Remove the condition to either die or kill to win. I know it sounds nuts

As surv we have this mindset that getting out is the win.

As killers we have the mindset that killing ALL is the win.

What if in order to win as survs you dont necessarily have to get out? Or for killers to win by amount of hooks rather than kills? What if, somehow, survs could still win the game even in the face of all 4 dying? This might make dying all the time more palatable.

I saw in games nothing but either 4k's or 4 outs. Rarely was there a true 2 and 2. 2 and 2 is so rare it happened in 1/20 games that i tracked. I've been keeping stats on all my games. My surv rate. Their kill rate. What was my place in getting killed. Who was the killer. What maps was used. Mori?

I think if we got away from the thinking that to win you have to either die or kill it might bring back the fun.

As a solo que knowing a "win" is getting out and having less than %3 rate is not fun. It becomes demoralizing. Especially when you see nothing but 4's all day long with a paltry 15k BP. Stats are the same for me as killer. Far too many 4's in a game meant to have 2 get out.

What if it was a points race as a team. This way if you died it would not matter as long as the team as a whole came through. This is a team game after all. Killers would have to try and prevent this, of course.


  • Lofepramine
    Lofepramine Member Posts: 175

    As a survivor, I don't mind being killed if I've done a lil bit of everything (gens, totems, being chased, unhooks).

    As for killer, I mostly try to keep people off gens, engaging everyone in chases. As long as the survivors are not a bunch of bullies, killing isn't my main objective. I often give the last one hatch or even let 2 escape if I see they're "lost" and the game would've ended too soon.

  • kawaiikannibal
    kawaiikannibal Member Posts: 74

    I think that would just turn the game into "Killer sabotaging survivor win", "killers don't try to win, they only try to make survivors lose".

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Personally, I could care less if I escape as survivor or 4k as killer. As long as I contribute to the team as survivor, or hook everyone at least once as killer, I consider my job done. At the end of the day, we all get BP anyway, so who's really losing out?

  • Big_Trash_Panda
    Big_Trash_Panda Member Posts: 72

    "Or for killers to win by amount of hooks rather than kills?"

    In that case they would more accurately be called "hookers" rather than "killers". But for now they are called killers and it assumed they are trying to kill the survivors.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    If you consider a pip as your win condition that already happens (but with some extra steps on killer) you can complete some progress to gens, rescue someone and at the very least see the Killer twice and you guaranteed your "win".

    As for Killer you have to hook a lot of people and gather about 10 hooks, close to 20 hits and not be gen rushed in 7 minutes, that way you guarantee a draw at least.