Allowing tunneling freshly unhooked survivor until they die and say it is a valid strategy is BS!

I made a single mistake early on game and got hooked in around a minute. Killer is already chasing someone, but when I got saved by another player, he immediately returned and adamantly chased me. Unfurtunately, the area where I was has too few pallets and windows are on those parallel wall where outrunning the killer is next to impossible.
I'm always playing solo and it is hard to find buddies to play here in South-Easth Asia because of language barrier. And these frickin' teammates will just unhook me then hide themselves instead of actually helping me out. Allowing tunneling freshly unhooked survivors and saying it is a valid strategy is completely bullsh*t! Camping and tunneling is rampant here in SEA from purple rank and below. I'm trying my best to stay on red rank even though I'm not supposed to be there(I'm just an average player with average skills) just to dodge these piece of cr*p killers.
Well there's your problem right there. You just said you don't deserve to be in red ranks. Well camping and tunnling happens in higher ranks that's how some killers manage to stay there. Besides your teammates seem like high rank smurfs too if they aren't running BT to help you out.
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Camping and tunneling is fine. Sometimes not the smartest strategy, but a strat nonetheless.
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That's not what tunneling is. Tunelling is specifically going after one survivor over and over, typically with the intent to get them out of the game as quickly as possible. At least from what I understand. What you described sounds more like bad teammates who unhook you but because you're bleeding and need to move quick your options to hide are limited. They need to body block for you or at least try and distract the killer. If they don't then the killer has no reason to not down someone they find and realistically they're going to find you, because, like you said. They unhook you and you're now injured and more or less alone with little chance to make any distance.
An hooked area is naturally a great place to return for a new chase. Especially if a prior chase is going poorly or getting another survivor out from hiding. A current chase is also a good lure to make people feel an unhook is safe.
Sadly, as survivor one of the few things that truly make you feel powerless is when your team mates bugger you like this. It's frustrating as hell, I feel for you even though I don't play as survivor alot. Killers may decide to mercifully down you and not hook you but that's more of a courtesy than anything. There are some perks that might help.
Iron WIll might help as it will at least make you more silent while hiding and injured. DS is an obvious one. Sprint burst may also help as well as dead hard so you at least got a CHANCE of getting some distance if you get chased again.
In terms of playstyle I'd suggest making sure that you're downing is far away from unrepaired gens. If near done gens the better or at least try to make sure you're downed somewhere with favourable loops/foilage. Killers will as a rule avoid chases near areas where multiple gens are done. The only real way to counter when a team mate leaves you to your fate after unhooking is to try nad head an area that's advantagious for you.
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I mean, sometimes I "tunnel" a character on accident because I just chase anyone I see in the unhooked area, especially if they're similar models (of if they're both hurt) or I can't see the difference between them in a hurry because of the map colour scheme (I'm colour blind and certain maps make everything hard to differentiate).
That'd not to say every killer is innocent, but sometimes, you know, it's not intentional.
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Heres the thing. A killer doesnt have the luxory of playing easy until he finds out he's going against a really good group of survivors or not. Many killers, myself included have a hard time dealing with 4 decent survivors. Eliminating 1 early takes soooo much pressure off. Makes the game bearable. You can make a mistake a recover in a 3 v 1 situation if it's early enough in the game.
It sucks for the survivor who is the "weak" link and it's something I try to avoid doing. Sometimes you just can't keep up with whats going on.
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If i tunnel or not is largely controlled by survs. If the person was particularly hard to catch or was a douche that tbagged ect, the response is a tunnel and back on the hook with a very tight proxy camp till they are dead.
If they aggressively unhook in my face, and this happens in a fair amount of games due to BT, i am not guaranteed to hit the "right" one. If i see the weakened animal that caused me a lot of trouble run towards a strong area of the map i will tunnel them and back on the hook.
I think the tome and rift are largely responsible for some really messed up games where people only play for the challenge. Stun killer 3 times with pallets. So they use all pallets on the map, get their challenge, and then screw the rest of the team since all pallets are now gone.
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Learn to sneak around, unlock Iron Will + SB/Lithe (the most demotivating perks to tunnel you, because you can make a huge distance in the middle of a chase or before a chase begin) + Lucky Bastard (to hide blood trails) + Spine Chill (it light up every time killer look in your direction and is 32m from you). Dont heal near the hook you was rescued, because it help killer easily find you. Use medkits to heal. 32 medkit charges usually is enough to survive a match. If killer is injuring you often, then just do gens and save the last heal for the end. Survivor is called survivor, because you must endure things. If you dont like it, then dont play survivor.
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Man its
Wow man it's almost like theres a perk for that called BT and DS. It's also wierd how if you have bad teammates who sand bag you your gonna have a bad time. Also strange how you call a strategy that wins games bs.
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Run DS, run BT, if you don't you are being an active hindrance to your team. It's a team game for Survivors, you lost mostly because of other players, it's part of the game and it's part of a lot of multiplayer games, get over it.
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Yes its bs, its a lost game, honestly if it happens...just stop running, get downed, get hooked and let yourself die.
Get into a new game which will hopefully go a bit better.
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Smells like brown ranks in here.
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OP you are brave to play solo survivor without DS. I would never leave home without DS.
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If it's a strat that gets you a kill then it's a strat lol it's a annoying strat yes, but it's a strat. This why why second chance perks are made, but if your someone like me, I don't like using them, because i just accept that I screwed up, but then you get hooked farmed and you wish you had second chance perks ect lol its just a screwed situational game. You have the tools to possible help you out, but if you dont want to use them, then it's just something you have to deal with, which is what I do, deal with it, because i really dont care if i escape or not lol yes it's annoying to be hooked farmed or tunnled, but I cant control how other players want to play. So I just look at my screen and call them a bad word to the screen and move on 😂
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so is DS and borrowed time which force the killer to tunnel/camp and those have been buffed considerably so I don't even know why you made this post
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Don’t go to red ranks. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in red ranks and my god is it not fun.
sweaty killers and non-stop tunneling or camping. Purple ranks is the sweet spot. People generally aren’t SUPER potato, and aren’t super sweaty.
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Anyone find it funny how this person didn’t phrase the complaint as “Allowing survivor teammates to farm a freshly hooked.....” good god entitled survivors who the devs cater to. I’d imagine this was one who couldn’t hit skill checks and contributed to the downfall of ruin. Natural selection needs to be let loose in this game for about a month lol
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Tunneling sucks. However, that doesn't mean it isn't a legit strategy. The thing about tunneling is survivors are the reason it's a legit strategy. The majority of survivors are either unwilling to wait until it's safe to unhook or lack the sense necessary to know when it's safe to unhook. The bottom line is an unsafe hook removal results in a negative towards accomplishing objectives.
The unhooked survivor is likely going to get downed again without doing anything, and the survivor that unhooked them wasted time they could have been working towards objectives.
It may sound harsh, but there are times when the best play for the team is to leave a survivor on the hook until it's safe to unhook them, or at the very least wait until they are close to dying if the killer won't get far enough away. That allows the other survivors to actually work towards goals instead of having 2 (the hooked and the unhooker) that got nothing accomplished because an unsafe hook removal.
As a survivor main I HATE being tunneled. I have just realized I can't be upset with a killer about it because it's the survivors on my team that made it possible.
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I just run ds and ignore complaining about “second chance perks”
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The hell are you on about I was saying that if you keep getting tunneled there are already anti tunneling perks and that if you have bad teammates your gonna lose anyways
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This game is supposed to be "frustrating"...
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Get decisive strike, problem solved.