For the love of Christ, nerf Oni

Before I continue, let me preface this with "I'm a killer main" but I also play Survivor and I have been a fair amount recently.
Anyway. Recently, I have gotten into 3 games, back to back with The Oni. Now the way to beat the Oni is to gen rush him and heal. However, personally, I feel that the Oni should be nerfed in many a capacity
For a start, he can whip around corners with his demon dash, who came up with that and why? With the Billy, it's a tad different, you have a chance to miss but with the Oni, it's near impossible to miss. Especially around trucks etc.
and lastly but certainly not least. He gains blood fury ridiculously quick, I get the idea of the power but my god, he can go from Blood Fury to Demon Dash to Downed Survivor to Hooked Survivor and back to Blood Fury again within easily 1-2 minutes if he's efficient. Why?
Please, nerf him.
Also, off topic. Why did BHVR feel the need to remove the thing where you can't leave the trial with a bear trap on your head from the Pig, that's literally her entire kit and is precisely the point of the bear trap and yet they removed it. Now Pig mains get to be bullied at the gates and still escape, nice one.
don't bother healing
how is he getting his power so frequently!?
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sooo self proclaimed "killer main", do you ever play Oni? because if you did you would know his weaknesses.
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I have a hard time playing oni, well not exactly hard but i have to get used to his power. But as with probably all other killers, they have their weakness. Oni can not do the real sharp turns just 90° and yeah you should heal against oni.
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Please tell me this is a bait.
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gen rushing counters all killers just saying
really the only thing about oni that is dumb is that if he hits you there is no juking and losing him since those blood orbs will just lead him straight to you, billy's miss chance is much lower than you think since all they do is zip around till they find you then use their 115% move speed to butt hump you and chainsaw you point blank
so unless something changed in the past month pigs traps don't ACTIVATE until a generator is finished while it is on the survivor's head, ACTIVATED traps will most certainly kill if you try to leave through a gate (hatch will still save you)... in a nut shell use your traps when ever you get a chance
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Havnt seen Oni in 2 months in red ranks. Shows how op he truely is.
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wait... 1 to 2 minutes for an efficient oni to get his power back after a hook?
he can do that in less than ten seconds, mate xD
activate Blood Fury -> instantly down a dude -> pick him mup (current progress on Blood Fury gets saved) -> go pick up the blood orbs a survivor dropped because they sat on a gen instead of healing -> Blood Fury fully recovered.
basically if you wanna beat him, HEAL.
if you dont, you are in a bad spot, since - as said above - he can easily access Blood Fury now. and when he is not in Blood Fury, he has an amazing tracking tool due to the Blood Orbs being shown to him, leading him to any injured survivor.
literally the best tactic versus him is healing in a corner of the map, as he wont be able to locate these blood orbs easily and he'd waste some time going back there to collect them. also, the maximum amount of blood orbs in a trial is 100 (i believe - could be more), so any orb that is in a random corner of the map that replaced an orb somewhere easily accessable brings you some value.
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I have literally never seen an Oni. Guess he must be one OP #########!
Also by not healing you are giving him his power for free.
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fyi you cannot leave through exit gate with an RBT, I took a slugged Bill to the gate when he had one on, let him struggle out past the gate, pop goes the head
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How to prevent dying to his power:
- Heal
- Dodge his hits
- Stealth
- Complete generators
The Oni isn't an OP killer, he just has good map control and can pressure survivors easily when they mess up or play poorly.
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*laughs in oni*
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Billy needs nerfing before Oni. Sure Oni can flick better but Billy is basically Oni in his enhanced state all game
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Well .. yeah?
98% of people who play Oni run the addon that lets him see survivors auras if they walk into their blood orbs. It's considered a very rare addon, I've come across one on every 2 or 3 bloodwebs until the level I have him at now (43).
Some guy above proved my point, he doesn't efficiently do it in 1-2 minutes, more like 10 seconds. Why heal against a killer that can 1. see you healing / walking around and 2. can down you instantly?
smh 🤡🤡
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After all gens are done and you put an RBT on a survivor, they can leave with it on.
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Bruh he is literally just a weaker in every way Billy. Why are you crying about this killer of all killers?
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You can escape if the traps are put on after last gen completes
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I dont think that Oni needs Nerfs. Power-wise he is completely fine, he has a really strong ability, but needs to charge it. If the Oni finds a really good Looper at the start, he is an M1-Killer. And if he does not get a Hit in, he will be an M1-Killer for quite a long time, until he eventually will get the Hit. Imagine a Trapper without Traps. Is not that impressive.
However, I think Oni is not well-designed, because he focusses on Slugging too much. Not as much as PTB-Oni, this was simply bad game design, because you were basically forced to slug. But even current Oni is probably too good at slugging, even tho, it is more balanced.
I think the problem here is Infectious Fright. This Perk is useless on most Killers, but way too good on some other Killers (Billy, Oni, Nurse, probably Plague...). I would rather look into Infectious Fright than into Oni.
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Your "strategy" is literally the exact opposite of what you want to do against an Oni. Ironically, healing in the corner of the map is actually smart because it puts blood orbs far away from objectives, keeping the Oni's pressure low
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Beartrap plus endgame is overkill
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But the Survivors are absorbing the blood orbs when they do that, making it harder for him to get his power. He must be getting in a LOT of M1 hits then.
Also there's no way 98% of Onis have that add-on. I'd say the percentage is pretty low because of its downside.
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Pretty much no one uses that addon. Its by far his worst.
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How about we nerf a more OP killer like Clown?
PS: this b8 wasn't foolin' anybody. Almost had me until the last 2 paragraphs. Gj, mate.
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Nobody runs that addon, it’s one of if not his worst
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The only thing that I dislike about the Oni is that literally almost EVERYONE has the same build and plays him the same exact way. He has no diversity at all.
Hit, Get Power, Hit, Slug, Slug, Slug, Slug, Slug.... Slu-zzzzzzz
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he is a normal killer unless he uses his power which activates depending on how fast you can get hits and find blood orb piles. Even with his power you can still loop him and juke him with juking being actually easier because of the clunky camera lock he get as he attacks. For a killer who cant use his power more than 4-5 times a match being able to instantly down survivors around corners and in the open is pretty justified.
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I love the Oni, to play with and against.
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He is very oppressive when he has his power up especially if the player is good with him, but he doesn’t need any nerfs. He is honestly in a very great spot.
The best thing to do is hide and be as stealthy as possible when he has his power. There isn’t much to do except run corners as tight as possible and make as many sharp turns around corners as you can.
There are killers with FAR more issues than Oni.
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Why is Demon Dash stronger than Hilbilly's charge? MAYBE BECAUSE IT HAS A COOLDOWN
Bruh if you dont heal agains Oni then what did you expect? The best counter to Oni is to loop him for 5 gens without getting hit lol. And its not even that hard, even Bubba is stronger than Oni at the beginning of he game
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Why should we do things for the love of a dead guy anyways?
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Tips for you, heal at super corner of the map and he wont able to gain his power. Even he go and collect those blood obs it will waste his time, work for me everytime.
Also, stealth when he using his power.
Oni provide you so many information, when he has the power, when he use the power, when his power depleted. Different situation difference playstyle.
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IMO Oni is the one of few killers who is perfectly balanced.
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killer mains would riot. oni is unfun af to play against now, but better not complain because survivors aren't allowed to share their opinions on this forum really if they don't match killer main opinions.. obviously this forum is full of whiny killer mains, who cry about the most random stuff and want to have everything as easy as possible and people are ok with that. but whenever someone says they think a killer is op or something, that's horrible and obviously a bait in killer mains opinion.
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Oni is fine.
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Someone is asking for a nerf, on maybe the 4th or 5th strongest killer atm, because they don’t understand how his power works.
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-coughs- really a survivor main pretending to play killer so they dont get bombarded with GET GOOD comments. -coughs-
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you cant whip around corners as oni, they nerfed that. demon dash is literally the same as chainsaw, you cant even turn corners and the cooldown from blood fury is long enough for a survivor to escape. his demon strike is kind of difficult to control as it has a windup, all you have to do is loop him around a bit. stop saying characters need to be nerfed just because you arent good at the game.
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I havent really played much since the nurse nerf. Ive only face an oni like 3 times. However I watched one of tr3s vids and he is using like blind spots around obstacles that the oni literally can't hit him with a dash.
The only thing I dont like about Oni is once you get hit it is impossible to lose him because of the blood orbs. You can't exactly heal up while your being chased and gl juking him with those orbs.
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Oni is like playing Pacman. He powers up and he eats people. A weaker Billy? He can charge straight through a treeline or jungle gyms to get to you. Objects don't slow him down. Aside from that he has superior horizontal control. And keeping people injured or down is his kit. Why not confidently leave a downed survivor to find people at gens? Overall he's a healthy mix of power use and his normal attack.
Playing survivor against him, if you want to not have him track you easily and can't heal, then run around the entire map. There will be blood everywhere and will actually mask your presence. He also can't track you using blood if he's in rage mode so take that as you will. Rage mode can be beneficial as well. Typically they'll run right past you and since he's not Billy, he won't accidentally down you like 90% of Billies do. Also has similar weaknesses to terrain. If he's dashing he can only go the direction he's dashing in.
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Anyone else notice that he edited his post from "Now the way to beat the Oni is to gen rush him, don't both healing" to "Now the way to beat the Oni is to gen rush him and heal?"
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I feel your pain. Like I love playing killer but damn, I had an Oni yesterday that got one kill because we did just push a fast as we could. Have the time, we didn't heal. In another game we did to count the difference between the two. I have no problem with how quick he gains it. What I feel is the biggest problem is that every time he goes in to Snowball mode, the blood orbs remaining disappear but re-appear when he is out. Literally every thirty seconds without even injuring someone when he is out of it. He's back to readily using it. I think if they just made it that once he is in his mode, all the other orbs go forever, they don't stay. And once he is out of it, if anyone is injured, they start dropping orbs again. This way, the Oni won't just be in his mode all game which isn't fun for anyone really, he must have to start collecting all over again, like a supply journey. It lacks the element of trying with him when it is 'Why sword when boom stick is always there.'
It also makes it that he can't just slug the whole game because honestly, was that how the game was ever meant to be played. Slugging, tunnelling, camping. Isn't fun for anyone. I think that if this was all they did, people would be able to handle Oni games better. Right now, he's just too easy if you have the setup and know how to play him right.
And with the Pig, Endgame Collapse being the biggest issue. How would you feel being a survivor with a trap on your head not beeping. Being the only one left, having to get a gate open and having to get a trap off your head at the same time? And say your team was there, unless its a bad player, one if not two should be dead depending on how poorly survivors played compared. I don't think she's a bad killer really, her hitbox is ridiculous ever since her buff. She can easily camp, mind game. And if played right, make everyone play the way she wants them too.
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You have much to learn young padawan.
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Also, what would the Entity say if she find out?
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Pigs traps go off if you put it on BEFORE the last gen is done.
If no gen goes off, trap doesnt activate.
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You propose a better idea?
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They should revert that and pause the EGC timer instead, but that's a different discussion altogether. :P
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You can't leave the trial with an ACTIVE trap on your head. If it's not active why shouldn't you be able to leave, if it has no possible way of killing you anyway?
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Oh you never seen how fast he flicks on console then, you will miss alot as Oni with how fast it is
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Maybe if this forum wasn't so vitriolic to any survivor opinions he wouldn't need to do that. Or are you saying killer "mains" are the most reasonable on here? Cause spoiler, they're just as ridiculous as survivor "mains."