What is your Favorite memory of playing DBD?



  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47

    It would have to be the first week I ever played the game, I discovered it in November 2017 when my favourite Youtuber started playing it. Just the anxiety of being in the lobby waiting for the countdown timer or even doing a gen and someone would join me, I'd be so scared I was gonna stuff up haha.

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170

    My favorite moment so far was on coldwind farm and I had just saved 2 people off hook during the EGC while getting chased by a demogorgon. He downed me at the second hook then hooked me and a random pulled off a sneak move and unhooked me immediately. I used my Sprint burst and ran towards the exit gate and he used shred to down me at the exit. When he picked me up I used decisive strike and ran out and all 4 of us escaped. All thanks to that random guy out there.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    This one im the oni and the meg gave me the picture post game. Tje gen wad 99.99999% and didnt pop, it was a 4k and 1 millisecond would have turned into a 2k. I love this picture XD

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    I was playing with my gf, I ran a ghost face for 5 gens, got caught, facecamped, then was saved by a bill with bt while ghostface was staring at the meg on the hill. Ghostface dc'd.

    There was also the time my whole swf got the achievement for a 4 man hatch escape. I almost messed it up at the end but we pulled it off

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Penultimate game for rank 1 Pig, pre-Emblems. 4K on Azarov, and the last guy was doing a hatch standoff. There was an active generator beside the hatch, and it's the only animation that the killer can cancel. So, I baited him into jumping into the hatch by doing half of the generator kick animation. I unhooked him and threw him on the hook right in front of it (and then kicked the generator for real). I still have the screenshot. :D

    As a survivor, there's so many crazy jukes I've done, but getting a Pig with three 360s in a row and escaping was pretty great. I'm not very good at them. I like hiding in plain sight, too. Iron Will has become my favorite survival perk.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,769

    Mostly my firsts. The first time I completed a gen without missing skillchecks (was horrible at em long ago); the first time all 4 in a party got out; first 4k with a killer. Things like that

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114
    edited February 2020

    Playing on stream and having McCote come in and say ''Hey we'd like to meet you next week''

    That was pretty freaking neato.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,871

    My favorite times playing this game are as a killer in Kill Your Friend matches. This game is so much more satisfying when you can hear the literal screams of your victims. Listening to them plead or bargain for their lives. Listen to them yelp in surprise when you sneak up on them. Role playing as a killer is fun too. I had a real good time role playing as Mr. Puddles. I was more or less imitating Barney. Good times.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    My first message as Myers.

    They said they were terrified. Lol

  • tea
    tea Member Posts: 140

    Me and a Nea were the last two alive in a match. I was doing gens like crazy, hiding stealthily, doing basically everything we needed to win. The Nea found the hatch and selfishly hid in a closet the entire match.

    Killer ended up finding and downing me, I crawled to the closet Nea hid in while the killer followed. He opened the closet, mori'd her in front of me and let me have the hatch. He knew the toxic Nea was being useless hiding and she was swearing and cussing at us in endgame chat. I laughed evilly as karma had its way. 😈 That's right Trapper, kill her, she doesn't deserve to live.

    Made a new friend that day too!

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    When I quit and moved back to Left 4 Dead 2.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I'd say I have two of the top of my head. The first would be the first time I got a 4k. I was ridiculously bad as a killer. Arguably still am. But it made me feel like I was starting to get a feel for the game.

    The other is more recent. I was doing one of the escape x amount of times challenges. I have the worst luck when I actually need to escape. After a few tries I decided to play as Jake, as I was leveling him up anyway.

    We get to the last gen and the killer, who hadn't found me all game finally did. We start a chase and he injures me. The final gen pops and my Adrenaline kicks in. I look down and suddenly see I'm exposed. Now I'm freaking out trying to not die while wondering why in the hell I'm exposed.

    I lead the killer on a marry chase to a door to find two David's standing there having not touched the door. So I veer back around the way I came. Lead him on an even longer chase back to the door.

    Thankfully they'd finally opened it. Only to nearly get me killed as they stood in my way. I got around them and out the door just before the killer can catch me. My heart racing, overjoyed to have finished the ridiculous challenge I go to the tally screen. To see the killer had Rancor and guess who the obsession was. That was possibly the most thrilling chase and closest call I've had.

  • yoyofrost
    yoyofrost Member Posts: 17

    Kobe into hatch escape. Unbeatable feeling

    The days of Mettle of Man + purp medkit addon. You 99& heal when you're injured. 1st hit, mettle of man activates, you heal back to healthy. 2nd hit you're injured and then you instaheal. 4th hit you're injured again. I could feel the killer's despair as he was chasing me.

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    When I get ds'd after hooking 2 other people and then they just throw pallets early till gens are done and escape through hatch with a key, fun times.

  • Ognabrandur
    Ognabrandur Member Posts: 3

    The moment I decided to stop playing DbD as it isnt fun anymore to play as killermain. Feeling great eversince. Moved to Hunt: Showdown.

  • emyung
    emyung Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2020

    My favorite momment is when I was playing as survivor, with very toxic players that kept bossing and bullying me at chat.

    I was struggling to complete the 4 gen completion challenge in 1 trial.

    So I focused on doing gens with another survivors while Oni was endagering and hooking the others. Got saved once.

    Once the gates were completed, the Oni started to slug everyone while I was opening the gate.

    Remembering on how much this toxic team were toxic with me in chat... I decided to not save them and just leave and get my challenge complete.

    Afterwards, I savored their rant in chat, laughing loud and heartly while they get toxic on after trial chat.

    I did not dare to respond to them...

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Playing on a Trapper map. The one with the two-level storehouse. Playing an SWF match with my youngest brother in the other end of the house. Killer was Pig, my main and the killer that I know how to counter best. They chase me within a loop just outside of a generator on the side of the house opposite of the top opening. Loop them for a bit and a generator pops. Go around the house and the Pig pursues.

    I 360 them ONCE the entire chase. They just DC there and then. We didn't stop laughing for 5 minutes.

    This was in the age of old Ruin too.

  • Smerin01
    Smerin01 Member Posts: 8

    Badham Preschool against iron grasp agitation trapper. I was the last one alive in the SWF and my friend had a key that I had grabbed after she died. Tried going to basement of the preschool since that's where it usually spawns. I got downed and carried to killer shack for basement had no chance of wiggling out but the hatch opened next to killer shack on the way there. Trapper got greedy, dropped me to close hatch egc triggered and my adrenaline went off and I opened the hatch right in front of him. My heart was pounding so hard and all of us were so shocked that happened.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    5 gen chase against a Nurse before she was changed.

    I felt bad afterward because she was still a baby like rank 17 or something and I must have been between 10-12 at that time. She face camped the hell out of me but at that point, I was okay with it.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    When the ruin was good. R.I.P ruin. You will be always in our perk layout

  • Kyxlect
    Kyxlect Member Posts: 230

    My favorite memory(ies) of DbD was when I first started. I loved playing Clown on Killer as my main and didn't have to rely on specific perks to play the game. I didn't know just how broken the game balance was and just enjoyed the game for what it was. Ignorance truly is bliss.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    True Infinite loops finally getting fixed after being told over and over they were balanced.

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    That time Behavior actually acknowledged the general problems frustrated killer mains had with the game, instead of only responding and listening when it's an absolutely glaring, unavoidable issue that breaks the game instead of just making it further balanced in favour of Survivors.

    ...Nope, still hasn't happened.

  • Vampirox
    Vampirox Member Posts: 411

    Double Pallet tiles, good old days of not needing to loops killers complaining about all the pallets. Now killers complaint about looping and pallets (even though pallets were nerfed already)

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  • Whiskers93
    Whiskers93 Member Posts: 95

    I got complemented on how well I played Legion when I got a 4k by one of the survivors. They said it was rare to see a good Legion. They played well themselves and I let them know that too and it was nice to have a game with mutual respect and complementing each other on how we did.

  • NecroGoatLord
    NecroGoatLord Member Posts: 34

    Aside from each time i make it out the gate it has to be my first Ace as the killer. It gave me the warm fuzzys or maybe it was residual electricity from playing as The Doctor :p