Bloody clothes customization idea.

I love the fact that they give you bloody clothes after prestiging a character, it makes me feel like I earned a trophy or metal to show off all my hard work from leveling up the character. Plus it makes it easier to blend in. But sometimes I don't always like the outfit that they give you the bloody variation for. I know it's always their basic starting outfits, but I think it would be a cool idea if they let you customize the blood variation outfits. I think after prestiging a character, you should be able to put the blood on any had headpiece, pants, tops, or weapon that you have. What do you guys think? Do you like how it is now, where would you like to be able to put blood on any of your clothing items after prestiging a character?
Best Answers
It would be pretty cool if i could choose it but i dont think it will happen. :(
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Agreed, though it may not happen I do think it’s an idea worth considering. When you prestige it feels somewhat limited on the reward. The bloody clothes are nice as well as the rarity-chance-increase, however being limited to only wear a certain bloody outfit feels so shackling if you ask me. I for one, promote this idea as the concept is rejuvenated and renowned if you ask me. The clothing options just seem so limited when restricted to the basic starting outfits. Perhaps make it available to any and all clothing items that are not in the store. Regardless, if this was to be addressed I feel that the benefits would be much more rewarding.
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They would sell a lot more if you could bloody em up after prestige
theres a huntress axe I love but im not giving up my bloody one for it
but if I could make that one bloody....
I meant to say "or would you" not "where would you" at the end there sorry about that typo.
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I wish that this was possible, like imagine how many sick outfits we could do.