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Killer is unfun to play

So after the Ruin nerf etc, the toxicity from the survivors went from 30-40% to 100%. The gen speeds are #########, and Killer mains such as my self want to and in some cases stopped playing killer. I don't play Public Games anymore because the toxicity is dumb! I should have a knowledge that I can make a few mistakes and still 2K minimum. But I barely 2K w/ NOED!!! And even then it was because the survivors couldn't find the door before the collapse took them. Now I know you entitled survivors will say "Get gud and maybe you will win" I say bullshit, I cant do anything if I just step off spawn and all 5 gens are done. Ruin should no longer be a hex because it was a hex because it was really good. Revert it or un-hex it because it's not good! It's like Lullaby, it gets cleansed immediately, it's useless! Old ruin, if it got cleansed relatively early it still slowed the game down. Not Now Though! Please fix this game, and maybe I will play killer again. People take for granted that killers still play killer. Take that away and the survivors cant play. More and more killers are becoming survivors because of the toxicity, save this BHVR, before your playerbase collapses


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  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Eh, depends. Survivor is often just as unfun to play as killer is. Both sides have amassed very toxic players that spread toxicity. I tend to be pretty cool about a loss if the killer genuinely outplays the survivors or if the killer decides to facecamp me during the end game to ensure that 1k. But its just too often that I see killers get 1 person in the basement and semi-camp them in a way that the killer knows they can get both players while also being able to ensure the survivors cannot pop that last gen. You end up having at least 2 people hooked in the basement and being unable to gain a pip, as you cant unhook your fellow survivors, nor can you finish the gens. And to top it all off? They often add in a Mori just to ensure that kill and give every single survivor less than 10k points and ensuring the entire team loses a pip.

    I mean, if killers are entitled to slugging and facecamping, then survivors are entitled to genrushing and flashlight spams.

    Then the ruin. Well. Old ruin didnt really slow down the match as much as current ruin does. You'd think it's not, because you could actively see the effect of old ruin. But really, 2 people fixing 1 generator and 1 person taking down ruin within the first minute only saved you 1 minute of time. The current ruin? If you patrol even decently, it can add a total of 5 minutes to the game. Especially since you dont need to waste time kicking the generators to start the regression. For every 2 seconds a survivor leaves the generator, they have to spend 1 extra second fixing it. The best thing about it? Currently, a lot of survivors dont rush out to seek ruin. They tend to take it down if they still encounter it, but they dont actively will seek for it. So if they leave to save a teammate, they would have to spend about 10 seconds going for the save, a possible 20 extra seconds for the heal and the generator has regressed 15 seconds. 15 seconds they need to spend extra on generators just to unhook someone, especially if they end up having 2 people to unhook, that adds up to 30 seconds extra. The current ruin has much more snowballing potential than the old one, especially since hitting great skill checks on old ruin wasnt that hard anyway.

    I mean, why do you think Haunted Grounds is a lot less effective nowadays? For the exact same reason that new ruin is more effective than the old.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Not true, you're forgetting the fact that a lot of toxic people actually do recieve bans. And what do those people do? Simply make a new steam account. Meaning you have a seemingly low hour player with the experience of thousands of hours.

    Besides, I see tons of killers with relatively low hours do the same to survivors with thousands of hours. Both sides have it easier than they think. One side only focusses too much on winning while the other side tends to focus on having fun with friends. You have killers who decide to tunnel 1 survivor just to get an early kill, actively ruining the fun of that player, regardless of the hours that player has made, because the game allows them to. I've had 5 minute games, because the killer ran Iron Maiden and I tried using a locker to dodge a basic attack, then get out and be instadowned and practically facecamped. I've had games where I tried being slightly balsy with the killer grabbing me off the gen and facecamping me with insidious and instadowning the random player that tried saving me, slugging that player and going after me again. I've had games with infinite T3 Myers facecamping a survivor he had been slugging all game while having 3 generators in his vision, when he could have easily gone for a survivor that actually had time to finish gens, actively depipping a survivor.

    Trust me, they do not nerf killers to pamper survivors. Its people heavily exploiting certain mechanics to ruin the game for many people, why things get nerfed in the first place. Those mechanics were fine on their own, but the combination of their existance allowed 1 player to ruin the game for 4 players. If 1 player can ruin the fun for 4 players, there is a problem. I mean, imagine if survivors were able to have an addon that gave their flashlight infinite charge and make it immune to franklins demise while being able to stack blinding. You wouldnt recieve any points at all, let alone have any fun at all. If you've ever played survivor to rank 1 and encountered the plethora of killers who actively ruin games by exploiting fun destroying game mechanics(like slugging people from the first second they entered the match, every single match they play), you'd realize why certain things get nerfed or altered. The amount of survivors who actively try to ruin killer games are far less than the amount of survivors that are actively having their games ruined. I mean, you have killers who use Mori, hook 1 survivor, then tunnel that survivor instantly to Mori them and when people call them out on their bullshit, their reply is basically "im good, you're bad, git gud". So we're talking 20 minutes waiting for matchmaking to find a game, only to have 5 minutes of game play having the killer tunnel you and instantly kill you, only giving you about 1k-5k points and repeat. Why do you think survivors want Mori to have a higher requirement than 1 hook? Because people are heavily exploiting that ######### to ruin games. And the worst part? 90% of the time, the survivor they Mori first, is the survivor that affects the game the least. Meaning that overall, the killer only saved 1 minute of chasing survivors, while there is a survivor out there that does 80% of the work on his own and a much bigger threat. So really, if you really think they try to pamper survivors. Go ahead, play survivors, tell me how fun those games are to play. When I play killer, I often dont even care if I end up having 0-2K because I always end up finding a way to enjoy the game for myself. And if I find out im actively ruining the game for others because I obviously outclass a certain survivor, I leave that specific survivor alone for 3 minutes, as they are not a thread to the speed of generators being done anyway. I rather go for the survivor that obviously will be the biggest influence on game speed, because that is being sportmanlike. Would you really punch a child as hard as you would an adult in a boxing match? Ofcourse not. You'd be sportsmanlike towards whatever punch you throw the kid and end up aiming the rest at the adult instead. Especially since Rank is purely cosmetic. There is literally no competitive reason to punch the kid as hard as the adult. So the things dealing damage the most are getting nerfed. So really, blame toxic killers for abusing certain mechanics, rather than the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 173

    They might as well remove the killers and make it just survivors doing gens and escape

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    We killers are victims :,( They dont care about our fun :,( Devs are so evil :,(

    Now give upvotes.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    and buffing toolboxes as well. New purple toolbox lets a gen be done in 45ish seconds. The devs are so survivor sided they are gonna kill the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    I agree, 5 minute matches are nowhere near enough time to fully bully a killer!

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    Ps4 going up against swf with toolbox’s and so so many keys every time I go into a lobby I swear it’s like 80% chance I’ll see a key I dodge that lol

  • Member Posts: 72

    Yeah, but killer isn't survivor, so devs don't care about making it fun for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    How does that old saying go.

    'If you can't beat them....'

    I used to love playing killer, but it's just unwanted stress now days!

  • Member Posts: 198

    You did make me laugh for a second... absolutely not survivor biased lmao XD

    i did quit killer, not even thinking to play it again, because survivor is so much fun and easyier

  • Member Posts: 26

    I play a lot of killer myself, and I am enjoying the ruin change. It used to be a perk you had to run to have a chance, and with it massively nerfed it’s not a necessity, allowing for an extra perk basically, IMO making it more fun. Yes I do play survivor, and yes the games are often quite fast, but I believe the ruin change was a good thing

  • Member Posts: 173

    There are players, like me, that want to learn how to play killer and learn more about the mechanics. With all of this survivor "nerf" it is hard to do so. Nerf tool boxes but yet buff sabo. Survivors can't get a nerf without a strong buff. Pretty good job so far.

  • Member Posts: 30

    I agree with you. Now that Ruin is nerfed, I don't feel like there is a single perk that I HAVE to run; it was a great change. However, there still needs to be something done that slows down game progress or significantly buffs killers. Personally, I'd love for matches to last longer, as 5-10 minutes seems too quick to me. That being said, it always pains me when games last forever because survivors play stealthy and never complete gens, and that's on both Killer and Survivor side.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I agree that being a survivor in general is more fun, because you're not playing alone. So even if you face a toxic player, you still average out having more fun because there are simply more oppertunities. Currently, it seems like people only think a game is fun, if they get a 2K garantuee. If killing 2 survivors is a requirement for you having fun, then you're simply not having fun.

    I play a lot of killer nowadays, 4 times as many games a day than I play survivor, and honestly, its rare to have a truly unfun game. The only times the game ends up not being fun is if people genrush. Which happens every 5-6 games on average. But considering survivors NEED altruistic and chase points to even gain a pip, if they rush too fast, they try getting my attention so I tunnel them. People need to ignore that urge to tunnel and games end up a lot more fun in general.

    So no, I am not survivor biased, the game is not survivor biased. Putting all numbers next to each other, the mechanics are not survivor biased. The only thing that is survivor biased, is that survivors play together. And playing together, by default, will ALWAYS be more fun than playing alone. And I agree that there should be some changes to make genrushing more punishable for survivors. I even made a post for a Ebony Mori rework that makes the game both more fair early game for survivors, while a lot more fair for killers in the long run. Hell, they might even add a mechanic that the faster gens are being fixed, the harder it is to open gates.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    I think they will too. And they just keep looking at stats. Eventually they will see a massive player decline and wonder why.

  • Member Posts: 807

    Word of advice: Play dirty. You know all those honorable rules most killers follow to make it fun for survivors? You know the book containing those rules? Burn the book.

    You'll end up having a lot more fun.

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