32000 Killer Points with One Survivor Escape

I always thought you had to 3 hook everyone for a perfect sacrifice category but with 3 late games hooks, you still get enough points for it. I found it mildly interesting and thought I would share. While I personally have no issues with it at all, does anyone think a 4k should be required for a "perfect" game?
I'm also too lazy to do the math but does anyone know if it'd be possible to let two people go but still have a "perfect" game if you had enough late game hooks?
Also, I was working on the 5-end game sacrifices if anybody was curious; I never use Bloodwarden and rarely use Noed. Pretty interesting game considering I had 2-hooked them all with 3 gens left and just messed around and pretended to lose them, miss swings, ignore Nurse procs, etc They all got a lot of points at least which was nice. ^_^
Very nice, thank you for doing the math! ^_^
That's pretty interesting that 3 people can escape and yet you can still get max points as unlikely as that would be.
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I've had so many games with 7900 points in Sacrifice, ending up with 31900 points at the end. Guess I should try to hook in Endgame more often 😁
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Doc easily pulls in 32K with two escapes. I allow the escapes most times because I think it's selfish to not spread the wealth.
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It's a certain way you have to play is all I'ma say :P (get your own play style) 😝
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Why do survivors get less points than killers?
Has behavior ever addressed this?
Am i mistaken?
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It´s meant to be that way, for many obvious reasons. So in short, you are not mistaken, but it´s intended.
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What are the many obvious reasons?
Thanks for the reply...
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One reason might be to create an incentive to play as killer.
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For starters, Killers don´t keep anything after a match - they lose it all (exception being if they use a Black Ward). Also, the Killer is just one person doing everything him/herself, whereas the survivors are four. The cap is the same for all five players (32k), and you can get there as either role - it´s just harder as a Survivor since other people will be doing stuff as well. As a Killer, it´s more of an effort as it´s all on you, whereas when you play survivor you have to even your efforts out among several tasks to get a higher amount of BP.
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Survivors can still get 32k. 1st if you do gens with others you easily get 8k. 2nd a 1 min chase with few pallets on the killer 8k. 3rd, 2 unhooks + few healings in coop, 8k. 4th 5K if escape, 1,5k+ if you were the obsession. +300 fore every self heal wiggling helps too. You pretty much need to do all this
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I had a 31,000 point game as survivor yesterday.