Low rank survivor rant!

This has probably been mentioned lots but I am one of those fewer players that prefer playing survivor (ok its cos im rubbish at killer) but I will be glad to get up to at least rank 15.

I am not a bad player, though still new. I am rank 17 but I am suffering a lot from dying on my first hook so getting annoyed with low rank survivors not even trying to come for the save.
Normally they may not try because of killer camping, but It is happening now, even when killer has gone off on a merry hunt, there is a survivor nearby and still nothing, and thus I die on my FIRST hook!!!

If I see someone hooked and I am over halfway through a gen, I will complete and if still not saved, I will at least always try and make the save, but when no one tries to save you then GRRRRR!!

Sorry, rant over!!


  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    Actually, more people want to play survivor, fewer people want to play killer.
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Best advice I can give you is find some friends in the dbd community you can play with so that this doesn’t happen any where near as much. You can also learn from each other.
  • ShowMeUrBirb
    ShowMeUrBirb Member Posts: 63

    That's the low rank "bubble". People playing there are:
    a) smurf accounts that bully killers (usually SWF)
    b) not-so-good casual players
    c) new players that still don't understand this game good enough and maybe still are truly scared of killers

    The b) and c) players often play suboptimal, don't like risk and prefer not to meet killer (I don't blame them for that). That's it, unhooking is after all risky.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    I've been coming across some people not hanging on the hook for a little bit. Like I get it,  it seems like I'm not coming for u, but if I'm on a gen I wanna either get it completly done or atleast kinda done before I come for the save. I count to 10 and start heading that way (maybe even 15 if the gens like 95%). 

    Otherwise (if I'm playing solo) more often then not it's all 3 of us running in for the save and a random Claudette gets it and wastes time I could have been doing gens. 

    Don't get me started on if I suspect killer has BBQ&CHILI. Then I have to either A) crouch behind the gen I'm doing if it's angled right or B) do the fake out run one way and mind game another (or did I?) trick. Give me time to let the killer perimeter sweep and maybe go after someone else so I can get a safe save (and maybe a quick heal!).

    And if the killer camps some people just suicide. Which is dumb because they are basically rewarding the killer and punishing the other players. But that is neither hear nor there. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    This has probably been mentioned lots but I am one of those fewer players that prefer playing survivor (ok its cos im rubbish at killer) but I will be glad to get up to at least rank 15.

    I am not a bad player, though still new. I am rank 17 but I am suffering a lot from dying on my first hook so getting annoyed with low rank survivors not even trying to come for the save.
    Normally they may not try because of killer camping, but It is happening now, even when killer has gone off on a merry hunt, there is a survivor nearby and still nothing, and thus I die on my FIRST hook!!!

    If I see someone hooked and I am over halfway through a gen, I will complete and if still not saved, I will at least always try and make the save, but when no one tries to save you then GRRRRR!!

    Sorry, rant over!!

    You can't depip below rank 15 so you will eventually reach it 

    The higher your rank, the better your mates will be
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    If playing survivor makes you GRRRRRR than you gotta love playing Nurse!

  • Jigsawn
    Jigsawn Member Posts: 19

    Play with another person if you can, it helps a lot with this sort of thing in the lower ranks. If you see a survivor in your team that's a good team player or you have a laugh with, send them a friend request at the end of the match and ask if they want to team up.

    Another option is to keep levelling up one character and keep an eye out for a perk called Kindred in the Bloodweb. It looks like an eye. This perk shows survivor auras to each other when you are on the hook, and at max level all survivors can see each other when you're on the hook. That means you are far more likely to get saved because they can see when noone is attempting a save, it's also great for co-ordinating saves against camping killers because one person can distract whilst the other goes in for the save.