert all Crows within 128 metres of range.

Auras of Survivors that are within 16 metres of alerted Crows are revealed to all Survivors for 3 seconds.

Nature's Warning can only be triggered once every 100/80/60 seconds.


You can see other Survivors' Scratch Marks at all times and can track them for 3 seconds longer than normal.

While following other Survivors' Scratch Marks outside of Chase, gain a 5% Haste Status Effect.

After following other Survivor's Scratch Marks for at least 3 seconds, coming within 4 metres of Survivor whose Scratch Marks You were following reveals that Survivor's Aura to all Survivors for 3/4/5 seconds.

Trailblazer can only be triggered once every 30/25/20 seconds.


When within a range of 8 metres from other Survivor, You temporarily copy the latest perk the other Survivor used for 40/50/60 seconds. Copycat doesn't activate if You already possess the same perk.

Copycat has a cool-down of 100/80/60 seconds after the perk effect runs out.

Alternative: Copycat

Press and hold the Active Ability button for 3 seconds while standing beside another Survivor to copy all of their current perks for 40/50/60 seconds. All perks beside the copied perks are disabled while the perk is active.

All effects of Copycat are reset when You are put into the Dying State or the Survivor that You copied is put into the Dying State.

Copycat has a cool-down of 100/80/60 seconds.

Post edited by Karaage on


  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340

    Update: Added Survivor name and lore

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Neato. I'm not sure if Heavy Steps would work very well. I think making it 15 crows you need to alert but while within the killers terror radius instead would be a lot better. Though I love trailblazer!

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340


    Hi, my idea for Heavy Steps was to have it activate during the chase to a) possibly confuse Killer b) provide information for the rest of the team that You're currently being chased and You've been chased for some time already (enough to alert 10 Crows). Changing it to Killer's TR would also make You accidentally trigger it even if You didn't want to; unless we change it to manual trigger similar to Diversion?

  • Milkasa
    Milkasa Member Posts: 76

    Manual trigger would actually be smart. Because usually killers only pay attention to crows while looks for a survivor. And survs won't notice the crows going off unless they're in a SWF and know you're running the perk. But then you guys will usually have coms and it won't matter anyways.

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340

    Changed the crow perk to enable manual trigger; changed Copycat a little to be more player-controlled.

  • This survivor presents some really unique and interesting concepts, I like this. You could have copycat gradually show you the perks of the other survivor (let's say, it reveals a perk from the other survivor every two thirds of a second) so you know if it's a good idea to commit to using copycat, or just to get a general idea of what your teammates are planning if you go solo queue.

    The only minor thing that I don't really like is heavy steps/ nature's calling. Not because of the concept, role, and themes of the perk, it would be a great addition to the game as far as DBD currently stands. The only minor problem with the perk stems from a chapter concept I posted called Legends Most Grimm, and how it can hard counter one of the parts of the killer's power by wiping crows from massive parts of the map. Not that this gripe really matters, as these are two entirely different ideas that don't have to mix.

    Really do like this though, keep up the awesome work!

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Alerting crows in a chase isn't useful. You aren't hiding in a chase.

    It's only real benefit is the interaction with other perks.

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340


    Hey there, I checked out Your chapter. As I see it, our perks' relation would be similar to relation between Calm Spirit and Doctor's Power, so in Devs eyes it would be acceptable. Druid also has many other powers to use, and Raven's power is used mainly for locating Survivors, similar to Doctor. If You think it'd be a problem, maybe change it so that instead of having only 6 Ravens, You can deploy maximum of 6 Ravens at a time? Similar to Hag's trap count.

  • With the maximum amount of ravens deployed thing, that's what I meant with both the ivy and ravens when I said that he has only six ravens. Sorry if my wording was confusing