Disconnecting during the loading screen

I just faced 7 disconections during the loading screen by the survivors, playing as killer, and they did it on purpose just because i used Ebony Mori. And this is happening a lot, like really a lot. Can the devs change to apply the matchmaking penalty also for those who quit at the loading screen?
No. Sometimes game crashes.during loading..
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This is the same like Lobby-dodging Killers.
Nobody loses anything (except the person DCing) and everyone has to wait. Stop using Moris, then people might want to play with you.
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Infinite load screen is still a thing so no. It has to be this way. People are getting enough penalties for server disconnects right now, they don’t need a penalty for infinite load screen on top
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So you tried to play mori games 7 times in a row?
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At least when you crash in Loading Screen, you will lose your Offerings. So I assume that it would be the same when closing the game while loading, but I cannot say for 100%.
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I have a lot of those cause I never use them. I use shroud of separation and it's funny how many dcs I face because they think it's mori.
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Don't use Mori's then.
Bet you also dodge every single Key because you're only ok with yourself using broken af stuff.
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game hasnt started, yeah sure, you probaly doesnt know how frustrating it is losing so much time, try to play a game. Killers can dodge a lobby but that doesnt cost everyone eles time. If one survivor DCs on purpose on the loading screen just because he doesnt like Mori, how about the other 3? how do they feel about it? Even i as survivor hate when some other DCs because of a mori.
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Stop using moris, are you survivor main too? nerfing Ruin wasnt enough for you?
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you wouldnt think that way if you saw the toxic comments they left in the after-game chat. so game crash is not the case here.
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As a survivor I’m grateful if someone disconnects during loading screen when killer has ebony mori. Since it is a mori it would be ######### game and bad experience (probably) for me so the whole game would be a waste of time.
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Don’t use Moris until they are balanced, problem solved!
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Wasn't there a way to see who the killer was before the match starts. Then people would decide whether to quit or not.
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This has been fixed.
But you have to keep in mind that my post is from February, the programm (or whatever it was) which allowed to see who the Killer is was not around back then.
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Honestly I was pretty grateful when someone rescued my last survivor gateau from an ebony mori + iri head huntress. No cake for you Anna
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Please remember that we do not promote Unsportsmanlike Behaviour on this forum, and that DC'ing at any time because you don't want to face something in game is most certainly not something to promote here.