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Any tips for a new survivor how to loop top tier killers

I’m a rank 1 pig main and I just hit rank 10 with survivor and so far I have been carried by looping knowledge I picked up playing killer but often I have trouble looping harder killers I think I have nurse down and billy too but does anyone have tips for looping doctor and spirit or other top tier killers

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  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Uhhh, if you are looping a Nurse, then I think she is doing something fundamentally wrong, just saying.

  • Member Posts: 6,434



    From my experience I'd say for Spirit you have to be very aware of your surroundings because in the event that she phases you want to know your safe zones in case you need to switch locations. As for when she phases you'll notice her hair sticks up. If you threw a pallet down, many Spirits will try to meet you on the other side, sometimes what I do is I slow vault to where she was standing, so I won't make noise, but you have to think quick.

    Also (while in healthy state) attempt to mind-game her by making her think you are following an obvious path. Sometimes what I do if I know she is phasing is run to a window, but not actually vault it, instead walk to the side and make her swing at nothing. This works, but also you have to be aware that you only walk for a couple of seconds and then run away, because you can easily go down if you're not in a safe position.

    I would also say try to get Iron Will if you can, it is a very good perk against her and honestly any other killer. Especially when they lose line of sight on you and you're injured. They won't know which way you went many times.

  • Member Posts: 253
    edited February 2020

    Nurse is all about breaking line of sight. Run around a wall and try to time a cut back as she releases her blink. Keep trees, rocks, and other barriers between her, as blinking through certain objects can be more difficult.

    As for Spirit, when you thinks she is phasing, you need to use scratch mark jukes. Head for a pallet or window, but walk in a different direction just before you get there. If timed properly, the scratch marks will still make it to whatever object you wanted to lead her to. Never use the same pattern twice against her. Fake the window the first time, vault it the second time, etc. Being unpredictable during her phase is the most important. Breaking line of sight as she starts her phase and walking in a different direction can also mislead her on your position.

    Oh yeah, and Iron Will always.

  • Member Posts: 103
    edited February 2020

    Against Nurse, just run away as far as you can when she is fatigue and out of sight. Do not loop a nurse, she can ignore pallet and window.

    Against Billy, loop him at tight corner, billy chainsaw cant 90 degree hit you, and this force him become M1 killer to down you. I think no need to mention how long a M1 killer need to down someone as long as you doesn't make mistake and bump into them.

    Against Freddy, do not stealth, you are highlighted in white if entering freddy camera. Just always stay awake, and freddy are just another M1 killer to you.

    Against Spirit, you need iron will. Without iron will is very difficult to pull off move that can confuse her. Then enjoy your mind game with her. Way to confuse -> while she is phasing, drop pallet and walk to side of the loop. slow vault window ( or quick and quiet + lithe + dance with me ) always can let her misjudge.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Doctor and Spirit: You know that feeling you get when you think "Okay I can do one more loop." No. Drop the pallet. Right then.

    At the killer shack? Spirit phasing? Drop that pallet.

    You can treat the doctor like a normal M1 killer looping wise, you just have to play it safe and drop the pallet a little sooner than you normally would (assuming you know how to run tiles).

    You used to get body blocked by a phasing spirit, but now you don't have to worry about that. Run to a loop, then immediately avoid it and run to another position. Keep her guessing.

    No matter what you do, you'll probably go down eventually just due to the nature of the game, but if you can just keep doing that, the other survivors will have time to crouch in the corner and self care. Er, I mean, do generators.

    A lot of it comes from game sense. As a killer you recognize plays that you saw, but the more you play survivors you'll see a lot more that you didn't see before. Maybe put on Bond so you can watch your teammates stare directly at a box for minutes at a time. Er, I mean, juke the killer.

    Hope that helps.

  • Member Posts: 835

    Personally I have learned to play against Spirits and Doctors by playing then myself and learning what good survivors are doing against me. As for Nurse Im potato with her, but generally I try to keep getting distance from her while breaking line of sight.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    Never pallet loop a nurse. I don't understand why so many survivors treat her like every other killer. If the loop is high enough that she can't see over top of it you stand a chance cause she has to guess where your going. Otherwise keep running from her. One of the best places to take Nurse is the outside of the killer shack. Keep running around a corner so she can't see you. If she screws up a blink she might blink inside the shack. Or you can double back and she passes you. Or you can run into the shack when she thinks your still looping the outside. I know it works because Nurse is my 2nd main and people do this to me all the time.

    As for spirit if your at a pallet or a vault, make sure she is actually phasing. I've been tricked a few times where I dropped a pallet, I slow vaulted only to find out the spirit stood still. She didn't actually phase she just waited for me to vault.

    I find the hard part about looping is knowing where to go. I have a bad habit of running to the wrong spots cause my routing isn't great.(Killer main) Windows of Opportunity helps with learning where the loops are.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    with the doc changes depending on how close he is to you and how far you are from the pallet you may need to try to dodge his shock or use dead hard early. In his current state it's pretty hard to know what to do against him other than trying to drop the pallet early which many good docs including myself will just shock you before or after you use the pallet and then go in for a hit. Doc right now is either very overrated or underrated and i think you fall into the second one, he is just really consistent at stopping interactions now which diffidently does not make him a normal m1 killer and you need to put in some thoughts and take risks to loop him which can still result in you getting downed if the doc is good with his shocks.

  • Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2020

    Also some perks can and will help you! If you want to try to lose the killer, good looping perks would be lithe + quick and quiet + iron will. Dead Hard is a good perk to make the looping last longer, but you will not lose the killer with it.

    Against nurse you have to avoid short loops. Dodge her and try to lose the line of sight. Crouch and run behind walls. you can hear when she is about to teleport (sound like inhaling or something), usually at that point stop running straight and make these random turns and 360°s to confuse her.

    Billy is clumsy with his chainsaw so just do sharp turns when he is using it. If you know you can't make it to the vault because billy is after you with his chainsaw, run towards the window/pallet and turn 90° right in front of it.

    Against spirit you are pretty much doomed without Iron will. When she is phasing, WALK away somewhere random. If you are injured and she is phasing, she will probs follow your blood so try to walk in grass or sum. Also, I'd say don't walk under a pallet or window, but stay around some looping place just in case.

    Short version: don't get stuck on short loops, make distance and lose the line of sight

  • Member Posts: 416

    I feel like my main problem with doctor is that I always forget how long a shock lasts so I’ll make it to the window but then have to wait half a second because I got there too soon and I get hit anyways

  • Member Posts: 17

    It's a thing called unique pathing. Only the top % survivors do it. You have to be unpredictable with your pathing and knowing distances but you have to pay many hours to learn the map layouts and variations of things. Like I owing where your next window or pallet is. If you study youll be good. Like it took me a few days to do unique pathing because I studied a lot of other youtubers that aren't very popular. I suggest don't watch popular youtubers and watch ones who aren't very popular because they are usually better at the game than the popular ones. Like this youtuber named Uncharted is better than Ussiylss and Noob3 and Monto and other popular survivors. No offense to those 3 but he knows the game better than they do and makes better decisions.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Also I think Uncharted is better than Ayrun aswell. Uncharted is definitely top 3 survivor. The top 3 survivors are Fungoose Uncharted and Zubatlel imo because they all 3 know the maps inside out more than the other survivors I mentioned. It's crazy how people don't even know much about Uncharted and Fungoose. Also learn your distances. Distances are the most important thing in dbd. Like knowing when the killer has bloodlust and stuff or if you will make this window or pallet. Learn things like that.

  • Member Posts: 515

    Fungoose was really informative to watch, fully recommend. He gives great play by play narrative and I picked up a lot of things I hadn't known previously.

  • Member Posts: 582
    edited October 2020

    Honestly you just have to practice and figure out where you can run certain killers, and remembering that every killer player is different, and you have to figure out how they play and adjust to that. Also, learning how to run safe and unsafe pallets properly, and which structures are better to run against what killer will help immensly. Along with this, knowing how to effectively string together loops is key. Remember, you don't want to never go down- that's usually unrealistic unless the killer is a potato. What you do want to do though is waste as much of the killer's time as possible while also trying to maintain as many resources as possible. (Not to say you should greed every pallet, as it's case by case on what to greed, but just things like not throwing down shack immediately, or knowing when you're going to get hit through a stun and knowing not to waste that resource.)

    Imho the best way to learn is practice. Throw on Object of Obsession with your choice of: DS, Unbreakable, Windows of Opportunity, Bond and an exhaustion perk (I think Lithe is the best for it, but run what you like.) Get ready to get tunneled, and know you will get rekt- but you'll learn a lot from doing it about how killers move, and how to play against them effectively.

    I should note as well- Stray away from perks like Spine Chill and Resilience when learning to loop. It can really screw with how you perceive window vault speeds if you learn how to loop with those perks.

    Additionally, you could just... play the killers yourself. But I can get why you wouldn't- tbh I can't play some of them because they make me woozy.

    Good luck.

  • Member Posts: 248

    well a lot of it just based on the skill of a player. Since you main killer and are trying to play the other side unlike some people. You should have the upper hand against most players in your rankings. Now I play mostly survivor, it's not fun btw, and I can say confidently that most of my killers are as good as my survivor skill.

    Some killers that you should actually look out for are plague, GF, D-Slinger, and Freddy. I am pretty sure whenever somebody plays these killers, they usually win. You are going to see A LOT of Freddies. well maybe not now, but it was like that for me a couple months ago. Let me make a simple list

    1. Plague: you have to have cover all the time (unless you are already infected) and never cleanse until you are on last hook.

    2. GF: always look around you when doing gens (do this every match, doesn't matter the killer at play) especially when going up against a ghostface. Take cover and play around his stalk (most good ghostface don't use him for his stalk, but since you are in those ranks...). It works most of the time if you know what you are doing and always have him in your line of sight.

    3. D-Slinger: now there are barely any good deathslingers out there so I will keep this short and simple. Don't get zoned by any means. A lot of deathslingers have bad aim and usually get lucky with their shots if they are bad. A lot of deathslingers just spam the gun, but don't shoot so try to not get zoned to a dear end.

    4. Freddy: These ######### have the highest kill rate in the entire game. Obviously when he got buffed he must have been taking on people from the salty spatoon. Mans is strong. His hit box isn't pretty and most of them run swing chains and paint brush because they hate fun. In your case, you can probably expect some of the fake pallet Freddies as well. With Freddy you want to know the map layout as much as you can. Obviously these guys are no pushovers if they have the highest kill rate in the game. Sadly I can't tell you much on him since most of my matches don't include freddy.

    You will probably find a lot of huntresses, but I feel it is pretty simple on how to loop them.

    If you want some of the most solid videos out there, watch this video. Most people know a lot of the info, but who knows, you might just find some useful info.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Playing both sides is the best thing to do.

    Looping knowledge comes from experience.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Doctor is actually really easy to loop. Just don't camp the pallet or window. Keep moving and you can extend the same tile by a ridiculous amount of time if the Doctor insists on getting a hit at it. One thing that works is switching to the short side if he shocks you from the long side, and vise versa.

    For Spirit, distance is your friend when she's phasing. You don't want to give her a lot of time to discern the information you give. Crouching reduces your noise considerably. Pay attention to where you're walking and try to avoid grass.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Instead of doing a long a drawn out post I'll keep it short and sweet and give you somewhere to start

    get good at looking behind you while looping I can't stress how important it is to know what's happening behind you, once you master this then you're ready to learn how to run tiles properly

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