What is your Favorite memory of playing DBD?

Mine would have to be Making a last minute save during the EGC against a camping Tier 3 myers.
Let me know down below!
i always like to think back to the time where my games took ~15 to 20 minutes to be completed.
todays trials are just... hardly fun, considering the insane speed at which they progress.
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Those few moments where a glitch in the matrix gave me instant queues for survivor
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I have a bunch of quotes written down that were said by my boyfriend and my friend while we were playing DBD. One of the best moments I had was running from a doctor being the last one alive trying so hard to find the hatch, and I just happened to turn somewhere and it was there. I couldn't hear it or anything, but it was probably the closest escape I have ever made.
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Early on playing survivor, I was going against a slugging trapper on Badham. He was playing very sweaty and doing well against us. It was down to the last two, me and a guy on death hook. I got slugged near the boiler room where the hatch spawns, and he got the other guy on the far end of that same building. Naturally I started crawling towards the hatch, and I noticed that he had a trap on the stairs leading down. He hooked the other survivor and started back towards me. I didn't have time to get to the hatch, but he stepped on his own trap, giving me JUST ENOUGH time to make it, clicking M1 like my life depended on it.
By far my favorite memory of this game.
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Actually scaring people in the game.
I noticed a gen kept getting tapped repeatedly so I stood in the corner as Legion with Insidious. Wouldn't you know it, a line of survivors come crouch walking up the stairs and hop onto the gen. I burst out and stab them all watching as they scattered like cockroaches. One of them messaged me about how I scared the ######### outta them.
There was another game as silent Wraith with distressing. I waited a bit near a busy area and the moment they walked next to me I start phasing in. Would also play around with their TR uncloaking behind a wall then cloaking again into the shadows. Got a 4k and a message with only one word: "Bruh"
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I don't know why it sticks out so much, but I can for some reason never forget the time I watched a Trapper catch a survivor right at the gate, inches from escaping. They were dead on hook, and nobody had a flashlight or could take a hit to save them.
... and then he stepped in a trap on the way to a hook. They were a great sport about it, we all laughed it off and moved on.
Then there was another time, also Trapper, where he for some reason set up a literal minefield of traps in some random cluster of trees (no pallets, no nothing). My friend stepped in a trap and I was nearby, so I ran over to help him. On my way, I step into another trap. He gets out of his, then steps in another trap. I got out of mine, and step in another trap. We were dying laughing at that point.
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Was playing in a swf and one of my friends said he was heading towards the killer shack. We heard him but listen. When he told us it was Michael as Michael came into the killer shack we all freaked out and started screaming
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When me and a friend double Head On stunned a Spirit. Idk why but it was just so funny! 😂
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I played solo survivor once vs a trapper, and gosh that guy put a lot of traps in one specific place. I stepped in a trap and a fellow survivor came to rescue me and he stepped in a trap, another survivor came to be the superhero and he stepped in a trap too. I was so sad that i didnt record that.
And yeah, we all died first hook :p
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I have many great memories. It is hard to choose for me one.
... Mhm... Maybe...
1 time I had run into a 4 pack of survivors as a pre patch Legion. I couldn't first believe my luck and I bet, I had a totally "lolwut" face in that moment.
They were all 4 together crouching through the map.
After I had discover them, I had me feel like a shark that has gone rampage. Those poor survivors, but comon... How often you have something like that for you as killer? <- To my defence! :).
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Not knowing anything, having to find stuff out.
Took me well over a month to learn that Killers can lunge, and that a Survivor's Hook Health doesn't go down when you hit them.
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For me it was a game where I was still a noob. This was back before the EGC and hatch changes. I managed to be the last survivor. There was still 1 generator to be done. All the remaining gens as well as the hatch were in the same area. The killer was camped out on the hatch.
I kept trying to do a gen and couldn't make any progress before the killer would run me off. I was determined to make him chase me and give him the slip to make the hatch. He wouldn't stray far enough from the hatch to give me that opportunity. The whole time he is sending me messages telling me how I may as well just surrender because he will wait me out.
I managed to make a mistake and get downed. He hung me right next to the hatch and then backed off several meters. He would look at me and teabag a little. Then he would turn around with his back to me.
One of the times he turned around I managed to hit that 4% and got off the hook. Landed right on top of the hatch. Opened it and escaped. It was the sweetest victory I have had playing this game. That match must have lasted 45 minutes. He messaged me after the match accusing me of cheating and telling me he was going to report me. I ignored him and he hated it.
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it took me almost a year of playing to realize that killers could lunge.
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Mine was a recent one, doing the key challenge for Mr Mushwin to help him and gain further on the rift, I was on the game, with Myers, with a mori, i wa son edge the whole time looking for the hatch, my butt cheeks hurts, I found the hatch and had to wait until he closed it, was a moment I thought he found me in the locker after he closed it but I made it out. I was plesed as punch!
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Well, my favorite memory has to be when I looped a killer for 5 gens my first time.
I was facing a bubba and he didn't want to leave me, I looped him for 5 gens and he finally hit me when a few gens remained.
I went down when the exit gates were powered but, this was back when DS was busted so we know what happened.
I got out and he camped my friend
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4-man SWF equipped with 3 toolboxes and 3 original BNPs (instant gen completion), and 1 instant blind flashlight, but "that's not all!" they also brought in 4 Petrified Oak Offerings, which back then removed 1 hook per person submitting the offering. On top of that they also had 2 Sabo survivors going after the hooks, and Hooks didn't re-spawn in those days (also Old DS, BT, SB, etc). To put it bluntly, these asshats didn't even consider my fun as the killer, and wanted to bully the hell out of me. I was playing Shape in one of my first attempts of doing so, and with basic perks, I Still managed to kill 2 of them before the game ended. Considering the odds that were against me, and the fact that I had to play extra sweaty to get those kills, I still think back on that experience fondly, sweetened by their incredible salt in the chat afterwards (i'm a sadist IRL, and that really did it for me). Nothing makes you feel better than making the game a challenge for the other players when everything they bring in is overpoweringly against you.
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Oh I have a lot!
but I have 2 memories, the first one was when I was at E3 with other members of the team for the official release of the Dead by Daylight. It was an insane moment for us <3
Second one, was during our internal playtest (when I joined the team in 2016) I was playing against Mathieu Cote and he always had a hard time killer me, so he called me his nemesis. We were always screaming at each other (not in a bad way!!!) making jokes etc. aaaah good times!
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Old Legion, it was just a ton of fun with the multi stabbing gameplay. Really sad that before legion got nerfed I had 3 months no internet so I couldnt taste out the last moments before we lost legion forever :C
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When 2 people dc'd and the huntress was kind enough to let me and my teamate to escape <3
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When the ruin wasn't a crap. I miss it so much.
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Mine was when I was a baby trapper with my first ebony mori facing baby survivors. They were so difficult, but I had hooked each of them once and it wouldn't be long before the exit gates were open.
I readied my mighty NOED perk and chased one to the exit gate. Then I started killing them. One down. Two down. Three down.
The exit gate opened, and I caught him three feet away from escape. All 4 dead by mori with my first ever ebony mori.
They even blamed another survivor for leading me to their exit gate. Felt good.
Survivor side it was when I was playing my part in the Cult of Dwight where we ran around in Pizzawhat gear. Good times.
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When the game was new and fun for me.
Okay its still fun most of the time but im so tryhard.
But when i started it actually felt like a horror game. Hearing huntress sing that lullaby was actually kinda scary.
Hiding in the bushes with my friend. Running around the map without any idea about loops or anything.
Leveling up those first characters and getting first teachable perks was epic.
That was fun.
Now the games are so sweaty and competitive and they have to be because if this wasnt so competitive people wouldnt play so much.
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I may leave others in the future, but this one I think is important for the near future if Pig receives any changes soon.
I was having a difficult game against The Pig on Fractured Cowshed. My loops were too big, I kept getting stuck on stuff, etc. Eventually, I received an RBT, another survivor popped a generator, and I had to get a move on. I was still relatively invested in being stealthy and didn't realize just how much it could cost the other survivors (which hindered my survival in turn), so I spent a large amount of my RBT timer loitering around a killer shack jigsaw box and avoiding the killer. Two survivors were dead at this point, and the last survivor had just gotten hooked. What happened next was the hardest and most satisfying choice I've ever made in DbD. My timer had been activated for around 100 seconds, and the hooked survivor wasn't near any un-searched boxes, but I ran through the corn, forgoing the self-caring I wanted to do. It was either heal and try one of the boxes The Pig was surely patrolling, or go and save the survivor, sacrificing myself in the process. My trap was on its final beeping phase when I dropped my toolbox in front of the hook and unhooked the Claudette. I turned toward the hatch, pointed once, and knew that she would live even as I saw my RBT expire.
It was the best moment I've ever had when playing against a Pig, a killer I hate going against.
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Mori-ing an SWF team full of BHVR employees. Peanits included. Was the perfect storm. Billy on Rotten Fields.
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First time I was finally able to escape or the time I and the other two survivors were all tbagging at the gate and the killer rushed the gate with the chainsaw and instadowned me and I was too far from the exit to crawl out and he picked me up and hooked me and since everyone had run out when I got hit there was no one to save me. I don't care who you are, that was funny right there.
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Just thought of my favorite killer memory. It was when this matchmaking bug got really bad, I was playing Doctor against a team that absolutely wrecked me. They were healing near the gate and when I came by, they started t-bagging me. Rather than chasing, I started nodding with them, I then turned like I was leaving, moonwalked, spun and lunged, hitting the one being healed...And he was too far from the door to escape, and he was on death hook. It was glorious to make a cocky survivor pay.
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Old class photo Freddy
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I have 3 off the top of my head
First time I got to play Huntress. Loved her power and the humming sent a delicious chill up my spine
First time I bought and played as Michael Myers. I felt truly unstoppable. Music cues rocked and loved scaring someone on a gen in tier 1
And lastly this shitforbrains Billy was face camping me on my 2nd hook and kept hitting me (cause how much more petty can you be) during the EGC. All 3 team mates of mine swarmed him and unhooked me. All 4 of us tea bagged his dumb ass on the way out. Was such a sweet moment. He then salted me in chat and I lmao-ed into my next trial.
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Favorite memories:
- I rescued THREE hooked people during EGC and all four of us escaped. I don't even remember who the killer was (I think maybe Hag), but I was on point with my altruism that game. I did six unhooks, including three after EGC started.
- My wife & I put on Up The Ante III + two Vigo's Jar of Salty Lips (that Vigo is such a nice guy). We were just messing around testing unhook percentages and I unhooked myself right into Huntress's arms. She looked at me for this loooooong pause and then left me alone to go chase Steve. She killed me in the end, but I was grateful for a chance to run around more, instead of me just getting tossed back on the hook. That really long pause floored me, though. It was priceless
- The Hillbilly who very carefully examined each basement hook with me on his shoulder. He'd look at one, shake 'no', then inspect the next and shake 'no', etc. On the fourth, he nodded and tossed me on, but I was laughing so hard I couldn't even struggle. He didn't take but a few extra seconds doing it and I was reminded that a playful human being was on the other end. Made my day
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This was back in 2017 when I had friends that played and we were all pretty new: we got the achievement for everyone escaping through the hatch at once.. it was on Coal Tower, I used a map to mark the hatch..it was pretty tense getting to the point where everyone was able to make it out.. good times. We bullied the ######### out of that killer though, I think we had 3 brand new parts, which back then was an immediate gen done, probably darkest moonlight and murky reagent offerings too.. it was pretty disgusting now that I think about it lol.
For me individually: adept Nurse post atomic nerf; also back in 2017/2018 when I first started hitting red ranks as killer, I would VS the same 4 man SWF like every other match.. they were such try hards, I started bringing Ebonies to which they weren't fans (which didn't require hook back then).. also remember vs the same team on Thompson House as Billy, I went straight for the shack at the start of the match and downed one as they blocked each other in the door.
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Bodyblocking people in the basement who had active reverse bear traps until that time it ticks down whilst I'm nod at them menacingly before sending them a sound clip of Amanda saying game over.
Another fun Pig game would it be sticking a reverse bear trap on somebody who was the last person left alive forcing them to do to gens so it will activate but also eat up into their trap time.
Then letting them free to go and find Hatch before their trap kills them.
If they died they got Amanda saying game over
If they lived they got Jones message to Amanda about how people are so ungrateful to be alive but not you. not anymore
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Running into a Myers and GhostFace for the first time in game. I can girled so hard. I also got mori'd so I was double excited.
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The triple bloodpoint event was fun times. Killers and survivors came together to farm like crazy! I think party streamers were common rarity back then too.
Another time when things were a bit goofy was the glitch when killers could equip other killers powers. Chainsaw Myers was a fun experience. Or when killers could equip survivor perks and they would come in with Bond...
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One time I 360'd a NOED Wraith on Mother's Dwelling SEVENTEEN times in a row.
I'd ######### if I did that again!
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I think an unbreakable into a pallet save.
A huntress slugged me close to a pallet, and tried to be toxic moving the head like saying "yeah, yeah" then say another guy, downed him too at the pallet moving the head like "yeah, yeah". For some reason, she picked up him instead of me. I used Unbreakable and pallet saved the guy.
Both of us escaped, the other two were potatoes and died, but at least they did gens.
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I remember when I was a noob and it was one of my first few games as Dwight. The gates were powered and I got put on the hook next to a gate, and the killer put a trap under the hook. They must have gone to the other gate and got distracted, because I managed to get off the hook on the first try, escape the trap on the first try, and open the exit gate and get out. It was the most intense thing ever, especially as a noob when the game was still scary. My heart was pounding out of my chest the whole time. 4 years later the game still manages to get my heart racing whenever I'm the last survivor or I'm trying to open the gate and the killer is coming, but it definitely isn't scary like it used to be.
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Going on a 4k3m rampage
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The friends i made after.
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My first long distance Hatchet on a moving target that downed the survivor
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When I first started playing, before all my friends quit because of match making, the first game we ever had where we encountered Blood Warden. It was against a Hag on one of the corn maps and I'll never forget all of us being like, WHAT THE F@CK IS THAAAAAAT?? I think three of us managed to get out, despite our cluelessness and panic, but it was so fun. I still love the Oh Sh!t factor of Blood Warden popping up on me.
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When was old Freddy and old emblem system
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My favorite memory are when DLC HALLOWEEN released, my god, best trailer in the world of gaming
I am really sadness when The Ghostface coming in dbd without Sidney Prescott and MAP WOODSBORO :'(
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Yes men ! Better than nothing 100% Real ! But I think all is not lost, Maybe one day they'll arrive in the fog ! I think it's possible, it's enough that there's an agreement between the two parties :p
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I just had a game with a twitch streamer, a person asking for me to play Cannibal, a person asking me to bring a Hawkins offering, and a person sarcastically saying these 4 are not SWF.
I went Cannibal, I took the Hawkin's offering. They honestly destroyed me all match, because i'm really not good with Cannibal. Then they gave me 3 kills, on the last gen.
Turns out they were all just running OoO - nothing else.
It was a really fun, meme game, where everyone pip'd.
These. These are the games are the reason I keep going through the mind numbing try hards. These games where you find the single group that is actually playing for fun.
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1 time I play Trapper with Devour Hope and NOED, safe the best for last against 4 man SWF that have all the toxic behaviour + ( 4 DS, 1 OoO, 3BT )
I was almost giving up as I only gotten 2 hook while 4 gen completed. After All Gen are done, I gotten 3 hook and 3 stack of Devour Hope, sadly my NOED gone instantly.
They though they are safe and fast vault to let me go for them at the exit gate so I can watch their show while they escape. Yeah they all teabag me and flashlight clicking me but they make 1 mistake, the exit gate only have 70% progression while I got there.
And yeah I down 3 of them and last one step on my trap. From 0 k to 4k ( lucky they didn't bring unbreakable), super satisfying moment.
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a clown tunneled me all game.(chased for 3 gens, tunneled off the hook DS'd him and ran him for the last 2 gens) after the endgame started, i went down under a pallet. he REALLY wanted me dead. he was afraid to pick me up because my friend and 2 randoms were nearby and i was under the pallet. so he camped me, waiting for me to bleed out or die to endgame. then, my friend took a hit, healed me up, i stunned clown with the pallet and 2 lovely randoms bodyblocked us as we ran to the exit gates. the clown tried to get me but couldn't. after he realized that, he DC'd :D
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As killer: As trapper I was chasing someone after first not finding anyone on the cornfield with basement in the shack in the middle of the map. Downed someone near the shack. While I was carrying him down, the second and third gen popped and I thought "great, game is done". I trapped the window from outside before and thought "ok, let's try the 'new spot' " and trapped the room where the lines cross from stairs to window and from door to door. Then kicked a gen near the shack I heard during the chase. Turned around and already saw someone running towards the shack. I smacked him in the door and he kept running down the stairs. Before he ran around the corner, I already got the notification of the unhook and I thought '#########'. The injured one turned around, I downed him on top of the stairs and then 3 more survivors came out of the basement. One got past me and stepped into the middle trap, next one was the one that got unhooked without BT and I hit him. Last one jumped into the trap at the window. Then I thought again "great, game is done" XD
As survivor: I once jumped down the hole in Springwood school building, right into a swing of a clown and that protected Puppers from being downed :P
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Mathieu getting roasted with flashlights after saying they were fine!
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When games were actually long but:
Recently with Oni I made two people DC because they bunched up together as I ran across the map and smacked them.
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Quite a long time ago I was versing a Clown on the red forest map. Two out of three chases I managed to go down close to the basement and each time this clown would carry me to the top of the stairs, step over the edge, do a little spin and drop me midair so I faceplanted down with him landing gracefully beside me.
He might have meant it to bm but it was one of the silliest things I've experienced in the game, the fat-man and Meg-pancake airshow always makes me smile when I think about it.