Is matchmaking getting even worse?

I agree that matchmaking is not at its very best nowadays, but is it gets worse over time still? I mean... i got very unbalanced matches with killer in the last wee.... months, but as i see it is getting wrose, did you notice it or its just me? For example here is an average match of mines... ofc i barely pull any kill if playing nice.
I've also noticed it this last 4 days, both as killer aand survivor. As survivor my teammates are also low ranks and it's very annoying. Yesterday was terrible, I got to second fase almost in every game and have teammates that have no clue that legion can see them hidding in lockers after hitting someone else with frenzy!!! It was crazy yesterday.
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If I were a gambling man I'd wager the matchmaking in terms of rank has been switched off. As far as I can tell it only looks at region at the moment
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It is strange - yesterday I had Red Rank Killers and Survivors in nearly every game as Survivor. But the day before, I had 50% Green Rank Killers and when I had a Green Rank Killer, I had brown Rank Teammates.
Like, myself Rank 3, my Friend Rank 2, Killer Rank 11, Teammates another SWF with Rank 15 and Rank 19.
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A couple of months ago, as soon as you hit rank 10 all your games would be against red ranks (because of the lack of red/purple rank killers and the 6 rank difference rule. This month it seems they have completely abandoned the 6 rank difference limitation so even in yellow rank, there will usually be at least one red rank survivor.
I think at rank 9, you are actually the highest rank killer in Dead by Daylight that has not abandoned the role.
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I think it’s been consistently worse since the last rank reset. They seem to be taking the lowest ranking survivor as a benchmark and filling it with higher ones. I’ve noticed this when I play survivor also
on the plus side my queue times have been much faster.
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Probably MMR system is doing its job lol
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Hello, new player here. I'm getting constantly way higher rank survivors than me. When i was rank 19 i got ''bullied'' by rank 2 survivors. I repeat, i had 2 survivors rank 2 as rank 19 killer. I think this is unacceptable and very frustrating. I wish i had the footage. I don't want to play killer again until it's fixed. If they ever fix it.
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I feel sorry for you. The devs have screwed over killer so bad with this patch that hardly anyone wants to play. I'm slightly accustomed to this crap cause I've been playing killer for a few years but new people like you. I can't imagine why they would want to play this game after seeing how messed up this match making is?
The devs solution is to erase rank so we no longer "see" the problem. It'll still be there we just won't notice it as much. It sounds like when you were told to clean your room as a child and you shoved everything into the closet.
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I would say the same. They call it new mm system.😃
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I get lobbies like the pretty much 90% of my games , but I don't mind since I already was rank 1 before and honestly don't mind playing against them. If there was no rank reset I would be in those ranks all the time, but I just don't play enough to get to one nowadays and usually end up on 4-5.
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Thanks for the reply. I like playing as killer but i can't anymore. The gens flying and i got the kills by no one escapes death. And after that they message me that i play scammy / toxic using no escapes death, baby killer ez, stop using noed, etc. I'm new to this game, learning. I've noticed that many survivors are toxic to the new killers. They t bagging me, making noises at the exit gates, clicking flashlights, hate messages. I'll stick to survivor and see what happens with the new system you said.
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The best advice I can give you is don't listen to survivors. If they had their way we would all be bots. There is no "Survivor's Rule Book for Killers". Watch a youtuber called samination to get that joke :P
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It’s been like this since I started playing.
Behavior is a one hit wonder. They can’t support their hit game and they can’t make anything else that’s of value. Their behavior trailers still list deathgarden as an achievement. I played it a few times and felt cheated for the install and uninstall time.
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I've recently noticed a number of names from the local university, from local cities, sports team, etc. Also, I'm noticing a lot of repeat survivors - I played back-to-back games with two other survivors yesterday, and that'd never happened before. Seems you're probably right.
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Does matchmaking for anyone else take 10- 15 minutes for every game? The wait time is crazy for finding a match. Anyone else have this problem?
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Again.. they really have to fix this matchmaking issue. A friend of mine is rank 14 and he was (by playing solo) matched vs a rank 4 killer...
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I highly suspect people have stopped playing Killer for good reason. Devs are going to have make some concessions real soon or they will not be coming back at all.
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My idea (not that they’d ever do it): start conscripting people into service as killer. The higher your rank, the more you have to play as killer. Say, if you’re rank 20 you don’t have to be killer, but if you’re rank 1 you have to be killer at least 1 out of 10 games and maybe even more often than that. If you don’t then you’re cut off, and no cutting games short with disconnects to cheat your way out of it.
It’s kind of a nuclear option, but would work because obviously the main problem is there simply isn’t enough red rank killers to handle the red rank survivor overload.
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Funny thing is that when they don't burn map offerings, they often disconnect if they see Gideon or Lery's cause they know they're not gonna have the easiest way out.
I would like to play killer more often, but I'm getting these teams way too much.
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Im a Rank 1 Survivor atm and yesterday i got 2 rank 20 killers with no perks or addons equipped --> First time killer players.
The other survivors were around rank 16 in one game, the other had a rank 12 a rank 18 and a rank 8 + me.
Yes Killer is fun :)
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I've been getting reds and purple's as a rank 15/14. It doesn't even seem to match by rank anymore. It's definitely not fun sometimes. I shared a match the other day where I was a 14,one survivor was a 15,then there was one each green,red,purple lol. I only play killer now because the survivor queue is ridiculous. At least when I play survivor it seems like the ranks are more even.
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I really don't know what it going on lol. I only play killer because survivor queue is so long. I was getting reds as a rank 16. It doesn't always seem as lopsided with survivor. If they aren't going to use it to matchmake,rank is completely useless. Just a bar to fill up,or a sign of people that have more time to play,idk. I don't think I'll get much higher if it keeps up. The match after this I got 4 purple's and felt like I couldn't do anything. 4 flashlights. Couldn't apply pressure or finish chases. Maybe SWF. I'm definitely getting better going against better players,but there's a limit lol.
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I really feel for you. i'm red rank and been getting matched with rank 18's/20's's not fair, nor is it enjoyable for the killer.
in regards to getting salty messages, don't take it personally they are probably only doing that because they died to someone thats only just learning the game. being a rank 2 and getting owned by someone who has just started playing is embarrassing. they have obviously been playing for a while and you're still getting use to the mechanics of the game and learning the right play style for yourself and experimenting with different perks to see what works best for you etc...they are rank 2, they should know a lot of killers use noed. (well they are at the momoent) if they don't want it in game then cleanse totems, easy as that. every game i go into now, i assume there is noed and i cleanse any totem i come across.
unfortunately, dbd is a toxic community, there will always be people that t-bag and click flashlights at you no matter what rank you are. i think its bs when people do it unnecessarily, it ruins the fun. i would block anyone that sends salty/nasty messages and keep doing and playing the way you want to and try to have fun with the game. Sorry you've been having bad experiences so far.
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Ranking up with survivor is so easy that it doesn't really matter if you get a few red ranks as killer, chances are they're still potato enough to capitalize on. I say this as a purple rank killer main/red rank survivor. Your focus should be in learning all you can as Killer, all the tricks and subtleties. You'll get that continually versing strong survivors and teams that throw everything they know at you.
It's like that dude with dumbbells in his garage that are too heavy; with proper technique, they'll eventually cease to be.
TLDR: step your game up
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I am Rank 20 - 18 killer on PS4 and get survivors up to 10+ ranks above me (purple & green ranks) roughly every other match.
Sometimes I luck out and get only yellow & white ranks a couple matches in a row, but it's all over the place.
So far, I had a Rank 6 as my highest while I was at Rank 19, so I guess I'm lucky no Reds yet!
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I've noticed the exact same thing, which has provoked me to slowly stop playing altogether.
If the devs actually decide to go through with hiding rank altogether, I will definitely be leaving this game as I don't agree with keeping people misinformed. I provide no logic or reasoning behind it is bad enough, but keeping people misinformed is just dirty.
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My tip to you is to stop playing as killer if you cant get the right rank. I mean just play survivor and I get it then if everyone played survivor there would be no killers.. but maybe this game just needs to die already so.. pfff just play survivor
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Maybe nobody knows the difference between a slash and a bracket these days because those rank brackets are all twisted up my devs!!
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Today I played as a rank 13 killer and got all rank 1 swf
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I think ranking right now is completely shut off. You just get random players.
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You are complaining but to the looks of it u managed to kill 3 of them were u unhappy unless u killed them all I'm confused
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I uninstalled the game a couple of weeks ago, I'm glad i did seeing all this ######### that's going on. Killer was so frustrating, i normally enjoy playing the weaker killers because they are more fun IMO but if you want to have a chance now you need to play the top tier and even then watch gens get done so fast and all four escaping if you don't have noed or tunnel.
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That's more of a fair match up tho the hell.
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Dude. Fix your post (assuming english is your first language)..."Is matchmaking GETTING even worse" . If you're going to post something, at least fix the heading.
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I played rank 16 killer yesterday, got a rank 4 survivor. Normally I get green and purple ranks.
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How about that one,lol? I mean,I guess? I suppose if you can win,it doesn't matter. Is it fair for a rank 20 though? At the very least reds are going to have way more play time. And let's say the red is really really it fair for them to get matched with potatoes that do nothing or that they have to keep saving? There's STILL people that hide in the locker the whole match. They wait til the crows show up and if the killer doesn't show,they go for another. I just don't think it's good for the health of the game. Even just say someone that just picked it up isn't going to want to play much if they can't even kill one guy. There's other reasons though.
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It has been like this for a lot of weeks: green & yellow killers getting matched with high rank survivors on a regular basis. Matchmaking isn't buggy. We simply don't have enough killers and especially not enough killers at red & purple ranks. If red survs would only get matched with red killers, the queue times would probably be around 45+ minutes.
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Hey, at least they're fixing this issue by hiding rank soon. Can't complain about matchmaking if you can't see who you're matched up with, after all.
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That still doesn't fix the underlying issues. Not enough killers,not friendly to lower skill killers. Plus now if someone gets destroyed instead of assuming they are swf they'll just say they way probably way higher rank lol. I wish they could match by a win/loss ratio of some sort. Or base it on emblems. Something different. Give people an incentive to play killer. Or at least address a few of the issues people have. I understand wanting new players,but you gotta keep the diehards coming back. How long can you convince new people to try a years old game without word of mouth?
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I've been facecamping with bubba and will continue to do so until the matchmaking is fixed. I'm just too sick of it.
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i want to say yes it is
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No wonder they are getting rid of ranks lol. I wouldnt want people to see this either.
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That isn't so fair tbf... Should be a rank 8/9 killer not 13
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Yeah no doubt. Sometimes I can kill the higher ranks and sometimes I can't. I had a way better chance when it was even.
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I see 4 screenshots showing 3 kills in 3 of them and 1 kill in one of them. Because you need NOED to get kills why is that a problem? It is a perk used for that very reason. If they removed the ranks 3 out of 4 of those screenshots would be wins no reason to complain for not getting a 4k.
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I tell me.
Edit: I let the last 2 at top go because Steve suicided on hook and Jane was just hot ass (no pun intended). The Red rank should have honestly died on Feng but she was a good sport and tried running me around while Meg got gens done. But I had like 4 PWYF stacks so she was still screwed.
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I stopped grinding for perks with all the killers that I liked and switched to the Spirit/Billy/Freddy rotation to deal with the numerous red rank SWFs intent on using all their toolboxes before the "nerf".
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It's definitely getting worse. First, I noticed the ranks climbing - the average game got more difficult. Recently, I've noticed the manners getting far worse - the average game got far less enjoyable.