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If the devs ever nerf The Nurse.

Curious as to how killers out there would react particularly competitive types / higher ranked killers. Given that she's literally the only killer in the game that can't be looped let's say hypothetically the devs made it so she could get looped in turn ensuring every killer in the game can get looped. Would you quit DBD? I feel like killers would be absolutely gutted in my opinion. Nurse is the saving grace of the killer community, if she were to be tampered with in such a way it took away all she was good for I have a feeling it might actually send a huge chunk of people heading for the hills what are your thoughts?


  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333
    Let her be. I do not even play her so often as I put almost no effort in that kind of games. And I know it is frustrating playing against a good nurse. I wouldn't leave DBD though, I still have 12 other killers to play...
  • lay
    lay Member Posts: 25
    edited August 2018

    @Orion said:
    The Nurse has been nerfed several times since launch. To the best of my knowledge, she has received nothing but nerfs.

    In what world are the 1.9.0 changes a nerf? People took a while to get used to the changes but most agreed it was a buff which isn't all that surprising since this was prior to releasing Saws map but still, it's most definitely a buff.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Vankruze said:
    Curious as to how killers out there would react particularly competitive types / higher ranked killers. Given that she's literally the only killer in the game that can't be looped let's say hypothetically the devs made it so she could get looped in turn ensuring every killer in the game can get looped. Would you quit DBD? I feel like killers would be absolutely gutted in my opinion. Nurse is the saving grace of the killer community, if she were to be tampered with in such a way it took away all she was good for I have a feeling it might actually send a huge chunk of people heading for the hills what are your thoughts?

    If the nurse receives a real nerf a lot of killers would leave the game. Many still have hopes that devs will get their ######### together someday and balance the game (myself included). By "removing" nurse from the game they would send the signal of absolutely catering to teh survivors and the devs know that. If they did that, we would no longer be able to have a 1:4 population in the game, at least in higher ranks.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    She should be nerfed ONLY if the game get balanced.

    When the 11 other killers's gameplay will not consist in running in circle 80% of the time.

    I haven't paid for a Nascar/Bully simulator, it wasn't always the case.

    Peoples that say : "It is what it is, suck it up" make me laugh.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    If she is nerfed I will rejoice.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Superyoshiegg said:

    @Orion said:
    The Nurse has been nerfed several times since launch. To the best of my knowledge, she has received nothing but nerfs.

    and she's still the best killer in the game.

    If you hold that title despite never receiving a single buff, then that shows how stupidly broken she was at launch.

    She was quite bad at launch actually but got buffed then (if I remember correctly) :wink:

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Master said:
    She was quite bad at launch actually but got buffed then (if I remember correctly) :wink:

    I think you are mistaken, because at release she got 3 base blinks and moved at the normal killer speed.

    With the old "non precise" blink tho.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,486

    @Master said:

    @Superyoshiegg said:

    @Orion said:
    The Nurse has been nerfed several times since launch. To the best of my knowledge, she has received nothing but nerfs.

    and she's still the best killer in the game.

    If you hold that title despite never receiving a single buff, then that shows how stupidly broken she was at launch.

    She was quite bad at launch actually but got buffed then (if I remember correctly) :wink:

    She was bad because she had an entirely new mechanic that was insanely different to the original three killers.

    Back then she had three blinks by default, up to seven with addons and she moved faster than the survivors.

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Honestly, I played as her for a long time with the goal to be one of the killing machines. It works most of the time (it mostly depends on FPS, because sometimes it runs almost stable at 30 FPS on console, sometimes it runs horribly).
    If they were to touch her in some way (like messing with her charge time, distance, blink count etc.), I would be really mad.

    P.S.: Thank god the Spirit is out now, because she seems like a rework @Runiver suggested for Sally. Teeehee
  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited August 2018

    They already nerf her, they just have to buff the killers near Nurse and Billy's standards and it would be fine, other killers are just too weak and the majority of them are not viable at all without add-ons

    Nurse is what a good killer is, viable even without add-ons, Trapper, the Spirit is not, not viable at all without add-ons, meaning they won't be used on Tournaments

    Letherface, Pig should be buff asap, they needed them, same with Trapper's base carrying trap capacity increase and other issues

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    It wouldn't matter that much. Considering how hard it is to learn to use her, few killers use her around rank 15-5. Rank 4-1, well, that's a minority of players, they don't matter so much.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    In the current state of the game nurse shouldn't be nerfed right now. And I doubt Devs want to nerf her. Only an AddOn rework will happen one day. But I doubt it will be a big nerf.
    And to be honest the main issue with Nurse in her current state is that sometimes her animations become unreadible/wonky for survivors. The so called 360 hit is an example. People think it's autoaim, but in reality the Killer just played well.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    do survivor mains not know that the killer uses a mouse to turn or something? just because you are behind the killer doesn't mean they cant just slide the mouse to the side and turn around in game.......

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    I feel like it would be the same reaction if DStrike or Self Care were nerfed. Survivors would scream and cry that they are making the game to Killer sided. As a Killer, they will scream and cry it is Survivor sided.

    The main problem with this game is that everyone takes a side. They don't want the game to be balanced they just want their side to win 100% of the time.

    Here is the thing, the Nurse is "broken" because she takes advantage of the core mechanics that are already broken and need fixing. The Nurse was a fix instead of fixing the problem. She has become OP because they are now fixing broken things.

    Pallets are/were broken they are getting better. There were far too many safe pallets in the game. Infinite juke spots were available. Again, there are some, but they are getting better. Her Nurse's calling perk was a direct response to the speed healing was able to be completed in.

    It is kind of like how the Doctor was included to fix stealth. The Hag was introduced to fix the Sabotage of the trapper's traps issue.

    This game was built on fixing issues by adding something new instead of fixing what was broken. That trend is changing, but it will still get to be a bit before the game is a 10/10, but until then they continue to get better each and every time.

  • MasochistFreddyMain
    MasochistFreddyMain Member Posts: 42
    Dudddd said:

    I feel like it would be the same reaction if DStrike or Self Care were nerfed. Survivors would scream and cry that they are making the game to Killer sided. As a Killer, they will scream and cry it is Survivor sided.

    The main problem with this game is that everyone takes a side. They don't want the game to be balanced they just want their side to win 100% of the time.

    Here is the thing, the Nurse is "broken" because she takes advantage of the core mechanics that are already broken and need fixing. The Nurse was a fix instead of fixing the problem. She has become OP because they are now fixing broken things.

    Pallets are/were broken they are getting better. There were far too many safe pallets in the game. Infinite juke spots were available. Again, there are some, but they are getting better. Her Nurse's calling perk was a direct response to the speed healing was able to be completed in.

    It is kind of like how the Doctor was included to fix stealth. The Hag was introduced to fix the Sabotage of the trapper's traps issue.

    This game was built on fixing issues by adding something new instead of fixing what was broken. That trend is changing, but it will still get to be a bit before the game is a 10/10, but until then they continue to get better each and every time.

    I see what you’re trying to imply but..... DS self care can be countered by perks Nurse cant be countered especially if the person using her is good and has 1000+ hours , Im not saying nerf her because she requires skills to play with but dont be waving DS and self care about like they cant be negated by other perks just make you look ignorant knowing how powerful she is . If the devs introduced a survivor who could run 115 movement speed and at high ranks every survivor played them im sure every individual who plays only killer would be whining for nerfs.
    This argument won’t hold much for our Nightmare friend as he thinks the game should be balanced around casual players that only play a couple of hours a night. So nurse isn’t op in the hands of rank 10 casual killers who are probably only trying to get her daily done.
  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Her power doesn't need to be changed.

    Tone down the add ons.

    Add new stealth and juke mechanics (not just for Nurse but killers in general).

    Do that, and Nurse will be golden.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    People will still play the game even if they nerf the nurse

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @ASpazNamedSteve said:
    If she is nerfed I will rejoice.

    Me too

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    @Ihatelife said:

    @ASpazNamedSteve said:
    If she is nerfed I will rejoice.

    Me too

    I like you.