General Discussions

General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Yeah but it is still hard. Red ranks know how to punch out gens as if they were trying to knock out an opponent in UFC lol.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I agree with you. Ive been having the opposite. 11, 12 and 14s against a master 1 rank killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    Both of you missed the point. Imagine an actual gray or green rank Killer going up against four red rank Survivors. All they’d learn is that matchmaking is ######### up and they might even leave because they don’t want a game with a horrible excuse for a matchmaking system.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Playing against players that are more skilled than you actually benefits you more than hurts you imo. Whenever I played billy around a year ago I wasnt the best and I kept getting beaten by players 10x better than me, but I learned to adapt and thats how I became godlike in this game. Its just a matter of how much time you dedicate yourself to this game

  • Member Posts: 169

    As a person who mains Legion and Spirit those perk & add-on combos sadden me-

    Personal issues regarding what other's build aside. Yes, this is the state of affairs in terms of matchmaking even on Console. But, in all honesty I would say this could very well be a good thing, you can learn how to better yourself in terms of playstyle against people who have quite a lot of experience on the game. It's annoying that the matchmaking is so broken that it's pairing up people who are nowhere near close in terms of ranking, but until they fix it, it would be best to make the most of it as a learning experience.

  • Member Posts: 5


  • Member Posts: 327

    I dont mmr will fix it but just hid it now. Since you won't see the rankings anymore

  • Member Posts: 40

    I tried playing nurse today for the first time paired with sweaty gen rushing rank 1s while I'm like rank 10 or smth like that.

    And at the end you get flammed and bmd.

  • Well to be fair the way the game is designed the killers should only make up 20 percent of the players so logically there are gonna be less. Survivors aren't bullies despite being dicks some time. They are just players who make up the most of the players base and take advantage of the way the game is designed. The game is designed poorly at parts don't blame all survivors just those who want the game easier for them. Killers have to be a minority for the game to work.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Well, if anyone paid attention to the forums other than the clickbait side vs side #########, youd know they have said MULTIPLE times they're working on a new MMR and matchmaking system to impliment and fix this.

    But nobody likes to listen. They just want to rant and rave.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Someone who wants to start gen work but move to sabos when someone gets hit without wasting an entire commodious or mechanics?

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    No, if it works, it takes a predetermined checklist and it tries to put you with people that you play similar to; instead of putting people at the same rank together, it will try to put people of similar skill together.

  • Member Posts: 111

    It really does suck when your put against those ranks. But as you go and if you are able to rank up as you keep playing and playing against them you will see some patterns to take advantage of in the survivors. I was a former rank 1 but got deranked because of the reset but at rank 10 I still get rank 1 swf which isn’t as hard to deal with after the experience as a killer. If you keep playing more and more you can bully the survivors and get really good at the game which I don’t doubt you will.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    I am cautiously optimistic. I believe they can pull it off.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Thanks. Sounds hard to do. How would they determine similar skills in this kind of game?

  • Member Posts: 63

    Good God some of you are so whiny, miserable and entitled. I come on here to try to give some solid advice and I get attacked like a pack of wolves.

    They're working on a better ranking system right now, it will get better soon. Something tells me though you will find something new to complain about.

    Go ahead, keep it coming.

  • Member Posts: 39

    This is me too. I’m a casual survivor main, but there’s no killers on PS4 anymore. So I switch to killer just to play, get a match instantly for my level 17 killer against all red survivors.

    My choices are to either not play at all or play an unfun game against significantly better players.

    No thanks.

    I can only rank down against such players, zero chance to rank up, zero chance to get a sufficient amount of bloodpoints to get better perks. No real chance of moving anywhere except down.

    No thanks

  • Member Posts: 337

    Play Bubba and just camp and slug and have fun with it, you can pretty much get a guaranteed 2k atleast if you don't care about playing like a douche.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Whilst I obviously don't have an exact answer, it's likely a combination of two factors:

    Increasing specificity of "ranks" and "kit measuring"

    The former could be as simple as having a basic elo system on the backend much like you see for the front end of overwatch, so instead of ever player being a 1 of 20 possible rankings, each additional player adds an additional rank and you climb up or down these ranks by winning or performing well in matches (beat a stronger foe you climb higher, lose against a weaker foe and you lose less rank progression). The reason they want to remove the rank displays is due to the fact that it could lead to confusion, as rank is and always has been more of a measure of time spent during a season and measures how well you did in the match, regardless of the opponent you're matched against, so for a while you would see many rank 18's matched with rank 1's, not because the system messed up, but because on the back end the 5 of you are very similar in relative elo score (this would also encourage players to not bring intentionally weaker teammates along with higher skill players or accept the fact that the killer will be matched with the assumption the total elo is split 4 ways).

    For kit comparison, it's unlikely to be a factor, but essentially it would measure how much each player enjoyed a game, factor in all the variables (maps, perks, teammate perks, the killer, the killers addons, the killers perks etc) and over time used that data to find players who have reported having the most fun with similar preferences (this is the best arguement for picking any value in the "did you have fun" area on the results screen, as that would be the closest the devs can get to knowing if you had fun or not).

    Anyway, just my two cents

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I play this game alot but i like to have FUN!! I don't want to play like a douche to have fun. I play both sides 50/50. PS4 highest rank killer 6 and Survivor rank 1 but on steam highest rank killer is 16. I can't get any higher because my computer sucks, really laggy sometimes on playing killer for daily's and rank 8 as survivor which is alot easier play on my computer. Lets face facts, survivor is easy mode and I play solo on both.

  • Member Posts: 1,861

    These screenshots are weeks or even months apart. Look at the gaps of difference in Devotion level

  • Member Posts: 5

    Maybe he just wants to have fun at low ranks and not have to deal with the ######### storm that the highranks create. But I guess you'll need to look for a different game to just have some good ol'fashioned fun

  • Member Posts: 5

    Who gives a crêpe about hOw ExPeRiEnCeD pLaYeRs PlAy, I just want to ENJOY the game without having to sweat harder than an Egyptian building the pyramids. I want the "bb-gun" so I can have casual fun with it, without having to learn for eons on how to stop god loops and other exploits that survivors conveniently use

  • Member Posts: 5,304
  • Member Posts: 5,304

    see learn how experienced players play.....I'm playing killer they playing Survivor it different game for them.survivor have big advance over killers throw in voice chat what have i learn? to hate playing killer side.

  • Member Posts: 140
    edited February 2020

    Literally next update. They announced they were changing matchmaking with the next chapter a long time ago. And it kind of triggers me that no one else mentioned it. After the chains if hate comes out rank won't matter for matchmaking because they are switching to what is in essence an elo system that works behind the scenes.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Don't worry, guys. Hiding the ranks will fix everything.

  • Member Posts: 221

    This happens with rank 1 killers vs rank 10 survivor too..

  • Member Posts: 581

    That's just the way it is man. I was going for Adept Wraith in the first pic. As long as they aren't being toxic and trolling,watch what they do. I'm definitely improving. Crappy response or not. There's a severe lack of killers,for many reasons, if you look around the forums. If it wasn't like that people would complain about the queue times. It's the perfect example of being between a rock and a hard place.

    Also not all red ranks are even all that good. Might have more game time,but they aren't necessarily some God tier player or streamer lol. I know it sucks for the new guys. I'm not a high skill player,and I'm disabled. The only fixes they have aren't good ones. They can hide the rank,which I've heard talk of...I suppose they could make you wait a half hour to find players of the same rank...or they make an entirely new system,that will take time,and most likely get abused like it does on every other game.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Still amazed by people complaining about this, when the devs themselves said it means nothing. It only means you've played a lot during that specific month. Unless you just bought the game I don't see this complaint being valid anymore.

  • Member Posts: 634

    I might be wrong or missing something, but aren't you like level 1000? Which means you have probably thousands of hours in the game? I get the matchmaking is trash, but why are you at those ranks?

  • Member Posts: 198

    Can you just let em use Noed? And playing against 4 red ranks as a green, is not going to make you better.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    They'll hide rank from end game screen soon. Apparently that fixes everything

  • Member Posts: 63

    Did you just skip over half of what I said? "not gonna tell you how you should play."

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Life is not fair, yes.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Yup, exactly this. Just complain about everything non-stop.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    which one?the clown screenshot from steam and my computer sucks so i don't play killer much other then doing daily s and on ps4 i haven't really tried this month and it's alot harder rank up highest killer rank is 8 or 7.

  • Member Posts: 209

    Sure you will technically get better but it isnt fun to do I dont wanna have to train for my past time. Saying it will make you better is a non argument. Plus no matter how good you get this game killers will always be at a disadvantage even some of the best killers in the game lose to some bs #########, this game is hardly skill based anymore, it's all just map and pallet rng which is mostly in favor of survivor

  • Member Posts: 797

    "we're doing a pretty good job"

  • Member Posts: 807

    I know the matchmaking is a giant horses ass, but at the same time, think of it as a learning experience. If you start to pick up on what these survivors do, you will also pick up on counters to these habits. Most survivors play exactly the same. The outliers are the ones who just hold W, and juke you without even knowing it.

    That's even if these red rank survivors are even good; and nobody here can sit here with a straight face and say that for survivor, red rank means skill in any way; because it doesn't. Rank is a participation trophy for survivors. You can literally rank up as survivor and be in a coma at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Lack of killers

  • Member Posts: 68

    Hey they'll fix it by hiding the ranks so don't worry about it my guy

  • Member Posts: 41

    I signed in just so I could upvote this. To all my Killer mains out there, do what makes YOU happy. Make the survivors SUFFER if that's what you want! Personally, I don't need NOED to do well or even 4k sometimes, but I take it anyways just to punish the gen rushers and maybe teach them a lesson.

  • Member Posts: 225

    Matchmaking is borked for a while now

  • Member Posts: 16

    That is quite contradictory and hypocritical. "Also not gonna tell you how you should play" and yet you proceed to tell him how to play by deleting NOED from their perk roster. Before you even accuse me of not reading your full comment trust me I did and it still makes little sense as you contradict yourself in seconds.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Lmao must be a guilty NOED user. Come on! Don't even deny it.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Ok I use NOED ocasionally. And? I'm honest unlike you. Your just mad cause I called you out for the hypocrite you are. It's really cute you gotta resort to using playground level insults cause your mad. 😋

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