This game doesnt give any credit to stealthy players

Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

A bit of a weird rant after having played survivor where i was mostly unseen.

I think its sad that this game gives more credit to people who get chased, downed, survives, chases some more, than people who entirely avoid being attacked to begin with.

i could go through an entire game not being seen, working on gens here and there, doing totems, and it still wouldnt net me more than if i had been the distraction, made unsafe hooks with DS and BT. Dont get me wrong, rescuing survivors is as important, if not more, than doing a generator.

I think its sad, because my vision of what this game SHOULD be, would be survivors being stealthy, chased for a small amount of time and more or less hooked afterwards. Sure you should be able to run, but no way did i ever think that looping and running from pallet drop to palletdrop would be the way i wanted this game going down (not that it was ever different, but before i bought it years ago). being actually able to be chased for literal minutes, is not my vision of this game.

What we have is a gameplay that gives more points when you are being frisky with the loops and chased down, protection hits etc. Basically the guy sitting behind not distracting the killer only doing gens and totems, gets less points, if the distraction guys do their job well.

Being completely unseen, or more or less unseen, doesnt reward you at all. to heal and get points, you gotta get hit. a lot of BPs comes from actually being "bad" at hiding and being in the killers face or within his terror radius.

im not bringing any suggestions because i dont know how that would work. i would just like to see a thicker mist maybe for easier stealth play, but making it easier for the killer to actually down survivors if they are actually caught. the fact you can just swarm a hook to get the guy down is also weird. why dont all killers have a cleave to avoid that?

What do we do about campers then? i have no idea. those were just my two cents really. im just spewing out whats in my brain, but it always bothered me a bit that when im being a good survivor not being attacked, staying hidden doing gens and totems not being hooked etc, then im often not rewarded very well. many perks would have to change tho, so killers cant just find people and insta gib them.


  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    i understand that, and i dont want to discredit the guy who distracts. they SHOULD be rewarded as such. but we cant forget that everyone is working in a survivor team. i could argue, that ive done maybe 3 out of 5 generators alone, that also counts for something. yet actually staying hidden didnt reward me and and the gens ive repaired, bringing us closer to victory, also doesnt net me all that much.

    Why does staying hidden not reward me anything? Why must i get chased to get points?

    Its worth mentioning that if stealthy play was an actual thing (and the game was changed around that fact), we wouldnt need a reason to distract the killer. because right now, the points arent added evenly even though everyone does important jobs.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    And by the same token the stealthily gen jockey (which is what I prefer to be) did three gens, two totems and unhooked two people allowing the person being chased to eventually escape. Only time I want to see the killer is when I am inside the exit gate doing 360s waiting for him to chase me out.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    Yes but you can only unhook and get points because someone screwed up and werent stealthy enough.

    With a team of stealthy guys, theoretically not many should be rescued. and you can only rescue so many people if few are hooked.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    id rather people who can lead on chases than hide most of the game, people who know how to lead on chases tend to be better players overall, i dont mean that in a horrible way to anyone who prefers stealth or cant lead on great chases but whenever i see people doing stealth they hardly ever do anything in the match to help you, they may go for saves because thats fast easy point but thats it tbh... i stopped playing because i got tired of being the only red rank touching gens or able to lead on a chase, i dont die with 24k points for people to escape with 8k... its not fun and its stressful

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited February 2020

    I played as LF recently and Bill kept hook bombing with bt and died first. Bill got the most points in the match when everyone else put forth much more effort but we're easily picked off after bills stupid plays and their inability to recover. I think time in match should reward much more bp and person on hook should be able to reject the inconsiderate save.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    You would not believe how many times ive ran the killer around for like 5 minutes only to get down and see my teammates ( usually blendettes ) urban evading around the map. Cases like that are the reason why people dislike stealthy survivors. because most of the time they are just playing for themselves ( not saying you do this ).

    and the guy who was running the killer around the whole time allowed you to do that. if the killer was not on him then you would not have been able to do any of that. The killer would have been either Proxy camping or patrolling gens. I am not sure how the "Gen Jockey" unhooking others aids in the guy getting chased by the killer the whole game escape. from my personal experience those kind of players usually dont 99 % the gates, instead they open them and get the heck out. rather than taking a hit for their teammates.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    thats not completely true. a stealthy guy remains stealthy. ive played it stealthily even though we had no one distracting him.

    while a distractor is great, its not a MUST for me to do what i need. its only really needed in the late game if the last gens are too close.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited February 2020

    There are plenty of ways to play stealthily and still be involved in other aspects

    Altruism points are easy if you do safe hook rescues sneaking around and paying attention with a perk like Kindred. Alternatively, you can run a perk like Bond or Empathy and use that to find teammates to heal if they're injured.

    You can net 5k boldness points alone with the totems if you destroy all of them - there are also hook sabotages, basement time, etc

    And obviously, objective points are the easiest to obtain

    About the only thing you'll struggle with are survival points, but if you make it out alive, you secure 5k right there. You can also use obsession perks to try and obtain 1k/1.5k in this category whether you die or survive

    Honestly, not trying to sound harsh, but if you aren't getting that many points, it's because you aren't doing enough in some area or another.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Thing is survivors can be chased for a long amount of time, depending on the killer and obviously the skill of each side. However stealth is utterly boring, nobody neither killer or survivor has time to waste. Also interacting with the other side is basicly the whole game so tryin to like get rewarded for not interacting with it is like something that should not be rewarded imo.

    I know you disagree as you have another viewpoint on the matter but thing is that survivor chases are not that short depending on skill in chase.

  • Hallucinogenic
    Hallucinogenic Member Posts: 6

    I am the stealthy player who doesn't give a crap about blood points. Yes I am often the last Claudette at the end of a match when everyone else has done their best to see us through to the end of a match. However, through out the entire match, if I see teammates getting aggro, see hooked teammates getting ready to struggle on hook, get that gate open for teammates running for escape,or need to break the NOED totem, I am there to help. I get a lot of hate mail claiming all I did was hide the entire match because they never saw me (Even though I unhooked them BOTH TIMES they were on hook), I get a lot of gratitude for taking aggro or being the ONLY person on the team to unhook someone who was left there to go into struggle. I believe it is time that those of us who play in the shadow of the killer, rather than in his/her line of sight, get a little bit of recognition.

    With that being said, I would like to thank those who loop and play distraction. You give me a chance to help you escape faster or get you off a hook with ease. You help me to gen rush or totem rush quickly and efficiently. Thank you

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    but just because its boring doesnt mean it shouldnt be rewarding to AVOID getting butchered?

    the stealthy blokes often get the gens done. they need credit too.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Being found doesn't equal to being butchered. When you play solo you are like, well at least he is chasing me and not them because a fair amount of time you will find people playing horrible, straight up garbage players that are unable to loop 1min +

    So is it going to help to stay hidden for longer? no it will help when you take over and show the killer what is what.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    Why do you assume people that are stealthy play solo and arent team players? players that are stealthy dont necessarily let people stay on hooks. Being stealthy doesnt mean you dont sprint, it simply means you do what you can to avoid being seen by the killer, unless you have to like taking protection hits. Many survivors dont give a flying ######### they just swarm the killer because they can. and the fact that they can, is super sad. the killer has no power.

    And also why is this some sort of Chased vs stealthy guys? its not about whether you shouldnt get points for being chased, there should just ALSO be given adequate points to those that stay stealthy and do gens.

    if everyone stays hidden, then you can do many gens without losing anyone. thats good too. its effective in the early game. early game dont even need a distraction

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    Most people assume the way they play is the right way and if you don't play like them you are playing wrong and useless. I'm a stealthy player. It's funny how many times I have a game where I did 2 or 3 gens by myself, performed 3 or 4 safe hook removals, healed several people, and maybe even knocked out a hex totem only to get messages from other survivors afterwards that I'm a trash player. Apparently I have to hook farm with the killer, not work on gens, and die to be a good player according to most of the survivors that send me messages.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    there is an emblem called EVADER and it specifically says "the ability to remain undetected by the killer" I've had matches where I was gen jockey, getting 3-4 gens done while not getting to the hooks because i'm already on a gen, I get nothing in the emblem EVADER yet the killer didn't see me, nor did I get hooked and I got out. it'd be nice to be able to be awareded for what the emblem describes though. Yes there is more than just not being seen as part of the emblem but there is very little given to someone who does the job described with the emblem.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited February 2020

    yea. i mean it sounds like not all people see all ends of the spectrum here.

    im not even asking for stealthy players being granted more points than distractors or even taking points for those that distracts and swarms. both people are important, im just asking that stealthy players are also granted some value BP wise so that being stealthy is also a viable way to get BPs.

    because the end of the day is, you NEED someone to be stealthy to continuously do generators. but that guy might not cash in a very large sum of BPs compared to basically everyone else.

  • mmain
    mmain Member Posts: 430

    I agree. If there is one thing I would change about the way bloodpoints are awarded it would be increasing the amount you get for working on gens. It is the objective after all. As it stands now though you can get a lot more bloodpoints unhooking and healing. That's why so many survivors don't play to escape. They play to unhook and heal as much as possible because they get more points. I personally think more bloodpoints for gens would entice people to actually try to complete the objective instead of only hook farming with the killer.

  • tkwmm
    tkwmm Member Posts: 103
    edited February 2020

    I am Blendette and let me provide you a tips.

    Bring detective hunch and cleanse all those totem. It give you more point than looping killer for 5 gen.

    There was a match where I done 3 gen. Safety unhook 2 time. Cleanse 5 totem. Heal teammate 4 time and only getting chased by killer at the exit gate and I am the top bloodpoint earned. 28k. My teammate that loop the killer for 3 gen only gottem 24


  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Is this a joke? Being good at DBD as a survivor is being good at chase, period. It's so boring as both a survivor and killer when survivors do nothing but Urban Evade and rely on Spine Chill. Why should someone be rewarded for being alerted that the killer is coming, and then Blendetting away from the gen, only to go right back as soon as it's safe? I've been playing a lot of killer lately for the challenges and I'm a level 17 because I'm a survivor main. It's so so go boring that all anyone does is hide. Dear god, why even play the game?

    When I first started playing this game, I got tired of how much I was getting destroyed by killers. It occurred to me I could start playing Claudette and just rely on stealth and being invisible, but I would not ever get good at the game if all I did was hide. So guess what, I never mained Claudette, and I'm good at being chased. In most cases, my Claudette teammates go down almost instantly because they have no idea how to be chased once they're found. And it puts even more pressure on everyone else not playing Claudette and playing a stealth style because they're the only ones the killers can actually be found. So no, no one should be rewarded for making this game worse.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    The reason why stealth is frowned upon is because the majority of those players are trash at looping: the most important part of survivor gameplay.

    It doesn’t matter if your team is working on gens.... if everyone is going down in 10-15 seconds no one will escape. Stealth has its place, but going OUT OF YOUR WAY to NEVER be spotted by the killer is detrimental to the team.

    Sometimes you need to take aggro and even sacrifice a hook state in order for your team to all have a chance at getting out. Blendette players are typically extremely selfish and refuse to move a muscle unless they are 100% confident they will not be spotted.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    It's because playing an immersed survivor is by far the easiest way to play this game. It's about one step up from playing a walking simulator. I'm not going to say there's no skill in being stealthy, but the skill it does take is very low compared to someone that purposely hunts down the killer and knows what they need to do to score points.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    At higher ranks stealthy players usually are the players that lose games for teams. This game is won and lost on how well survivors waste the killers time. If you play with players who run urban evasion and hide from the killer at high ranks you usually get angry with them.

    I don't mind if a stealthy player does gens but generally they don't and spend most of the game hiding from the killer. As a high rank player I want to be matched with other players who can waste the killers time as good as I can, not players who hide the whole game.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    thank. god.

    i hate immersion

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Do you feel you should be rewarded for facing a trial without a killer?

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I run Empathy so I can tag into a chase, especially long chases. I want to relieve the looper and offer them a chance to heal and do other stuff, including unhook me when I go down like the sack of potato I am. It also is good to help ensure the killer gets their BBQ stack.

    I completely understand the fun & challenge of not being detected and don't expect everyone to do it, but I try to compromise. Of course, this backfires sometimes when I'm tunneled to death in 1-2-3 hooks, back-to-back, but if I wait long enough before taking over a chase, even that works out okay.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Cpuldnt be more agree I like to be stealthy too but just imagine everyone with stealthy build killer wouldnt have fun also is not fun being hidden full game. Staying hidden can be very easy with stealth perks than escape of a chase with perks for it.

    Try doctor vs calm spirit stealthy survivors. Eventually you will find it of course but not really funny.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    This just isn't the kind of game to play stealthy in if you want to rank up and/or earn a bunch of points. Why do you expect a reward for not interacting with anyone in a multiplayer game? You're playing a single player game at that point

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    "This game is won and lost on how well survivors waste the killers time." Wow... so all 4 survivors go waste the killer's time and the gens magically get done! bravo! did we slip a 5th survivor to do the gens or is this the entity making it easier ???

    You know what? my example which happened to me, circumstances kept me on gens each time there was an unhook, someone else was on it and closer. I litterally would have had to RUN and say hi to the killer while the other three are busy with the killer and the unhook. then when I tried to go there was no chance so it was advantageous for my TEAM for me to stay on gens. and my points sucked because of it. But sure I'll never do gens again because this thread has enlightened me that survivors don't have to touch the gens at all since we are all to waste the killer's time.

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    no ones asking you to play stealthy, but those that want to should be rewarded equally.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited February 2020

    Well it's frowned upon because while the immersed player is doing well not being seen and never being chased - he's also just offloading that burden on the other three survivors. Sometimes you got to take aggro or people start dying - and if you got one or more blendettes, survivors start to realize they are the one carrying them by either intentionally or not, distracting the killer from looking harder for them. And then paying the price by not being able to do gens, losing out on light bringer and risking their unbroken emblem - for people who would not do the same for them.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    I feel the game evolved into something it wasn't intended. The survivors have so many tools to extend the chase instead of preventing a chase in the first place. I think the issue is looping is just so effective and not as difficult compared to stealth. If your stealthing it "might" work. Looping "will" work, it's just a question of how much of the killer's time can you waste. Stealth gets a bad rep. Majority of people who stealth tend to sneak everywhere when there's evidence the killer is no where near them. They tend to waste a lot of time by being sneaky. So stealth is often frowned upon. The moment you get hit stealth is pretty much not possible thanks to the blood trail. Certain killers like Billy and LF I don' even attempt to stealth them. If they are looking around and see the spot I'm ducking at they can get me with a chainsaw before I get to a pallet. I treat stealth like blood warden. It's rare but it's amazing when it works.

    I think my favorite stealth moment was against a huntress. I heard her coming due to spinechill and I UE away from the gen I was on. She looked around the jungle gym for maybe a full minute before she left. I kept circling around. The best part was she checked 1 locker, as she circled around to check the 2nd locker I got into the first one :P

  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425

    he's offloading a burden on other survivors by doing 3 generators alone?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    "Because its a PvP game, and as such it has to encourage interaction between players."

    MW2 Tactical knife stealth build says otherwise!

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    This game has evolved into an animal that makes people salty for petty reasons. this thread is one proof of this, no one is telling others to play a certain way yet not many want to accept that their way of playing (the in the killer's face way) is not the only way to play. It sucks when you support the team by doing gens, even saves, healing and door opening that you get bubkis for the evader emblem (how you pip up in this game) because you didn't get into a chase.

    When I described my experiences with a low evader emblem and never being found no one here even payed attention they were "you shouldn't play stealthy it kills people" oh hey guess what! in that match I described no one died and only a few got hooked. so I was stuck on gens because they were the other side of the map and I couldn't go get an unhook. so i also got low points for benevolent but that I can understand as I did not get a chance to do what the emblem says. Evader specifically says "Avoiding the killer"