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Which specific thing makes you rage?

When a teammate unhooks me... he was being Chased by Bubba... He had no BT... I don't use DS...

I don't "rage", but I do get mad and shout in the inside


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  • Member Posts: 7,669

    as a survivor?

    my teammates being utterly useless, killing me (i just went from almost rank 2 to almost rank 5 in a day cause my team were so bad they just got nothing done other than me killed - or they just insta quit)

    as a killer?

    genrush. like, any time i see a totem still standing after the 5th gen popped as killer i wish i had NOED equipped. or when they ust dont heal or do anything but unhooks and gens. seriously, that kind of gameplay is super boring for both of us, why do so many have to play that way? -.-

  • Member Posts: 693

    Flashlight saves while looking at a wall and body blocking both send me right off the deep end.

  • Member Posts: 2,948
  • Member Posts: 1,201

    The only thing that makes me rage is a killer who takes advantage of the broken camp and slug and tunnel and mori mechanics. So I rage all day. Slugging and camping is not a strat slugging and camping is a cop out.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    Crab bucket survivors. Like bruh I had a plan, now we're both screwed.

  • Member Posts: 536

    2 things, Aim dressing correcting my swing and making me miss, and OoO SWF.

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  • Member Posts: 74

    Survivors blocking other survivors from being picked up after being downed. It's always the really clever ones who know how to run around in circles and avoid getting hit, so I just get kinda bullied and have to leave it or accept making myself look like a fool tryna do anything. I don't rage, but when things like that happen, it does irritate me.

    Lemme kill!! :(

  • Member Posts: 425

    Being endlessly looped and getting no kills by the end because some stages are meant to watch killers burn.

  • Member Posts: 278

    When I got the survivors right where I want them. Then make a stupid play that causes the survivors to regain control. Typically a miss hit or I mind game myself.

  • Member Posts: 1,503
    edited February 2020

    People who just sit at pallets and throw it down the second I get near. Like, yeah, they wasted a pallet, but wow, I’m sure it took so much skill to sit absolutely motionless and press the space bar the second anything puts you in danger. Now I have to break it because this pallet is cancer-causing in how safe it is and you get to artificially extend the chase for a minimum of fifteen extra seconds by holding Shift+W. Thanks, fam, really interactive gameplay you got going on here.

    Basically half of why I play Oni and Demo; they have the potential to absolutely yeet on this type of player.

  • Member Posts: 377

    As survivor, the killer camping and slugging me for the entirety of the game just because I looped them- no toxicity, I promise.

    As killer, I get OoO SWF fairly commonly, maybe one every 30 games or so.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Surivivor: Getting dedicated... especially amazing at windows.

    Killer: -

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Nothing, i view the game as just that.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I dont really rage, more like thinking to myself "you gotta be kidding me..."

    As survivor major incompetence/extremely selfish behaviour, for example being chased to the killer and running towards a hooked teammate, you are either very bad and you are going to get the poor guy tunneled or extremely selfish and you are using an unhooked person to get the killer out of your back. I also dislike when people go over altruistic to save me and gift the killer extra sacrifices, especially if the killer doesnt deserve it and/or is using stuff like NOED, facecamping Leatherfaces etc, just get out of the trial and forget about me (or at least cleanse the NOED first).

    As killer I dont think anything has ever make me annoyed.

  • Member Posts: 8,223


    "We want to rework him to make him more fun to play against." = TOTAL FAIL

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    When survivors Cleanse at fountains while I'm playing as Plague. My whole build is made around the concept that they "WON'T CLEANSE", and by doing so, they don't necessarily get much benefit, but they also kinda screw over what I'm going for. Freaking survivors man... one moment they are too afraid to give me ranged damage, the next they are too confident in their skills to avoid it. It's so frustrating to build expecting survivors to do one thing, and then have them do something else entirely! Can't survivors just agree... You don't cleanse against Plague (at least until the next update anyways)?

  • Member Posts: 464

    Killers in general basically.

  • Member Posts: 693

    Guessing you use Thanataphobia, Save the best, and Stridor? I look at cleansing like a gift. Allows me to machine gun you down at range. Only thing I hate are the creepy whispers.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited February 2020

    NOPE! Thana, DL, PGTW, Surge! The concept being that if the survivors don't cleanse then Thana + DL stack to significantly slow gens, while Surge and Pop take chunks off of gen progress that take significantly longer to repair with the DL + Thana combo. For example: 4 stacks of DL + Full Thana makes Surge's 8% damage take 13 seconds to repair in comparison to the normal 6.5 seconds. Being Plague, survivors get no advantage from DL, and Surge activates almost every time you knock a survivor down. The build relies on their refusal to cleanse, as it makes chases take half as long, and sets off Surge almost every time its available. Pairing that with the Gen repair speed slowdown is what makes it shine as a tried and true build, but that slowdown is significantly reduced in potency if they decide to start cleansing. Don't get me wrong, Cleansing is still crazy beneficial with Plague gaining ranged damage, but when it comes to Ranged damage vs. slower gen repair speed... It's no contest as to which proves better in the long run.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Come on Boss, I meant moments that make you think "damn it..." you know? Maybe I missguided it by writing "rage"?

  • Member Posts: 835

    Mostly my team mates, rarely killer.

    I must say that after people started doing the key challenge the life of solo survivor has become much worse.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Pretty much this...

    As a survivor: Teammates bringing any killer to me and then unhooking me, Bubba is the worst though. Or even better, a chased survivor bringing the killer over to my hook while another guy is unhooking me. It feels just like they want to get rid of the killer and get them on me...

    As a killer: A flashlight clicking, teabagging survivor that runs after me anywhere I go and then, when they eventually die, complains in post game chat that I tunneled them...

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    For me, yes, those are very different.

    Missing lunges sometimes makes me think that.

  • Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2020

    When I try to run forward, but instead of pressing W I press Q and stay still + get downed. Also spirit with Stridor makes me want to cry

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    I don't even get mad at this game anymore.

    I just die inside a little more when a survivor crouches up to me and I die on first hook two seconds before they get there.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    What makes me rage.

    The devs making my job as killer harder than it needs to be. Then the survivors who ignore my plight because I am a killer. Instead of offering sound advice or acknowledging when something is unbalanced they mindlessly say "Adapt" or "just apply pressure"

  • Member Posts: 209

    Keys, moris, ds, bt, and noed, exhaustion perks, certain maps, and bugs. Before someone asks why I play the game when I hate so much of it, I dont anymore I just stroll the forums for some entertainment and to see if bhvr ever makes the game more enjoyable to me. And not it's not their responsibility to make the game fun for me alone but I'm not gonna play it otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    I rage when i see an OoO in my match.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    - Run We'll Make It

    - Save teammate while other teammate is in chase

    - Saved teammate runs as far away as possible, to a corner, to self heal.

    Like, you SEE THE ######### BUFF. LET ME TOUCH YOU.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    "Huh, I'm going to take off DS this round..."

    *Match Starts*

    *Camping Hag*

    "I've made a huge mistake."

    Not all hags are campers, but the ones that are only ever show up when I take off DS.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    I mean, at least you don't just passively gain madness now, and can snap to tier 1, right?

    But fr, hes still just as much as an ######### as he was before. Shock follow, down, shock, hook, shock shock, follow new, shock. Scream, follow, scream shock, scream, shock scream shock.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    When you miss a hit because of autoaim.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    No as killer. It ruins my stealthy m&a + nurses calling.

  • Member Posts: 1,243
    edited March 2020

    When a survivor finds a key in a chest and the last 2 escape.

    Ridiculous to just have a 10-15 min match lost because of RNG nonsense. No serious game would ever have such a silly mechanic

  • Member Posts: 332
    edited March 2020

    For killer:

    Seeing literally like 5 pallets or so spawn with barely any distance from each other, dooming me to being looped to death with no hope to defeat the gen rush no matter what mad mind games I play.

    Chest high loops. Literally nothing you can do in most cases/killers but loop and 3 loops is enough to get a gen done a singificant amount.

    Seeing a survivor do NOTHING...I meant it...nothing...but loop. It's boring. No chase. Just loop. You can feel the next 6 minutes of the game be literally just you mindlessly retreading old ground. I normally get stunned just because I zone out from boredom.

    Hook exploits...I don't exactly rage. But no. I ain't letting someone have a free unhook for breaking the game. I will suffer the point loss and camp until I can grab 'em.

    For Survivor:

    Unhooked after the killer barely got any time to make distance.

    Unhooked by a survivor who leaves me to myself where the killer is either approaching.

    Unhooked and no attempt to help me heal or body block is done.

    Having another survivor block me at a door, window or pallet.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    When im on struggle and the Meg decides that keeping their sprint burst is more important than me -_-

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Im impressed you didn't say a one liner like you do in my posts like yes, no or maybe xd

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2020

    Passive madness wasn't even the most annoying thing about Doc. The literally didn't address any of the REAL annoying stuff he does...

    1. Snap Out before Mending. Yea I love going down from DW because I can't do anything about it. Totally fair.
    2. Can't heal slugs. Two survivors left = free 4k. Just slug one and shock the other. You win. Against any other killer survivors can recover, even if the chance is slim. You have 0 chance to do this against Doc, first because Madness blocks healing and second because you're never going to get away from him to Snap Out.
    3. He can stop you from vaulting, which is entirely connection dependent. Why he can't just make you slow vault is beyond me. Freddy and Clown do this and they are incredibly strong in a chase because of it.
    4. Constantly screaming to give away your position.
    5. Illusionary Doctors also constantly give away your position.
    6. Red Stain add-on makes you even MORE visible. Like does he need all this tracking BS? Just let him see auras 24/7 already.
    7. More annoying skill checks. "Let's take the LEAST FUN thing about survivor and make it worse."

    None of this stuff was addressed at all. Some of it was (or is getting) buffed.

    But yea, no passive madness anymore. He's so much more fun to play against now. /s

  • Member Posts: 849

    If you mean rage 100% of the time without fail? EZ Iri Heads Huntress... As a huntress main this hurts my soul to its very core.

  • Member Posts: 351

    I rage at myself when I make dumb looping mistakes, knowing Ive made the same mistake a billion times before and told myself "that'll never happen again."

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    But only if you die cause of it, damn... I get the feeling

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Hitboxes and a camping/tunneling killer.

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