Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Now DC = suicide on hook



  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Killer gets more points because they get their BBQ stacks without baby survivors DCing :)

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    What's the killer's way to leave the game that's within the rules?

  • You’re changing the subject. The comment is in reference to survivors suiciding on the hook.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This is in direct reference to the following quote you made:

    I think if someone is in a match and they decide they don’t want to play that match anymore, that is their prerogative as long as it’s within the rules.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    devs cant stop SWF, we are 4 in the basement... bbq stacks? bruhh we are 4 in the, you cant play if WE dont want to.

    4 kills without chase is almost 9k (1 or 2 items in the bloodweb) and you lost 5 mins with us. (we dont play for bloodpoints)

    GGEZ bruh.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    It has been stated if you get body blocked into a corner for a short period of time that is not reportable/banable (ie: bubba/billy rev up chainsaw) but to body block in order to tier 3 myers that's an extended period of time generally and would be questionable. so it's the time frame for this issue. Also there is no in match functionality that allows anyone to just leave the match. how ever this idea the "killing one self on first hook is banable" is crap. why? because in match you can try to get free, OR decide not to. and in match during struggle you can decide to press the button or not. This is programmed in the game. the "leave match" button is OUT OF the match into a menu functionality thus why it was a "bannable" offense. this functionality was meant to be there for emergency purposes (can't move, can't get out of match etc) not to get out because you don't like it.

  • Gand4lf
    Gand4lf Member Posts: 13

    People still playing for points and pips?? LOL-.

    No BBQ stack if all survs are in the basement. And no, you cannot give them any sort of penalties for "trying" their 4%.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Killers are getting their BBQ stacks now. That's the only benefit to anyone. I see more killers DC now than survivors, no joke. But honestly, with the way almost every single killer tunnels above all else, why not die on first hook? I just killed myself on first hook because the killer tunneled the first person out of the game. Why waste any more of my time? IGame after game after game, the killer leaves chase with injured survivors, if they don't just facecamp, to go back and tunnel off the hook. I've literally had one game where the killer didn't camp and tunnel in probably 15 hours of playing, and they were using Devour. This game is honestly in such a sad state right now that I can't wait for this Tome to be done because then, so am I. 1,000 hours and I can't wait to stop playing.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    It’s not going to “skew” anything. Killing yourself on the hook is still a kill for the killer, no matter how you look at it. Just because someone killed themself on hook doesn’t mean the killer didn’t contribute to it or earn it.

    Blame the lousy snowflake survivor who can’t handle being found first.

  • Lewyx
    Lewyx Member Posts: 20

    For my experience most player killing themself on the hook are the first being found and hooked by the killer and that's when it really ruins the game for everyone, if this player didn't have the ability to kill himself right away the overall game would be more enjoyable, i wish everytime i queue up i shouldn't expect a potential 1v3 game.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,338
  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Hey at least the Killer gets the points for a Hook and Sacrifice.

    Before they barely get anything when someone DCs

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    actually yes I do play for points.... it's how I get things advanced on all characters

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    Anyone who has played this game for awhile knew this would change nothing. If people don't want to play the game, they are not going to. This isn't the dev's fault. The dev's didn't make people crybabies. Some people have agenda's and getting hooked first screws that agenda (Deliverance Achievement). Some people are deranking for quicker lobbies or to troll lesser players. Some people are just crybabies and felt it was their team mates fault they got caught or simply had that same killer 5 times in a row or that map 5 times in a row and don't want to be in that game. Regardless the reason, those people will find the quickest way out. The dev's can't control or punish that.

    I definitely don't agree with a "forced struggle" unless it is to eliminate button mashing. I should still have the option to not struggle and die.

    Not only that, I wish they would add to it! I wish there was a "bleed out" button. If I was left slugged or a sweaty killer was slugging for the 4K, I could just chose to "bleed out" and die. No waiting to bleed out. Laying on the ground in the game is super boring.

    If you can't legitimately kill 4 people without having to use crap tactics, you need to up your game. I die all the time as a survivor. I don't get in a twist about it.

    I will agree gen speed is super fast. But there is the unbalanced nature of SWF vs Solo and that can never be fixed unless they force lobbies into comms. Until that is done, the game can't be properly balanced. The efficiency of average experienced survivors is drastically different when they are on comms and not on comms. Only highly experienced survivors seem to have the ability to predict other survivors and almost seem like they are in comms when the really aren't. IF all 4 survivors are highly experienced. That's why you get that "they must be in a SWF" feeling, and in reality, only two were or none were. They were just that good. Zero weak link teams, especially on certain maps are almost impossible to win against.


    @OP This was obvious. This is how it is, get over it. It can't be punished.

    Forced struggle is a bad idea. You can't make people play that want to leave.

    They should add a "bleed out" button so you don't have to stay slugged.

    The game is unbalanced due to SWF vs Solo and the game can't be balanced until Solo is forced into comms (or at least the option to join them or mute them)

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    They can't do that. You can not force people to play your game. DC penalties are one thing, but if you want out and do it within the confines of the game mechanics, they can NOT take that away from you. You make the game feel like its holding you hostage, people will leave.

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    punishment for anything survivor related? 😂 I think not. You guys are lucky to have a player base still. I don’t understand how people enjoy playing survivor when it can just be another case of undetectable one hitting killers that come around tight corners. That needs to be gone, Mori needs to be gone. It kinda ruins the game. I want my 3 hook chances and the number of gens are built around that. The game is Built around finding other people without tunneling or camping. Play hide and seek someone else. Death can come too swift sometimes and it’s not really fun that way. A nice chunk of points is lost if we die too quick so why is that a thing? While killers reap the points? Get the f outta here

  • BulletsNonstop
    BulletsNonstop Member Posts: 364

    I think killers need to get deducted points for tunneling and camping. It’s just really not that serious that these people watch gens fly and here I am running around with the guy that’s supposed to be controlling that and keeping that from happening. Mori practically ENCOURAGES tunneling they need to remove that. Or at least put an effect on it so that points deducted or ability disabled for downing the same person twice in a row. How’s that fun for me stepping into these matches where 9 out of every 10 killers have moris? It’s ultra rare but are you really making it ultra rare?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Wow. I know there's more survivors for every killer but it just feels like they make up the majority of salt in this game.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    There are plenty of reasons to suicide on first hook. Legions super annoying add on (Frank’s mixed tape?), doctor’s iridescent king etc. I don’t enjoy being annoyed for entertainment. If behavior was a professional studio the boss would’ve told the developers they can’t introduce add ons that are super annoying with a nearly endless duration. But of course, behavior is not. They got lucky with one game and everything else they have done is hot garbage.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Here’s my counter argument, there are plenty of reasons killers want out of games early too. BNP causes three gen pops in a minute, naps that spawn with 3-4 crazy strong loops, etc but they have no “first hook death,” option they have to wait for the survivors to deem it time for the game to end.

    Killers should have some sort of concede button as well Once 3-4 gens are done, then once 5 are done they have the door already.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited March 2020

    Open the gates? People complain about 7 minute gens when they're not pressuring enough, if they don't pressure at all they can be done in 3-4. Can survivors force the killer from being able to play the game at all? No. Can the killer? Yes, once he catches them. Killers can do things to survivors that they can't do to killers as well.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You can't open the gates until the game's almost over. So they didn't leave the game; they just sat there the whole game. That's equivalent to a several-minute penalty.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Since the DQ change, I've seen more Mori's done in the games I play. I guess survivors rather give up than the alternative.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Everyone knows and no one is surprised.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2020

    There are trophies to earn for escaping hooks (Escape Artist, Not Today). You can only attempt to escape from the first hook. The only way that you are ever going to earn that trophy is if you risk suicide. You may not like it but the game is designed this way.

  • Boludosattendant
    Boludosattendant Member Posts: 71

    we just dont play with hidden offerings from killers, if you close the game before the trial starts the game gets canceled and you cant be punished for doing this (you are NOT INGAME )

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    The game is probably balanced okay for new players, its terribly unbalanced after that. I guess its kind of on all of us for tolerating the imbalance. The concede option used to be Leave Match so I don't understand either the ban or an option at some point in a match to leave the match without DCing and without the penalty. Also behavior would be adding something into the game and I fear that they would bug the ######### out of something and get around to fixing it on nevtember 20th.

    My point was making super irritating add ons is reason enough to DC. I kind of blame the killer for running the annoying add ons, but ultimately its behavior's fault for releasing these add ons in the first place.

    I guess they kind of thought that Iridescent King / Frank's Mixed Tape were psychological warfare tools. I wonder why they thought that making the user experience terrible was a good idea. And I would only say that for the developer that thought of it. The boss who was like "hmm super irritating add-ons, like psychological warfare, hmm I like it. Man I hope the killer doesn't run those add ons the one game I have to play per week, that would be annoying" should go back to waiting tables.

    I frankly thought that DCing was fair play when versing a huntress who brought iridescent head and infantry belt and an ebony mori. If you want to spend 20k on consumables and have 3 or 4 DCs you bought a safety pip and 8000 points.

    Like everyone else, I was in many games where 2 survivors DC'd with 5 gens left. At that point I didn't even try to win, just fast vault until the killer downs me and hooks me. If they killer decided to slug for the 4k (which is both pathetic and frequent) I'll just DC too. If I'm trying to get out of a spoiled match and I'm not gonna be slugged for 4 minutes.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2020

    I do this myself because sometimes I see the killer is a killer I cannot stand and would rather reque then waste my time. If i see easy mode DOC then expect me to throw myself on the hook. I also do this if I assume the killer brought a mori. If keys are to overpowered as people say so are those and I like to see a killer bring them and not get to use them. Sorry I am mean I guess.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I do not like to play against the doctor. I know when i was learning to play killer the doctor went from harder killer to use to well this is easy. I mean as the doctor you have survivors screaming giving their location away and if not that you can see your hallucinations. I mean he is a bit strong and hard to deal with.

    I know, I know if you bring calm spirit you wont yell but you never know what killer you are dealing with until it is to late. I do not blame people for killing themselves and requeing in hopes for a different killer. I know I do it once in a while when I see doctor. It depends on my mood if I am up for the challenge or just flat out am like NOPE NOT DOING THIS CRAP. It makes it even harder on levels like the Asylum or Hawkins Lab to deal with the doctor. You almost can never get out of his range. lol

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Remove that and people would just stay still which you cant handle anyway. If people give up you cant do anything to force them to play.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Not really, A survivor still has to play some before they're killed just like a killer has to, unless they run right up to you and let you kill them. That's a few minutes for survivors too. If a killer not pressuring whatsoever for 3 or 4 minutes ends the game, that's a 6 minute game max. Games can't be too short and too long at the same time, pick one.

  • Kon
    Kon Member Posts: 76

    remove the need to break your controller/space bar god spamming at struggle phase? like whats even the point of it anyways, immersion? isnt the animation just enough?

    then if they get rescued chance they might still play

    but keep kobe around since its actually a part of the gameplay as a norm and plus good chance that if they kobe theyll continue to play

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